My history and evolution with a shotgun. Hmm? I went from a cheap old single barrel hammer break action that actually was quite a good gun to learn to wing shoot with, to a worn out old pump action repeater, to an inexpensive SxS, to a more expensive pump action repeater, to more expensive couple of O/Us and now down to a cheap not too old single barrel, hammer break action. Never owned an autoloader but shot quite a few of them. Nothing against them, just never strayed to that camp. Guess I made a full circle.
Looking back on it, the most natural for wing shooting, especially upland type shooting, and the easiest to instinctively point and shoot was the SxS. The expensive O/Us, being honest with myself, even though they were by far the most expensive of the bunch, were not the best for me. The only type bird shooting the SxS possibly wasn't the best for, in my experience, was for long range, heavy duty goose and sandhill crane shooting or concentrated shot pattern, small target shooting like turkey.
Instead of paying a premium for a collectible antique, maybe a more recent, sturdy but not fancy, less expensive used SxS. The glamour/popular factor favors the O/U, the practical favors the SxS, pump or autoloader. Maybe find some examples to try. Friends, a trap or skeet club or range. A decent condition,used Winchester Model 24 comes to mind straight away as a reasonably priced and very able SxS with which to get your feet wet. Not fancy and not expensive