New Stanford Univ Covid Related Mask Study

Red Leg

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Stanford University just released a peer reviewed study through the National Center for Biotechnical Information (NCBI) that is pretty definitive concerning the facemask lunacy. Apparently, posting a link to it is enough to get people suspended from several of the social media sites.

The NCBI study begins with the following abstract:

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making.

The study concludes (emphasis added):

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

Clearly, the reasoning behind maintaining the mask charade is truly political rather than "scientific." Following the science would allow people to quickly get back to normal. It would undermine the progressive political strategy of cloaking a socialist spending binge and democrat party enhancing government revolution in pandemic hysteria. It is unlikely they would be able to maintain any legislative momentum if their acolytes suddenly realized wearing the badge of virtue was useless - much less that they may have been played for the last year plus.

Social media and MSM will do everything in their considerable power to insure this study never sees the light of day.

Masks and Stopping COVID​

What the science - lots of science – really tells us.

(1) SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated, purified, and extracted in accordance with the scientific method that has long been in place for isolating, purifying, and extracting other viruses (like bacteriophages and “giant viruses”), and neither has the scientific method been observed with respect to establishing whether this virus is in fact the cause of a disease called “COVID-19.”

(2) The explosion of COVID “cases” is an illusion generated by a combination of two things: (a) the redefining of a “case” from meaning “infection in need of medical attention”—which is how it was defined in the pre-COVID era—to meaning “anyone who is presumed to have, or to have had, COVID and/or anyone who tests positive for COVID” plus (b) an intrinsically limited PCR test that is deliberately run at a number of cycles guaranteed to produce a tsunami of false-positives.

The official case numbers, in other words, are meaningless.

(3) People are getting sick and dying from all manner of things from which people get sick and die each and every year. Only throughout this past year, these causes of sickness and death have been repackaged as COVID sickness and death.

In this essay, we will revisit the topic of masks. I’ve already written about the psychological, moral, and social costs of mask-wearing. Here, I will focus specifically on the science—or lack of science—behind it.

Scientists recognize that the RCT—Randomized Control Trial—is the “gold standard” as far as “effectiveness research” is concerned. Drs. Eduardo Hariton and Joseph J. Locasio explain that randomization “reduces bias” while providing “a rigorous tool” by which “to examine cause-effect relationships between an intervention and outcome.” RCTs eliminate the risk of confirmation bias, something that is “not possible with any other study design” (emphases added).

This is critical for our purposes, for the largest study of the effectiveness of mask-wearing by the general public to thwart the transmission of COVID utilized not one, not two, not three, but a staggering 14 randomized control trials.

The study was performed at the University of Hong Kong. What Dr. Jingyi Xiao and her team of researchers there concluded will doubtless be written off as the stuff of “conspiracy theorists” by Mask Nation. So be it. But those on the editorial board of Emerging Infectious Diseases, the widely esteemed journal of none other than the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), determined that the findings were worth publishing.

The verdict: Masks are ineffective.

“We found no significant reduction in influenza transmission with the use of face masks. There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure.”

To reiterate:

“Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory confirmed influenza.”

A Danish randomized control trial of 6,000 participants arrived at the same conclusion: “The recommendation to wear surgical masks…did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers [.]”

An even larger RTC of 8,000 participants found that “facemask use did not seem to be effective against laboratory-confirmed viral respiratory infections nor against clinical respiratory infection [.]”

Just a month ago as of this writing, the European Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) acknowledged precisely the point on which the findings of these other studies converge: Masks, particularly as worn by the general public, have no statistically significant effect upon the transmission of virus and disease. It is worth looking carefully at its remarks.

First, the ECDC affirms that the role of face masks vis-à-vis slowing the spread of COVID “remains an issue of debate.” This is noteworthy, for even though all of the best, the real, the non-politicized science points inexorably to the uselessness of face masks, at least the folks at the ECDC, who do in fact know a bit more about science than the self-styled guardians of the Narrative among the vulgar who are forever swearing that “the science is settled,” concede that the science is anything but what Mask Nation insists it is.

Second, the ECDC also acknowledges that up until the COVID era, all studies assessing the effectiveness of face mask use by the public “came from studies on influenza,” and all such studies turned up “little evidence to support their use.”

Before proceeding, we should think about this for a moment. Presumably, scientists know that there is no scientific evidence that face mask use helped to slow, much less arrest, the transmission of influenza. If, though, we are now expected to believe that face mask use will arrest the transmission of COVID, wouldn’t this be a tacit admission that the flu is a larger threat to public health than COVID? And if this is correct, then what science could possibly justify responding to COVID as if it is the Apocalypse while living life each and every year in the face of a more formidable flu?

But let’s move on, for the ECDC, albeit coyly, admits that neither is there evidence that face mask use helps stop the spread of COVID. While stating that the “evidence regarding the effectiveness of medical face masks for the prevention of COVID-19 in the community is compatible with a small to moderate protective effect,” this remark is immediately qualified by its admission that “there are still significant uncertainties about the size of this effect.”

Moreover: “Evidence for the effectiveness of non-medical face masks, face shields/visors and respirators in the community is scarce and of very low certainty” (emphases added).

