NAMIBIA: My Hunt With Kalahari Hunting Safaris


AH veteran
Sep 10, 2013
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Hunting reports
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Izaak walton league of america
Thought i would start my post as i head home and finally have some internet for a few minutes.

I just wrapped up a 3 week hunt in Namibia with

I have never been treated so well, they went way out of their way to make sure my hunt was a trip of a lifetime, to make me feel at home and meet any needs i had. I got there as a client and left as a friend.

I will post up my pics and journal when i get back. But i will say I had an awesome time and made memories that will last me a lifetime.
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Sounds like you had a good trip. Looking forward to a trip report. Bruce
We will wait......but not for long.
I'm looking forward to it as well. They are an outfitter I am very interested in hunting with next year. Glad to know they are a legitimate outfit.
Looking forward to the write up and pictures.
Looking forward to the post and photos.
here are the first couple of days:

Day 2
the day started off seeing a lone burchell zebra at 300 I passed on it because I want the Hartman more. another 10 minutes down the road we see a nice herd of burchell zebra at 280 I still passed on them it is only day 2 and I am holding out for a Hartman.
1/2 hour to 45 minutes later we see a large herd of Hartman zebra but they are at 400 yards across the valley, they spotted us right away before I could get on them. by the time I got on them and had a shot they were at 540 and off sticks I didn't feel comfortable with the shot, there was no wind but this would have been my first shot at a trophy and I didn't want to take the chance so we loaded up and continued down the trail. saw some kudu with no shooters.
We stop to check the water at a cow pen and run into a large pack of baboons. it took me a bit to get situated for a shot with them running across the mountain side. finally they stopped and we spotted the largest male perched on the ridge on a flat rock right at 330 yards, I dialed 2 clicks under 350. Put the crosshairs on mid chest and rolled him. The rest of the pack take off and we think they are gone. 5-10 minutes go by and they have started up the ridge across the valley. Tom takes a shot at one at 330 and misses I then find one perched on top of the ridge at 440 I dial 2 clicks under 450 and smacked him hard the shot was a touch low but it did him in and he tumbled off the cliff. Now they are really scrambling, Bastone -- Jean the ph's son, spotted one sitting on a rock overlooking the valley at 460 yards, I set 450 and held slightly high and dropped him. Man what a sit my first 3 kills in Africa are baboons all over 330, you couldn't script it better but the day is far from over.
down the road a bit we spot some kudu, we stop and watch them, and there was a decent bull in the group they were atop the ridge at 350 yards. we waited and watched for 20 minutes but never got a shot.

these are shots from where i took the baboons 1 on the top of the moutain in the center of the photo 330 yards


2 off this ridge


we then see several more groups of kudu and did 2 stalks -- about 2 miles worth with no shots. we stop by the ranch and pick up a picnic lunch and head out to a water hole for a warthog. On the way we spot one large kudu right in the road I had my scope cap on and never got a shot it happened so quick. we went on a stalk and got on him again but a shot never presented but it was a blast.
We continued on to the water hole and saw another group of kudu mostly cows but one small bull. also started seeing some warthogs -- one very large male but never presented a shot. got to the water hole and ate lunch. We sat there for a couple of hours. We saw a sow with 3 piglets come in and play in the mud for a bit and later another lone sow came in for a drink. It was getting to be around 3 or so, Deon my ph went to check out above the dam in the mean time I put down the shooting sticks and we started to pack. Deon gets back and says he saw 2 or 3 heading this way, a few minutes later another sow comes down and then walks off. by now I am ready to just go then Deon whispers and points to the far left of the water hole -- north side of the dam -- a very nice old boar is walking in. Now all this time there are around 60 head of cattle around the water hole with 2 laying down toward the left edge of the water. The boar comes in to the left of the cattle and is at the water's edge 88 yards away. Deon says he is a good old boar and to take him if I want to, by this time I had quietly set up the sticks again and took a good look through the scope and decided he would look good on my wall. Deon says take him when I have a shot, I looked at the cattle and they were a good 10 yards to the right of the boar and 20 yards back. My angle was good as it was angling away from the cows. I put my crosshairs on his shoulder and sent the 200gn lrx. He did a big twirl and roll and headed up the dam. I started second guessing my shot, Deon said "you hit him good" but as I saw him run up the hill I couldn't help worrying because I was sighted in for 1.5 high at 100 and forgot to aim a bit lower.
Deon and the tracker head out I am not far behind. Deon gets to the top of the dam and says " he is down do you see him? I got to the top and looked down and there he was at the bottom of the dam on the other side, he had ran 30 yards up the dam and then rolled down. My first trophy in Africa I was excited. we took our photos and loaded him up.


