My childhood friend, a natural blond who just happens to own a transmission shop, told me this one awhile ago. Two girlfriends, a natural blond and a brunette, were having lunch at their favorite bistro. After catching up with each others lives, the brunette asked what sort of auto she was driving lately. The blonde replied" It's a nice car , no rust or dents, but has over 150 thousand miles on it. " "I can't seem to sell it" "Well, said the brunette, here is Mikes' number, he can help with your problem." They agreed to meet again in one month and departed. A month later they are having lunch and the brunette spoke up and asked if she had met up with Mike." Of course I did, he was so nice and helpful" "That's great, beamed the brunette, "so you sold your car?'" Why would I, retorted the blonde, it only has 50 thousand miles on it!"