Translation: There is no real or substantial evidence that masks are of any effect.

The authors of a review of studies on face masks published last year by the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine determined that there is no evidence indicating the effectiveness of cloth masks when it comes to COVID. They lament how the “abandonment of the scientific modus operandi and lack of foresight has left the field [of science] wide open for the play of opinions, radical views and political influence.”

The authors, one an epidemiologist, the other a professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford, do note that all randomized control trials that have been conducted over the last decade or so have demonstrated that “masks alone have no significant effect in interrupting the spread of ILI [Influenza-Like-Illness] or influenza” in neither “the general population…nor in healthcare workers” (emphases added).

We could continue in this same repetitive vein. Readers who are interested in pursuing this topic further can check out this piece of mine from October of last year. I review still other studies there, including remarks from such media-adored “Experts” as Anthony Fauci that dovetail seamlessly with these findings on the essential uselessness of masks with respect to COVID. More research confirming these findings are here, here, here, here, and here. Neither have we yet touched upon the numerous studies showing that countries and states with mask mandates did no better and, in some instances, worse than those places that had no such mandates. Nor have we looked at those studies demonstrating that those who faithfully wore masks were not less likely to contract COVID than those who did not wear masks, with some of these—like this one from the CDC—showing that most people who became infected with COVID wore a mask “always” or “often.”

The science, it should now be obvious, does not support Mask dogma.
Thank you gents for this post.
This is further confirmation of what a little bit of research showed me at the beginning of the Covid 19 Virus fraud. That information was available to anyone with a bit of curiosity, access to a library or the Internet, AND the ability to read.
Stanford University just released a peer reviewed study through the National Center for Biotechnical Information (NCBI) that is pretty definitive concerning the facemask lunacy. Apparently, posting a link to it is enough to get people suspended from several of the social media sites.

The NCBI study begins with the following abstract:

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making.

The study concludes (emphasis added):

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

Clearly, the reasoning behind maintaining the mask charade is truly political rather than "scientific." Following the science would allow people to quickly get back to normal. It would undermine the progressive political strategy of cloaking a socialist spending binge and democrat party enhancing government revolution in pandemic hysteria. It is unlikely they would be able to maintain any legislative momentum if their acolytes suddenly realized wearing the badge of virtue was useless - much less that they may have been played for the last year plus.

Social media and MSM will do everything in their considerable power to insure this study never sees the light of day.

Sent the link to a friend of mine ...she isnt happy with any of this shit and this was her reply...she also just bought a house in one of the Caribbean area countries that hasn't done all this shit ... :E Big Grin: :D Beers:

Well we knew that a year ago. Fucktards. (London is awash with masked bed wetters). Grim. I am mask free. Obvs.
Covid-19/SARS-2 is a real disease, it has and will kill thousands! So was true with Polio, yellow fever,
AIDS, and Ebola. Influenza has killed millions from the beginning of time!
Wearing a homemade cloth mask likely only benefit is to remind one to wash hands and distant ones self from those who are sick (and keep you from picking your infected nose). An N95 mask may have some value but is not practical except in the clinical/medical units!
Dr fauchi and his double triple mask recommendation after vaccine or if one has natural antibodies is the biggest lie he has propagated among his thousand or so.
The socialist/marxist who are taking over the world we live in are using this disease to their advantage!

But truly understand this disease is real and if you are high risk and you contract it, you will fully understand it is serious situation if you survive! I have witnessed more than a hundred deaths from covid-19, not one of them was saved by a homemade cotton/cloth mask! We will get past the acute infections despite Fauchi, CDC, MSN, social media and the crazies on both side, but two very important issues will likely remain unanswered!
1. Where did it come from and who is responsible, and can we prevent next time?
2. How are we going to manage the increasing number of post covid syndrome patients?
From what I can gather this was neither 'peer reviewed' nor a product of Stanford University. Its a republication of a piece written last year by Baruch Vainshelboim. It was originally published on the website Medical Hypotheses, which is basically setup for crackpot theories which can't be published elsewhere. The author isn't a virologist, or an epidemiologist or anything similar. He is an exercise physiologist. May or may not have some sort of employment link to Stanford, but it doesn't appear on his LinkedIn page. The document doesn't contain any original research, just an unending series of cherry picked quotes from other papers.

Strikes me as the scientific equivalent of Fake News.
Red Leg, this proves what a good many of us have believed all along. Rest assured, I'll do my best to pass this info along.
"This face mask is NOT a medical/surgical mask. This should not be used in a clinical/medical/surgical setting or where significant exposure to bodily fluids or other hazardous fluids are expected/present, infection risk-level through inhalation is high, or in the presence of a high-intensity heat-source or flammable gas. This mask does not provide liquid barrier."

