Paul from Tucson
New member
Hello everyone, I'm Paul Fisher- pleased to meet folks- (I have a typo on my screen "name"- supposed to say "Paul from Tucson"). Look forward to meeting everyone.
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My Name is Paul Fisher- I live in Tucson, Arizona.Welcome Paul. Tell us a bit more about yourself.
Great to meet You!Welcome from just up 1-10 a few miles.
Welcome, condolences on the recent law school graduation. Did you not speak with any attorneys before you did that? I’m a burned out litigator, so just ignore my grumpiness.My Name is Paul Fisher- I live in Tucson, Arizona.
I am a recent law school graduate, and have been a practicing RN for over 20 years locally.
I used to be a rancher up in Prescott, Arizona from '98-2003.
I have been a long-time hunter (Elk, Deer/Mule and Whitetail, Boar, Turkey, and small game) both with rifles and bows. I stopped bow hunting about 15 years ago due to a back injury. Now I recreationally hunt varmints and such in the Arizona deserts.
I am an avid dog lover and currently have 2 mutt rescues- Cookie is a Rottie Mix and Angel is fox hound/beagle mix-I
Pictures below are of me teaching my sister and niece how to shoot and a picture of me and my late wife Pat, my 3 babies in my old pool, and Cookie and Angel