The .318 WR has held a special place in my heart for a good while now. So much so, that I am currently in the process of building one on a vintage Mauser 98 receiver. Stuart Satterlee did the chambering of the Lothar barrel, feed work, etc., and I am currently finishing the stock myself.
For some, including me, hunting in Africa brings out the nostalgic feeling. Hunting with a classic caliber or rifle adds a special element to the hunt. Having a .470 NE double over my shoulder last August chasing buffalo in the Save Valley, took me back to a time of endless game fields and strings of porters in tow. Sadly, those days are gone but having the opportunity to hunt with a classic caliber or, if lucky, a classic caliber in an original vintage gun, takes it to another level.
I knew at some point I wanted to build one so I bought up all the Kynoch .318 ammo I could find when Midway was a stockist. C4HD made the dies which did take about a year to secure, Hawk makes a nice bullet for the .318, and Hendershot can custom load ammo with proper head stamped brass, when available.
I’m hoping to finish this one in the coming year and get some African dust and sun exposure the following year!
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