New member from Texas


AH member
Mar 26, 2009
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Hello all!!

I live East of Dallas Texas and am glad to join the group. I am hoping to go to
Africa later this year or next. It will be my first time.

I love to hunt, bust clays, fly fish, tie flies, reload, shoot muzzleloaders and center-fires and currently trying to plan a trip to the Dark Continent.

I attend the Dallas Safari Club Convention each year.

I hope to contribute positively to this forum.

Let's hunt safely, ethically, and defend our 2nd Amendment rights.

Good hunting to all!

Thanks Jerome for creating Africa Hunting!!!!!

You get an "attaboy" from me for lots of hard work on a very well done site. :)

huntnfool..............welcome to AH. I haven't made it to the DSC convention in a while. Hear nothing but glowing reports about it. Maybe next winter.
I appreciate the welcome.

The DSC Convention is moving to the Dallas Convention Center in 2010. They have outgrown Market Hall! I remember when the convention was at the DFW airport Hilton and was quite small. They have done an excellent job.

Take care,

Karibu huntnfool... this is indeed a great site and glad to have more and more knowledgable and interested people involved. Have heard only good things about the DSC and hope to attend some day. Regards from Tanzania,

One thing people may not be aware of is that DSC and Houston are not a part of SCI.

You do not have to be a member to attend and they charge:

$15.00 for a Day Pass per person
Weekend Pass - $25.00 per person- Saturday and Sunday
Three Day Pass - $35.00 per person
Four Day Pass - $45.00 per person

The above is for the 2010 show.

Hope you can come sometime. :)

Hello all!!

I live East of Dallas Texas and am glad to join the group. I am hoping to go to
Africa later this year or next. It will be my first time.

I love to hunt, bust clays, fly fish, tie flies, reload, shoot muzzleloaders and center-fires and currently trying to plan a trip to the Dark Continent.

I attend the Dallas Safari Club Convention each year.

I hope to contribute positively to this forum.

Let's hunt safely, ethically, and defend our 2nd Amendment rights.

Good hunting to all!

Thanks Jerome for creating Africa Hunting!!!!!

You get an "attaboy" from me for lots of hard work on a very well done site. :)


Hey Paul,

If you do make a trip to South Africa to hunt make sure you bring a 5/6wf fly fish outfit with.

There some stunning trout fishing to be had as well as the indigenous yellow fish that will blow you away with their power and long runs.

Do a search on the net and you might want to enjoy a lot more than just hunting.

All the best

We have great trout and bass waters.

Trout of 5,5kg and bass of close to 7 kg have been caught in South Africa. Then we have the sharp tooth catfish that weighs up to 35kg's or Tiger fish...

and I have not even talked about salt water fishing ....
thanks for the info. Indeed, many people assume that DSC is part and parcel of SCI. I am planning to make it there next year, but it all depends on developments my end, though 2011 is a definate tour of USA shows.

My mom lives in San Antonio. She is visiting me in Tanzania right now, so am due to visit her next year, but the Soccer World Cup is happening next summer and the whole family is planning to attend. That could alter my US trip intentions.

Anyhow, outfitters here mostly attend SCI for the parties and come to DSC for real work, plus the parties. Cheers Bwana,

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
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500 and 425 magaizne.jpg