View attachment 195283 View attachment 195280 So I have one last afternoon and we decide lets go look for a kudu. We have been seeing a few and know some good one are around. We head out see some kilspringers and oryx along the way. Then we spot some kudu cows with a young bull. We look around then sot another bull that just may do. We start the stalk after getting the wind in our favor and make it to about 500 yds and the cow get nervous. When we stop we find another bull but just can nit get a good look at him. We look back judge the second bull and guess him at 53" plus so it is game on now. The cows go back to feeding and we make the move to close the distance. We get to 275 and I get on a nice tree branch instead of the sticks.
They start to feed are way but the bull only gives me a head on shot and is still 250 yds away so no go. He keeps coming and turns broadside at 225 giving me a chance for a shot. I get steady and squeeze the trigger and we hear the sold hit. He gets that drunk walk look and falls over dead with in 10 yds of the shot.
We get over to him and I am very happy and what a way to finish my first but not my last Namibia trip. He is a old mature bull around 53 to 54" with a giant thick neck. The one younger bull will be mid 50's in a year or two and will also make a great kudu one day.
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the inside color of a kudu ear.