We headed out towards camp. A couple miles down and we jumped a large group of kudu with a very good bull and a young bull. we watch them but no shot. We do our stalk and thought we had it right. we had gotten ahead of them and saw the cows going up the valley we set up sticks and I put the cross hairs right on the cows waiting for the big bull. just then we see the bull already up there 50 yards to the right and heading straight up the mountain. He gets to the top and I am on him. He turns at the top but a cow was right there and I had no shot. we head back to the truck regroup and set off to head him off again.
We get around the mountain and spot the cows again but we are too late they were heading over the next ridge. We try again to head them off but to no avail. we found a few young ones and did a stalk but no bulls were to be seen. Still a good ending to a great day. the sun was setting as we turned around to head back to the ranch.

Day 3

We got up early today, 5:45, Deon said we missed the zebras by only 30 minutes or so yesterday so we were trying to get ahead of them today.

On the trail we saw a few gemsbok but no shooters then we found a nice stallion Hartman zebra. He was 1200 yards away on a ridge. Deon and Joan made a game plan. Deon, I and Froel the tracker headed out. At 800 yards things were looking good we were on the back side of a ridge out of his sight. we got to 460 yards and took a peak, he was still there but something on the road spooked him and off he went. this was an hour into the stalk. we continued on to the ridge and down the valley. we see a cow and young bull kudu but never see the zebra again. by the time we got back to the truck 2 hours and probably 2 miles had gone by. Man that kicked my butt.

10 minutes down the road we spot some gemsbok at 150 but I was way too slow and off they went. The rest of the morning we covered a lot of ground seeing a few more kudu and then we saw a group of gemsbok at 400 yards, we got lined up, they were starting to move. I got on the gun, there was a very nice one standing broadside 450 yards. I put the scope on it and just before I pulled the trigger Deon said don't shoot it is a cow. By now the rest are moving off at a good pace, we turn around to try and cut them off. We take a short walk on an opposite ridge but don't see them again.

It is after noon now so we head in and grab a bite to eat, regroup and make a plan for the rest of the day. Tom stayed back for a knap and we head out to check a couple of water holes. We stop and cross a fence on foot to look off into a valley. we spot some gemsbok but they are at 650 yards. and spot us right away. there are also some baboons there. We move around the hill and see a lone kudu at 280 yards It would be a perfect shot but he is too young, he never does see us. We head back to the truck and continue on seeing nothing till just before we get back to the ranch I spot a baboon crossing the road. we take off and Joan gets the truck set up. I take 2 shots off hand at 300 and 400 yards but barely miss both times.

Back at the ranch we fill the water bottles and regroup. Joan is on the phone talking to the neighbor. Now Deon and Joan make the plan for the afternoon hunt we will leave at 3 he says. Loaded up we head out. Next thing I know we are on some very rocky trails. After 20 minutes or so I see some buildings in the distance. We pick up a tracker and head out again to see if we can get my zebra. for about the next 40 minutes we are traveling on what I would call cow paths on the side of a mountain. I literally thing we were in the middle of nowhere or we passed it on one of the ridges. All of a sudden we see some kudu cows across the valley below at 200-250 yards. It takes me a bit to see them -- I just don't know how these guys can see them so well with their naked Eyes and I take binoculars to see the.

Finally seeing the cows they spot a bull and get me on him. Wow he is a very nice bull. he I moving left to right on the side of the mountain. I get into position and Deon says I can take him if I want he Is a very good bull he says. I line up the crosshairs and pull the trigger -- nothing happens I forgot to take the safety of. Now he starts to move again. I get the safety off the trackers make a few calls and he stops. I take the shot feeling a little rushed, he stumbles then gets up we can see I hit a little far forward and hit the shoulder. I get a pit in the bottom of my stomach as I see him stumbling away up the mountain.

We travel down this cow path looking for a spot to turn around, all the time the trackers and deon are making plans -- I can't understand a word they say and await instructions. The truck stops and we get out, vroel, Deon, I ,and the tracker we picked up at the neighbors. The walk wasn't bad at all the adrenalin was pumping. Deon and the trackers find the blood trail after only 10 or so minutes of walking. I see trees and bushes the have fresh scrape marks on them so I am feeling a little better.

