We're now about 4 and a half months out from our hunt with Harloo Safaris in Pongola, SA. Thanks primarily to this site, I think we're pretty much on track with our planning. Love reading all the good things but have to tell you, the occasional problems hunters have and write about is the most educational for a first timer to Africa. Wife is accompanying me along with two of our very close friends. Wives will do the "non hunting" stuff while my buddy and I do the real stuff. Right now, my plan is for Cape Buffalo, Kudu, Gemsbuck and Warthog. I'm torn between Gemsbuck and Nyala...maybe even Eland but that'll all sort itself out. Will See Niel Uys and Edmond Rouillard from Harloo at this year's SCI in Las Vegas to nail down remaining details. Can't wait for this hunt! REP