AH legend
Guys this is a question that seems to have no easy answer.I dont care about the sci score and did not say I am just worried about inches.I may stalk a kudu get there and never ask how big and shoot just because I like the way it looks.The kudu I took with jacques we did not get to get a good look at as he tried to run out the back door as we waited.He looked good running up the hill so I took him.That was all about the hunt and how it worked out.I could not be happier with that kudu.I am trying to figure out what is fair of you to ask your ph as to guessing size.I have sizes in my mind and would like to hunt that quality of animal but i will still be hunting.My example of a 58" kudu that ends up being 53" is a 5" difference is that ok in most people eyes.Everyone may have there own ideas on this and that is what I am trying to find out.