Wow, I didn't expect all that. I want to thank everyone for responding and being so helpful, I hope this is the right place to write that. My husband took care of so much that even getting on the internet is new and frightening.HI I'm Rebecca from Flagstaff AZ. I was searching for ways to sell my Husband's hunting gear; I ended up here. He passed away a few years ago and he loved to hunt Elk in our area. I was the bird watcher in the family.
I struggle with using the internet and navigating web sites. we didn't have kids, therefore I had no one to teach me about computers. Anyway, here I am, and I'll learn about this website slowly but surely.
Well I hope everyone gets to see this or maybe I need to reply to each message individually?
Another question while I'm at it; does Camping gear like tents etc, sell on this site?