New Member from North Carolina


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AH member
Mar 20, 2023
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South Africa
Hello everyone! Stumbled across this site while trying to research outfitters and planning of my first African hunt. Still trying to find the right outfitter and gather info on where to go. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to AH.
Just start reading reports and look in the offers section.
Good luck.
Welcome to the site-I lived in western half of NC for awhile and still have some ties there. I concur with Brickburn, the best info is easy to find and enjoyable To read in the “hunt reports” section. The “deals and offers”section can be fun to peruse as well.
Good luck!
Welcome to the site-I lived in western half of NC for awhile and still have some ties there. I concur with Brickburn, the best info is easy to find and enjoyable To read in the “hunt reports” section. The “deals and offers”section can be fun to peruse as well.
Good luck!
I live in western nc. Born and raised! Lived out west in Colorado for a while and down south, finally ended up back home. Thanks for the reply. May be dumb, what forum would be appropriate to post a question about an outfitter? Out of the 4 I’ve contacted only one has been in touch and I can’t find any reviews or info outside of their webpage. Thanks again.
Welcome to AH. Plenty of past hunt reports and safari planning info to read. If you have questions, everyone on here is glad to assist.
Give PHs a couple days to respond. Most will get back to the next day but some don’t have great internet or are busy with clients and won’t get a chance to catch up on e mails, plus the time difference. And if they don’t respond, well there is your answer
:S Welcome:
Welcome to AH! If I can answer any questions for you about @JKO HUNTING SAFARIS, please let me know. I’m in the U.S. and my contact info is in my signature.
Hello MntMan82,

Khomas Highland Hunting Safaris of Namibia, welcomes you to the greatest forum on earth.

When you have a spare moment, take a look into the Khomas Safaris web site.
Also, don’t miss our videos in there.
Last but not least, I agree with others here in that the Hunt Reports section of this forum are a perfect place to help choose which safari company to book with.

Yours truly has even written a couple of threads in there (during 2017 and again in 2021).
Even if you don’t book with Khomas Safaris, I predict that your first trip to Africa will cause you to be in awe of whichever country you decide to visit.

Best Regards,
Velo Dog.
Hello everyone! Stumbled across this site while trying to research outfitters and planning of my first African hunt. Still trying to find the right outfitter and gather info on where to go. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the forum, sir. Please let us know if we can assist in any way.

Take Care,
Marius Goosen
Welcome to AH MntMan82! Glad you found us and enjoy exploring the site.
:S Welcome: to AH!
Welcome to AH Mnt Man. It is great fun planning an African safari, enjoy it!
Hello everyone! Stumbled across this site while trying to research outfitters and planning of my first African hunt. Still trying to find the right outfitter and gather info on where to go. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome on this site, Sir.

Therefore are plenty of good Outfitters out there! If I can be of assistance, please email me.We are a family outfit based in Limpopo, the most popular hunting destination in SA. When hunting with us, you'll have the camp exclusively and your Outfitter will be you PH too, this way you'll have the experience of a lifetime first hand and will enjoy your visit. We will be ready to pick you up at OR Tumbo International Airport and drive you personally to our luxurious tented camp. It's three and a half hour drive to our property and you will be safe and can relax starting your adventure immediately when you put your feet on Africa soil. If you're interested, send me an email
Johan van Wyk
Hello everyone! Stumbled across this site while trying to research outfitters and planning of my first African hunt. Still trying to find the right outfitter and gather info on where to go. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.
Good day MntMan82

Welcome to the site. We hunt in South Africa and Mozambique. I will send you a DM to explain a little more about us as well.

Kind regards
Aj Fourie.
Hello everyone! Stumbled across this site while trying to research outfitters and planning of my first African hunt. Still trying to find the right outfitter and gather info on where to go. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.
You can send me a email. and I’ll gladly send you some information
Regards Ernest
Hello everyone! Stumbled across this site while trying to research outfitters and planning of my first African hunt. Still trying to find the right outfitter and gather info on where to go. Any guidance or help would be greatly appreciated.
pm sent
Welcome aboard from a fellow Tarheel!
Welcome to the forum,

Here you will find a wealth of information and outfitters. Do not hesitate to ask any questions and make sure you find a outfitter that can offer the safari experience you are expecting!

Enjoy the planning and feel free to reach out at any time.

All my best,


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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
I am looking for a copy of Wright's "Shooting the British Double Rifle" (3E).
Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg