Right on. No matter what we do, it will be wrong to those "people. " I don't call PC politically correct. To me it's pathetic cowardice. They don't have the spine, guts or other necessary accoutrements to speak plain language or accept it.
@Newboomer, I'd love to live in a world where what we say or do as hunters didn't matter, and where we could afford to ignore those who don't agree with us, from snowflakes to crazies. But we don't.
As I hunter, I find it more important to be effective rather than right. If I assert all of my rights and we lose the right to hunt, what will I have accomplished? I'd much rather be effective, which I define as contributing to the growth or expansion of hunting. If you think that the attitude and actions of these people you seem to think so little of doesn't have an impact on your right to hunt, then you aren't paying attention to the world. A few examples:
1. President Trump rescinds an order allowing elephant imports into the US after anti-hunters express outrage;
2. A recent judgment by the US courts to return the grizzly bear to the Endangered Species List in states around Yellowstone, despite all the scientific evidence in the world that the species had recovered.
3. The subject of this thread losing his job, which I assume he uses to support his family.
4. The banning of lion and other trophy imports into France, Australia, and a whole bunch of other countries.
Of course, I could go on and on, but I won't. Hopefully you understand that each of these events was in response to actions by those without a "spine", and each one of those actions had a negative result on hunting or hunters.
Let's focus on the world as it is, not as we'd wish it to be in a fairy tale, and try to be effective. Being right may make you feel good, but it doesn't do anything for hunters or hunting.