Greetings Dylancadby23,
Khomas Highland Hunting and Fishing Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.
Limcroma Safari Coompany has a very good reputation however, I am not familiar with Mount Carmel Safari Company.
Whichever one you settle with, I am looking forward to your hunt report and especially any photos you might want to post.
You mentioned Kudu, gemsbok, zebra and sable.
Those species are semi-common, to sometimes actually plentiful in many African countries where hunting is part of the culture.
Regarding your wife accompanying you to Africa, if she likes to travel and has a curious mindset, I predict that she will enjoy it very much.
My wife surely does love Africa, particularly coastal Namibia and the Caprivi area, (more specifically, the Okavango River, there within the Caprivi Strip).
She does not shoot critters herself but, she enjoys stalking game animals right along with me.
As I prepare to fire a shot into whatever species each time, she just looks away until the animal has been taken.
And then she likes to join in the photo portion of that happy event.
That said, she indeed loves fishing, actually more than I do, if that’s even possible.
Last but not least, she enjoys shopping for souvenirs, especially wood carvings.
I enjoy that as well and so, it is one more activity that you and your wife might do together, while in whichever country/s you end up visiting.
Best Regards,
Mr. & Mrs. Velo Dog.