In the mean time joan and the others are headed around the mountain to cut him off. We stop trying to find the direction he went. then vroel points, there he is 30-40 yards off. Deon throws the sticks up I get on them and he spooks then we see joan and the others right behind him 150 yards back so I couldn't shoot. he heads right for joan, he starts making a bunch of noise which turns the bull left all the time I am trying to stay on him. He clears the guys deon says shoot I take a shot and it grazes his right side. Joan takes off after him and shoots twice one hitting his left rump and one in the neck. I get up there and he is still alive but laying down 30 yards off. I put the crosshairs behind the shoulder and finish him off. Wow is all I can say, that was a roller coaster. the trackers and rest of the guys start to clear a path to get the truck to us, Tom and Linda start to walk to us.

Deon takes the pictures -- he keeps saying say snake shit but it wasn't necessary I am smiling ear to ear. Tom and linda get there and we snap a few more with them. by now the sun is going down it is around 5 and we have a long drive ahead. Everything is loaded up and we make our own trail off the mountain.


They get him cleaned and skinned. Tom measures him at 54 1/8 inches with 11.5 inch base left and 53.5 10 3/4 base on right. Deon estimates him at 9 years old, the horns have some cracking and just a lot of character what a wonderful trophy.
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Congrats, that is one beautiful kudu!
Gorgeous kudu! I'm really enjoying your story.
Congrats! that is an awesome Kudu.
Day 4

We slept in today everyone is getting a bit worn out so we are leaving at 8 am. Truck is packed up and we head out. Not seeing much game we are headed to the back side of the property to find my last trophy up here in the kohmas hochland mountains.

Down the road a ways we spot a very large bull gemsbok but there is no shot. We hurry down the road to cut him off. Joan, Froel and I head out. A hundred yards in we stop and are looking for him when we hear a big ruckus above us. Down the mountain come a couple of kudu cows and they almost ran over us. That got my blood pumping that is for sure but the bull was nowhere to be found. He had beaten us around the mountain and was long gone.

Continuing down the trail still not much to be seen when all of a sudden on the opposite ridge I spot a lone zebra stallion walking. No one else had seen him. Jean gets the truck stopped, Deon says take him if I want him he is at 200 yards. Not wanting to make the mistake I made yesterday on the kudu I intentionally aimed about 2 inches behind the shoulder. It took out both lungs but he kept on running I chambered another round but he was running around the mountain by this time. I shot at his tail but forgot to compensate for the longer yardage. We jump in the truck and head down the road a couple hundred yards and bail out after him. Deon has some urgency in his voice as he tells me to run up the mountain side. As we get to the top we see him laying down looking at us, Deon says shoot him in the head I freehand and take aim but I had the damn safety on again -- didn't want to run up the mountain without it on. The zebra gets up and turns to run and I send another shot into his left side just behind the shoulder.

Now you have to understand we are on the side of a mountain. He travels 50 yards and drops dead but then rolls down the mountain another 30 yards or so only stopped by a tree. Deon is a little upset that we now have one hell of a time getting him down the mountain. We move him to a spot to take the pictures then we leave froel there to start skinning and we head back to get help.

After returning to the ranch to pick up help and the tools needed the plan was to skin and quarter on the mountain and hump it back to the truck. When we got back Froel had it skinned as far as he could, probably 2/3 done. After finishing the skinning and quartering It was about 250-300 yards To the truck but we had to walk on the side of the mountain not easy but we did get it done. Froel, deon the tracker and the third hand did an excellent job.

We headed back and grabbed a bite to eat and took a couple of hours off then we are going to try to find a couple of gemsbok, they need some meet for the freezer.

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Day 5 was a travel day from the mountains to the kalahari desert area about 350 miles or so.

Day 6

First day in the Kalahari at johan's

We got a late start again today, got up at 715. We were beat from the very long drive from Joan's in the Khomas Hochland Mountains yesterday. Mabel cooked us a great English breakfast: eggs, fried potatoes, bacon and toast. I also had 2 cups of coffee it is pretty cool out.

Deon says to dress warm because it is going to stay cool today and he was right. I through on a t-shirt, My long sleeve shirt, a sweatshirt and my coat. With all that I still wasn't any too warm. I didn't look at the temp because I really didn't want to know. It also sprinkled a little this morning and the wind started at 8-10 but by mid day it was in the 20's

We pile in the old land rover and head west in search of blue wildebeest, 30 minutes into the hunt we spot a small herd of bulls, Deon sees a nice shooter, we move into position for a shot but they won't settle down and they move off, we follow them and they finally stop right at 250 yards. Deon says shoot the 2nd one from the back. By this time another had moved in front of it and the shooter was facing me. It seemed like forever before the other bull moved, my right hand started to go numb. As he cleared I heard shoot him in the chest. I lined up the shot and unfortunately jerked the trigger hitting him in the right front hip.

