This is a somewhat dated thread, but I'll add my two cents.
I served a career in the Navy and am now civilian DoD, continuing the work I did while on active duty. He and his minions are disassembling much of our national security apparatus. In many ways, it's back to the Clinton years, but on steroids.
But at least the damage done by Clinton and his cronies were accompanied by our budget being brought under control. NO credit for this belongs to the Democrats, of course, and Clinton should get little credit, because it was only after the Gingrich revolution of 1994, when Clinton pissed off the American people immediately after taking office by jacking everyone's taxes up, that he lost control of both houses of Congress and fiscal responsibility was shoved down his throat. While the left, including the main stream media, continues to claim credit for a balanced budget and blaming Bush for the crisis, the truth is, Clinton's projected budgets, with the Democrats running Congress, had record deficits going all the way through 2002, two years after he would have had to leave office. It was only when the Conservative House under Newt Gingrich forced him to come to terms with his outrageous spending, even while he butchered our military, that things were brought under control.
And by the way, it took a SHUTTING DOWN of the federal goverment to accomplish this.
Also, most of the problems which brought about the financial melt down were accomplished in 1994 under the Democrats. Shame on the Republicans for not fixing it. They tried, ran into resistance by the Democrats, and then gave up. Shame on them for allowing the minority party to dictate policy!
The problem this time around is the foolish American people left the Senate in the hands of the Democrats, and either reelected or put in several new RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who are screwing up our chances of actually getting things under control this time.
I work for the federal government, and it will be bad for me if the government has to shut down because I'm likely to be furloughed without pay. I don't want that to happen.... and it will certainly put a dent in my budget for planning my Africa hunt, but you know what? Certain things take priority, and if that's what it's going to have to take to wake people up to FORCE Congress to take action to get our house in order, then so be it!
Don't tell my wife I'm saying this, she gets very upset with me when I tell her this. But I'm serious. I'm not so selfish as to think the world revolves around me. We conservatives, wherever we are, need to stick together and force some discipline. What the USA needs is some adult leadership, and right now, it's only coming from a few strong personalities in the House.
For the LIFE of me I cannot see how people can be so stupid and/or so corrupt as to keep electing the likes of Barney Franks, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Dick (the turban) Durbin, etc., etc. These people are unfit to hold office and ought to be sent packing ASAP.
And Obama is the worst of them. The man is singularly unqualified to be president. ZERO management experience let alone executive management experience. ZERO qualifications of any sort. His only claim to fame is being a polished public speaker. But even THAT is only when he has his teleprompters in front of him. SERIOUSLY! Get him off his practiced message and he fumbles about like a confused puppy. George W. Bush was not a polished speaker, although he could do fairly well with a speach in front of him. But he at least had management/executive management experience. His legacy is a mixed bag of good and bad decisions, but at least the man wasn't a raving socialist bent on destroying the very foundations of our society.
This current administration is the worst of the worst. With only a handful of exceptions, his political appointees are the WHO'S WHO of the anti-American radical left, bent on laying our society to waste so when they're kicked out of office, there will be no way to put things back together again.
Make no mistake about it. They hate everything about this country and want to create a new society. Obama said it time and time again if only the masses would have had their craniums out of their rectal cavities long enough to hear it!
He said he planned to bring "fundamental change to America!" Well, he did. It's called bankruptcy, unilateral disarmament, and utter chaos!
Now, I'll get off my soapbox....