I don’t know a single reputable firearms instructor that teaches defense type classes that would agree with that statement…
Based on the OPs original requirement for the firearm to also be a coyote and raccoon engagement device, and the fact that he already owns the O/U, his O/U might be the best solution for his situation…
But if the purpose was to have the best home defense firearm, “any” shotgun would quite literally be close to, if not on the absolute bottom of the list of options most folks that have been in close quarters gunfights would recommend..
Start talking a combat style shotgun,for some situations a scattergun would move up the list a bit (still nowhere near the top)…
But a single shot H&R 12 gauge, 28” bbl O/U, your typical “duck” shotgun, etc are all going to be sitting pretty close to the .22 pistol on the list of preferred self defense weapons (for very different reasons)…
All better than a sharp stick..
But I the throes of a fight for your life…not a whole lot better…