I can’t issue a word of warning strongly enough against this practice. These bullets were not designed for elephant hunting. They were designed for departing shots on Cape buffalo & such. That’s why they’re engineered to rivet. They’re only ”Solids“ by name.
Remember that for elephant hunting, expansion is your enemy. Any degree of expansion whatsoever. So be smart, be safe & be responsible. Use proper solids for elephant hunting. Like Northfork’s very own flat point solid which they specifically designed for this purpose. My other favorites (based upon what is available on the current market) are:
-Cutting Edge Bullets Safari Solids
-DZOMBO Mark 6
-Rhino Solids
-Wim Degol Vor Mantel
The first four on the list are monometal brass with flat meplats. The last one is a bonded lead core heavy tombac jacketed blunt nose variant. But still extremely strongly constructed with brilliant straight line penetration.
In the past (when they were available), other favorite designs of mine included:
-Swift Break Away Solids
-Woodleigh Hydrostatically Stabilized Solids
-Woodleigh Round Nosed Steel Jacketed FMJ Solids
The 1980s era Hornady round nosed steel jacketed FMJ solids were excellent. As were the pre 2011 Barnes Banded Solids with the older style flat nose.
P.S: Yes, I know. There have been documented cases of hunters successfully using Northfork Cup Point Solids to down elephants via lung shots or side brain shots on cow elephants. But they’re far from ideal for the job. Remember Murphy's Law: If something bad can happen, it will. For dangerous game hunting (esp. elephants), you must pick a bullet that will work properly in worst case scenarios where everything goes wrong. Not best case scenarios where everything goes right. When picking the most app tools for the hunt, it's essential to try & have as many factors in your control as possible. Because once you're out there in the field, there's going to be plenty of factors which you can't control.