Now we follow and watch him, he went about 300 - 400 yards and stopped but again was blocked by another bull again at 250 yards. He was quartering away slightly as the other bull moved I lined up the vertical cross hair on the opposite front leg as tom and I had discussed yesterday and the horizontal right at hip level. This time I squeezed the trigger and it hit him perfectly in the heart you could see blood pumping out both sides. He went another 50-70 yards and was down -- these things are as tough as they say.

I really need to work on settling down on that first shot - it was my first frontal shot at an animal so maybe I should have waited for a better shot? All is good because we got him. Tom measured the width and he was 28 1/2 inches. After pictures were taken we loaded him up and took him back to the ranch. While there Hendrick asks Tom if he wants the waterbuck they were talking about after some discussion he says yes so we head out after the waterbuck.


trying to have some fun Tom suggested a Teddy Roosevelt pose


On the trail of the waterbuck we spot him 2 miles north and 2 miles east of the ranch. The ground is littered with thorn bushes so there is plenty of cover for the buck. We spot him but Tom couldn't get eyes on him and he never gave us a shot. We tracked him for 5 miles with biting wind and a few rain drops -- I can't say enuff about the trackers they are good but we could never catch up to him. Finally we called it and headed back to the ranch.

We decided to go out and try for Tom's blue wildebeest. 30-40 minutes later we catch up to the herd. Deon says take the 3rd from the right. He was standing perfectly broadside at 298 yards with none around him -- bang you could see he was hit hard -- heart shot he runs 80-100 yards stops dances around and drops. That is how it is done, Tom is taking me to school. We get to the blue and he is beautiful. Tom is looking at the shot and says it hit 5 inches lower than he was aiming, luckily he was aiming a little high.


After pictures we head back, along the way I see a huge Sable beaded down under a tree and several small waterbuck and waterbuck cows. Perfect ending to a fun but very cold day

Day 7

Today we got up at 700, had breakfast and headed out to the desert in search of springbok and gemsbok. It was a 15 or so mile trek to the east towards south Africa.

I am bundled up in 4 layers again today and a stocking cap with gloves. the thermometer said 3.6 deg. Celsius -- brrrrrrr the good thing there is no wind.

On the way we saw some sable, lots of steenbok, eland, and several birds I can't remember the names of but one has a head that looks like a terradactal.

Once in the desert -- there is a lot of grass there this season -- we start seeing springbok and steenbok. We pull over a dune and see a herd of springbok the move to about 250 yards. Deon says take the back one. Bank flop he dropped in it's tracks. He is a very good trophy at 14 1/4 inches the horns very symmetrical.


On our way again Tom's turn to shoot. We drive over several dunes and come across another group. Deon says take the middle one he is at 300 yards. He shoots and it almost looks like he missed it but it ran 150 yards and drops in it's tracks -- slightly high heart shot just what you want.

Off again we get on the trail of some springbok they finally stop at 250 yards again, deon says take the back one, as I pull the trigger he starts too walk, Damn it was a gut shot, we proceed to track and follow him. he beds down and we come up on him he gets back up and starts to walk. He finally stops at 320 yards and eventually goes broadside. I take 3 shots and miss every time I have no idea how or why, I had 300 dialed and put the crosshairs hi middle and low with no hits I was devastated and pissed. he takes of running and we only see him one more time, froel tracks him over several dunes but then we lose him.after 2 hours we give up and continue to the lapa for lunch.

After lunch we head out in search of gemsbok -- we still hadn't saw any. We finally spot a herd of around 100 but they are 500 yards off and see us as we crest the dune. Watching them go Deon heads out to follow. Along the way we see a few more springbok and try to get tom on them but they are spooky. Tom gets off a couple of shots but now he is missing too.

By now we are way out there and are starting to see some gemsbok, we finally see a shooter alone and start to follow, tom tries to get on him once but he runs again. Over the next dune he is stopped broad side at 150 yards Deon says Bruce take him -- I was already ready but my confidence was down after the springbok issue. I put the crosshairs 1/3 up just behind the hip and squeeze the trigger, I heard the whack of the barnes LRX hitting him and I see the blood pouring out of him. he goes about 100 yards and drops. Damn I am excited I just got my first gemsbok he measures 37 1/8 inches not a bad trophy at all. I will have 5 more to take on this trip so I may get a bigger one.


