Now Air Emirates?

SAA also refuses to fly them now...
How am I not surprised Jaco!
I wrote a letter of thanks to Delta airlines for continuing to transport legally hunted sporting trophies. Today I received a "generic" e mail thanking me for "letting them know" they were continuing this practice. Guess it's better than no acknowledgement at all.
... They have deep pockets and powerful lawyers...

Its amazing how much money is available for pushing an agenda when none goes to the "victims" you are "representing".
Make no mistake about it, the anti-hunters have all the angles figured out. Plus they outnumber us.

No they don't. Non-hunters do but not antis, they just sound like it...
No they don't. Non-hunters do but not antis, they just sound like it...

I left the country life for the city and yes the anti's outnumber us, but most are lazy and that is our only advantage. And plenty of them have TONS OF MONEY TO WASTE.
In the big number perhaps they have some cash to spend on them anti hunting propaganda, but its individuals and it's a fraction if you compare what the hunting industry turnover on a yearly basis.

I don't know if you guys watch the CNN news this morning regarding the black rhino hunt in Namibia ? The CNN panel put on a "animal right activist" to speak for at least 7-8 minutes worldwide how bad and unethical hunting is, even the TV host pronounce the word "hunting" like she had something bad in her month !!

They did not even care to let anyone with wildlife management knowledge speaking, only this "animal right activist" was allowed to speaking right out to millions of people, and in the end the CNN panel was thank him very much !

I think that some of you American gents would do a big thing for future hunting, if you took 5 minutes of your time and write a email to CNN a.s.a.p

I will also do that, even on my Africaan/English :)

We must keep together now, its very, very windy out there !!!
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CNN could care less Gordon, I'm just saying. They play that crap everywhere....and no one does anything about it....therefore it must be the truth.

I know you are good guy, I work in the health care field and very few times do I see hunters portrayed as conservationist. They are heartless killers, with mental problems to most people
Yes that's probably the opinion from city people with zero knowledge of the subject, down here in Africa the only ones that screaming highest against hunting is some left-wing vegans from Germany or even more often some city people from NYC or Washington that most of them have pathetic enough never visit Africa....

SCI should should get involved, they have enough financial power and also a large contactnet to provide genuine information to the world via media, unfortunately it looks like they don't care !

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt