New Model 70 7x57 need some recommendation!

If you really want the Hornady Superformance loads, see if you can get interbond bullets rather than SST's. I'm no expert but my PH really liked the GMX's and Interbond was his next choice. I used 129 grain Interbonds with great success. Our PH hunts with the Hornady guys so gets lots of expieriance with their products on plains game.

My old Hornady catalog lists the SST as ideal for Whitetail to Caribou and similar sized African game. Good for classic behind the shoulder and soft tissue shots. The Interbond says it is designed to expand immediately but retain more than 90% even through tough hide and bone.

But with good shot placement, I'm sure either will do the job.
"I could never see one whit of difference between game shot with the 140 grain or 160 grain in this caliber"...Jim Carmichael


Pic is of 140gr North Fork Bonded Cores with 47.5gr of IMR4350. COAL set at 3.095", 0.03" longer than SAAMI. Norma Brass, CCI BR-2 primers. I didn't bring the chrony with me, but guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 2700fps. No pressure signs, will work up from here when I get to the range next time. But I think I can go from here. The younger son shot some similar "left over" rounds from previous range trip, shot to virtually same POI.

View attachment 25565

After a long hot summer ended with a move to a different home, my garage is taking shape and with it my new reloading bench. Finally, this week I started up loading again. Somewhere along the line I picked up some H4350 and wanted to give it a try in the 7x57 with the same 140gr North Forks and all other aspects the same as above.

Loads started centering in nicely at 48gr and tightened up slightly at 48.5gr giving a group similar as above. Chrono average of 2730fps. No sign of pressure whatsoever. So, I'm going to keep bumping up the load until the group opens or start seeing pressure signs.
My shooting buddies just call me, "start at max and work up from there!":eek::D:ROFLMAO:
My shooting buddies just call me, "start at max and work up from there!":eek::D:ROFLMAO:

There's a simple cure for that. Stick a bolt so hard it requires use of a 2x4 and hammer to unstick it. And when the brass comes out, the primer pocket is more of a primer trench.
There's a simple cure for that. Stick a bolt so hard it requires use of a 2x4 and hammer to unstick it. And when the brass comes out, the primer pocket is more of a primer trench.
Nah, that was my dads old trick. Don't want to steal his thunder!:rolleyes:
Nah, that was my dads old trick. Don't want to steal his thunder!:rolleyes:

Good call, I left brass on the bolt face the one time I did it. Once was good enough for me.
I have a 7x57 and its my all time favorite caliber. You just purchased one of the best 7mm mausers in production that i have seen recently. Good bullets can do anything and I tend to stay with 140gr with all plainsgame species including the Eland. Your 160gr would work even better since there will be more penetration and I will say the the 175gr bullets put kudu dead in its tracks and will work wonders on eland. You dont have to take your 416. I only see people wounding/missing plainsgame with calibers like that.
Tweeked with my load a bit and this is what I get:

48.7gr of IMR4350
CCI BR-2 Primers (Fed 150's will work too)
Norma Brass
COAL set at SAAMI ( 3.065")

apologies to open this old thread :

my M70 Super Grade 7x57 arrived , I am truly ecstatic with this rifle .

please give me more info on these rifles with regards to how many did Winchester manufacture in 7x57 and where they limited or not ?
Winchester no longer manufactures the M70 in 7x57. I used to have one but it had barrel issues and when I sent it back for a replacement I was told I had to pick a different chambering because they no longer made the 7x57.

apologies to open this old thread :

my M70 Super Grade 7x57 arrived , I am truly ecstatic with this rifle .

please give me more info on these rifles with regards to how many did Winchester manufacture in 7x57 and where they limited or not ?

Quite certain it was a limited run, they're not advertised on their website anymore. Don't know how many they made though. Fun gun to load for and shoot! I'm a bit envious you have one I must admit.
Quite certain it was a limited run, they're not advertised on their website anymore. Don't know how many they made though. Fun gun to load for and shoot! I'm a bit envious you have one I must admit.

thanks Phil

I found one in the US and had it imported to SA , I am really stoked with the rifle , my question to all is really how many super grades in 7x57 Mauser were manufactured ?

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ghay wrote on Buckums's profile.
I saw you were looking for some Swift A-Frames for your 9.3. I just bought a bulk supply of them in the 285g. version. If Toby's are gone, I could let 100 go for $200 shipped you are interested.
Ferhipo wrote on Bowhuntr64's profile.
I am really fan of you
Bighorn191 wrote on Mtn_Infantry's profile.
Booked with Harold Grinde - Gana River - they sure kill some good ones - who'd you get set up with?
85lc wrote on wvfred's profile.
If youhave not sold your 11.2x72 Schuler, I will take it.
Just PM me.
Roy Beeson
HI all, here is a Short update on our America trip, I currently in Houston and have 2 more meetings here before movings North toward Oklahoma, Missouri and Iowa, and from there I will head to Colorado and Idaho,I have been met with great hospitality and friendship, and have met several new and old clients and we are going to book the rest of 2025 season quick and have several dates booked for 2026!