New member, bowhunter, Africa hunter soon.


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Feb 18, 2011
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Hello,My name is Rick.I'm from Connecticut,U.S.A and I found this site while researching a Bowhunt to Africa.There are so many choices,but I'm pretty sure I'll do a Plains game,10 day,5 or 7 animal hunt to S.A. I really wanted to go for Buffalo but that seems like one of the pinnacles,not a first trip kind of hunt.I'm thinking July looks good this summer but could go other months also.I have harvested by bow about 25 whitetails and a wild boar,and usually bowhunt about 40 days a year.Any advise would be great,because I'm ready to book and want to firm up the trip and air.Thanks
Welcome to AH Rick! South Africa is an incredible bowhunting destination and have no doubt that you will have the time of your life there. I am sure that you will find lots of good advice here and don't hesitate to ask questions. For specific information pertaining to hunting/bowhunting in South Africa please check out this article Hunting South Africa Information.
Welcome Rick, You will love this site, alot of collective knowledge in these parts. Scott

P.S. Check out Koedoeberg webite, I am hunting with Willem in June this year. But, there are alot of outfitters/PH's on this site and haveing read most of their sites they would all give you what you desire on your hunt in SA.

pm. sent
Welcome Rick, once bitten by the continent you never recover. Best of luck on your hunt.
I would recommend Spiral Horn Safari, Louis is a really great guy! Welcome to the Forum!
Hallo Rick
Glad you did find the forum, all the best with your hunt.
Welcome to the forum Rick!

PM sent.

Best Regards
Louis van Bergen
Welcome Rick! I am not to far from You up here in NH. Hold on tight because once you go over to Africa with a bow you are in for one hell of a ride. Lots of bowhunters here so feel free to ask any questions.
Thank you all for the information.There is just so much of it!I was up very late looking up as much as I could but I need a break,my eyes hurt.Going out to look for sheds,probably will firm up my plans within a week or so.Glad I stumbled onto this site.Rick
Welcome to AH. You will find a lot of good advice here from guys that have experience. Do your homework and enjoy the first of many hunts to Africa.

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I am game for a meat and eat. My attempt at humor.
rigby 416 wrote on rifletuner's profile.
Come from cz like that.
John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
500 schuler bore.jpg
500 and 425 rifles.jpg
500 and 425 magaizne.jpg
cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's