please let me know how your hunt goes. I too am booked with Bayette group through a NRA banquet in going April 2020. Not been able to find much information on Bayette group if anyone knows anything about them please share.Thanks for all the welcomes and feed back from the group.... I'll be reading and looking thru the threads for awhile as I'm sure most of my questions have been asked before. I've been hunting since a kid and have taken elk as the biggest but mostly white tail deer and mostly 30-06 rifles but now and then I like to use (just for the heck of it) a 45-70. I'm booked with Bayette in Limpopo province, SA thru the NRA, a trip NRA had on auction.
Will be going the first week of July. Intend to hunt wildebeest, impala and possibly a wart hog..Not ready for the big 5
Looking forward to reading the threads on rifles etc...
Hi Mohuntenfool,please let me know how your hunt goes. I too am booked with Bayette group through a NRA banquet in going April 2020. Not been able to find much information on Bayette group if anyone knows anything about them please share.