AH ambassador
Just a little update of where I am at this point.
Effectively, things can get very puzzling when speaking of hunting in Africa. From my limited search, I've seen prices going from one side to the other side of the spectrum. With a few in betweens.
I think I've seen too big at first. I had not figured that a Buffalo hunt in the wild would probably cost almost twice the amount of a buffalo hunt in a private fenced property in SA. And I'm not critic here, all those operators have major costs involved and their products are worthing every pennys they charge. I'm old enough to know that being an outfitter involve a lot of works, a lot of expenses and if that's true in Canada, that's surely also true in any parts of Africa.
I know I won't go to kill a buffalo on a property I can walk the entire perimeter in about 6 hours at a good pace. Every fall we hunt moose in not fenced areas 5-10 times greater than that. But I do understand that this fits a category of hunters and respond to a need. No problem with that.
I thought at first that I could be OK on a budget of around 20K cdn total (including my transport from canada to africa). But I realise that what I was dreaming of is more in the 35K cdn range. (I'm in Canada so every prices listed must be multiplicated by 1,25 to 1,40 depending of the money value..) And even if I have this cash right now, I just can't rationally spend that much money on a hunt.
At least, like clint Eastwood said in the movie "The bridges of Madison County": The old dreams were good dreams; they didn't work out but I'm glad I had them.
I still have time to work all this in my head, but I'll do "once in a lifetime something special" in 2022 for sure.
Thanks a bunch to everyone who put their grain of salt in this thread. This was really interesting. I've learned a lot.
The best I could see you doing all in on a remote bush hunt is $20,000US or $27 to $28 CDN. Have you thought about putting the money aside and waiting for a cancellation hunt? You would need to be able to react quickly and know which areas you are Interested in. There are some crazy deals that come up this way.