There's a difference between 'approval/clear' and 'processing'. If you reread my initial post I said 'processed by an approved taxidermist'. The skin you bring back will be cleaned and boraxed, but not processed per USDA standards. It's similar to Dip/pack and warthogs/primates from Africa. Sorry if I wasn't clearer on that.
As I understand it, when I come back through DFW with my Gould's, the USDA official at DFW will inspect the skins and give approval for import. Then you'll fill out a form 3-177. On that form you list which taxidermist/facility is receiving the cape/skins. (The majority of approved facilities are taxidermists - reason for saying that). The final step is to get the cape/skins to the taxidermist listed on the form. As I already mentioned, USDA will follow up with that taxidermist to see if they received or not. That's what a friend had to do with Ocellated taken a few years back.
That turkey way of mounting turkeys with the frame is pretty neat but I'm probably going to do a bust mount.
By the way, who are you hunting with?
Edit - I see Gizmo has posted since I started typing this...But since I went through the effort, I'm going to post anyway. LMFAO.