I still haven't pulled the trigger on a nilgai hunt. Even though I originally posted this thread, and thought I'd have been on my way long before this, it hasn't happened. Yet. A couple of life things got in the way, but there are others things too. I have had a tough time getting an operator that is happy with my weapon choice. A .62 flintlock. But I now have one that is OK with it. Also, the cost. $5995 for two days. With travel, license, meat prep etc looking at about $9K........$4500/day. It isn't that I can't afford it, but it is really a choice about what else I COULD do instead. At 4 grand a day a man can hunt bull elephant. Anyway, another man has tentatively agreed to take some firearms in trade for a meat hunt. Not sure yet if this will work out......and Lord knows I have more than I need (firearms that is). So does anyone have a suggestion about non-hunting outdoor adventures to extend the stay in Texas at a reasonable cost? Fishing? Is there any fresh water in Texas? .......FWB