^ The packaging (bold emphasis added) of the cheap (yet overpriced) made-in-China face mask my cousin bought me while she was down in Walt Disney World so I could have a mask and go with her sometime just to abide by their rules. They're selling a product to prevent the Covid that openly states on its packaging (albeit in small print) that it doesn't prevent anything.
Mask thing has always confused me, especially in Europe where compliance was reported as high but they have tracked right along with cases. I think it’s way more complicated than we know.

in other kid was at a volleyball tournament last weekend with my wife and my wife said several people from California noticed she was from Idaho and told her they are moving there this summer. He main reason was the suffocating government overreach. One guy had 4 kids, all doing online learning at home and there is no plan to get the kids back to school any times soon. Another guy sold his almond farm and is moving to South Carolina and said that CA is considering an “exit tax” for those leaving the state, especially business

While it frustrates me to know they will bring some of their politics here, I can’t blame them for abandoning ship...
Mask thing has always confused me, especially in Europe where compliance was reported as high but they have tracked right along with cases. I think it’s way more complicated than we know.

in other kid was at a volleyball tournament last weekend with my wife and my wife said several people from California noticed she was from Idaho and told her they are moving there this summer. He main reason was the suffocating government overreach. One guy had 4 kids, all doing online learning at home and there is no plan to get the kids back to school any times soon. Another guy sold his almond farm and is moving to South Carolina and said that CA is considering an “exit tax” for those leaving the state, especially business

While it frustrates me to know they will bring some of their politics here, I can’t blame them for abandoning ship...
Wish they would act more like Cuban refugees fleeing Marxism than acolytes of a failed socialist religion.
The only economy that benefited during COVID was China!
it got the sheep into the corner of the fence row just as designed! I have cruised around just as I normally would licking windows and drinking from aluminum cans that have been touched by I’m sure the most clean people in our society, the pothead that works at quickie mart. Not so much as a sniffle, maybe the McCallen is the secret, that POS fauchi is just another overpaid Douchebag that is speaking the language that our sorry ass elected(?) officials want him to speak. He should have been stoned in the town square at the onset of this shit! Is it real? Yes, but so is everything else that kills us. Fk’em all and let god sort em out, I’m sure the sorting shall be quick!
I need to get back into my safe space now that I’ve pissed people off. Cheers
The only economy that benefited during COVID was China!
it got the sheep into the corner of the fence row just as designed! I have cruised around just as I normally would licking windows and drinking from aluminum cans that have been touched by I’m sure the most clean people in our society, the pothead that works at quickie mart. Not so much as a sniffle, maybe the McCallen is the secret, that POS fauchi is just another overpaid Douchebag that is speaking the language that our sorry ass elected(?) officials want him to speak. He should have been stoned in the town square at the onset of this shit! Is it real? Yes, but so is everything else that kills us. Fk’em all and let god sort em out, I’m sure the sorting shall be quick!
I need to get back into my safe space now that I’ve pissed people off. Cheers
Cody, I could not agree more! Pretty much same here, going about living life.
Went to my regular 6 month dentist visit this morning. I know both the hygienist and doc reasonably well as a long time patient. First thing the gal says to me, “Hey I found some 9 mil ammo yesterday!” Conversation eventually got around to masks, Doc comes in about that time and joins the conversation. Both were outspoken, possibly because they know I’m not going to be offended. Their position, anyone who believes the masks people are wearing do squat to prevent the spread of Covid is mistaken. That is pretty much verbatim.
Cody, I could not agree more! Pretty much same here, going about living life.
Went to my regular 6 month dentist visit this morning. I know both the hygienist and doc reasonably well as a long time patient. First thing the gal says to me, “Hey I found some 9 mil ammo yesterday!” Conversation eventually got around to masks, Doc comes in about that time and joins the conversation. Both were outspoken, possibly because they know I’m not going to be offended. Their position, anyone who believes the masks people are wearing do squat to prevent the spread of Covid is mistaken. That is pretty much verbatim.

"Never trust a man who will put his hand in your mouth" from Doc Hollywood.:E Laugh::E Laugh:
This whole fraud is just another sick attempt to control and indoctrinate the gullible. We have been around people all our lives and exposed to God knows what with no ill effects. If these damned fool bureaucrats were so afraid why didn't they mandate masks decades ago for flu, pneumonia, common cold, allergies and every other malady they could concoct? This whole scheme is just another scam to part fools from their money by scaring them into believing this nonsense and buying all the garbage they say you just have to have. Pisses me to no end.
I’m afraid the only thing that might see us out of this bull shut is a 338 300grain SmK
Of course the Liberal will jump in! Hard to get that thing in your mouth with that mask on ain’t it Curt?
(Ought to get me banned but don’t give a shit anymore!)
I’m afraid the only thing that might see us out of this bull shut is a 338 300grain SmK
I was thinking 95 gr ballistic tip at about 3200 fps. But I like your idea too!
Well now my feelings are hurt and I’m feeling insulted.
Oh wait, never mind. I’m not a liberal. Carry on!
I guess GW was on tv today? Something about nativists? WTF is that other than a new term invented to divide and marginalize? If you don’t embrace open borders and open immigration you are a nativist? I guess that’s kinda like a racist? I resemble so many ‘ists I can’t keep track any more.
And once again my feelings are hurt and I’m offended :E Sad:
Cody, gonna need to share your safe space.
Come on in Dan! Plenty of room and cold beer, good scotch and women! That ought to detour most of the opposition!

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
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Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
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