It has been a long day so we head back looking for springbok, we see some but no shooters. also see some gemsbok but we can't fit another one in the range rover. 30 minutes later we get back to the ranch. I see a ton of steenbok along the way also some sable again man they are beautiful. Once back we start to pack up for a trip to Deon's, he is having us over for the weekend. Hyrex and blesbok are on the list with possibly of a night shoot for jackel and caracal.
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Day 9

Chilly again today. After another great breakfast we packed up the land rover and headed out. Today it is very windy 10-20 mph and it caused problem getting the game, the animals were very spooky. We were seeing a lot of springbok and gemsbok but couldn't get close than 4-500 yards and they wouldn't settle down.

Eventually we got a springbok to sit still at 300 yards. we had a left to right wind of 15-20 and Tom made a perfect frontal shot -- it is the best shot of the trip -- he said he was holding off 12" dropped him in his tracks. The next one was mine at 250 yards he was facing us but slightly quartering to my right. from Tom's shot I held right in front of his rear hip expecting it to drift to the front shoulder but it hit right where I was aiming he dropped because I took out his spine. when we got to him there was no wind where he was standing so that explains that.


We came across some blue wildebeest and try to get one but they just wont't settle down.Tom gets another springbok after some chasing and we head to the lapa for lunch.

After lunch we decide we are just going for gemsbok. The wind is starting to settle down a little to the 5-15 mph. Now that we aren't hunging springbok we are seeing them all over and would have had many shots at them. It was quite amusing and we were laughing about it.

We find 3 herds of gemsbok and we stayed in between they switching from group to group. Finally we found them did a short stalk tom tried to shoot from the bipod and he missed. We kept going there is a very large bull in this herd we get on then again and I had a 3 second window to shoot him but it was toms turn and he didn’t get on it. My crosshairs were right on him and I could have made the shot. Tom and I talked afterwards and he said if I have a shot just tell him and I can take it.

Tom finally got on one, I was on it with him, he hits him 5 inches too far back but they don't want me to shoot so I don't. over the dune he is bedded down and we finish him off.

Now it is my turn We make a couple of stalks to no avail, one group we chased over 4 dunes with no shot. We head out again and come across another group and get stopped in time they are just over the dune at 175-200yds. Deon and I creep up and I set up for a shot, there is a lot of grass in my way. The gemsbok are just not cooperating and I can't get a shot the grass is in my way. I look to my right and 20-30 feet forward there is another spot with lower grass. I get on my belly and crawl over on my belly like a snake. I get set up and now I can see the whole group. Deon sneaks up behind me and he finds a shooter and I get on him, we follow him around as he wanders around he gets behind 5 or 6 others so deon finds another one, he is facing us with 2 in front of him one moves off right away the other just stands there but so does my target.

Ten or so minutes pass, I have some grass by my trigger hand that is bothering me so I pick my head up and pull the grass. As I am doing this I hear Deon say you can take the shot, Anytime you can take the shot. I put my head down and line the crosshairs up. Bang Flop perfect shot he went less than 50 yards.

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Day 10

We got a late start today which was nice, left the ranch around 930-10 and it had already warmed up enuff I only needed my coat, no wind to speak of. saw a lot of different animals on the way up to the hunting grounds.

We started out going off road in search of gemsbok. We saw a few steenbok females and a few springbok. Finally find some gemsbok and Deon and I go on a stalk. we get set up and wait for a shot. All of a sudden the spook and move 150 yards to the right. Now I don't have a shot. A few minutes pass and a few start to head back then they all take off. In the distance we see another herd at full sprint -- they were being chased by another hunting party from our ranch - pretty much pissed me off.

Deon and Heinrick talk and we head out. It takes awhile but we find some gemsbok but they are spooky again. We finally get on a group of about 50 they stop at 350 yards. Deon says can you see the 5th from the right? I said yes I see the first one then I can't see the next 3 but the 5th is just past the tree. He calls out 350 yards and take the shot if I am comfortable and when the other one clears. Just a few seconds pass and I take the shot. It hits him hard a little low and a little right but it hits the shoulder and heart. he goes less than 50 yards and is down. Wow I am excited it is the longest shot for a trophy for me and it only took one shot, I am feeling great.


Loaded up we continue on and find a herd just a few minutes later. Following them around a few dunes they finally stop. Deon is trying to pick one out and he does but they start to move, they were at 350 yards. Now they are at 400 and he spots the shooter -- the lead one, Tom sets his eliminator 3 and he drops right in his tracks. Another fine shot besting me again.

We now head to the lapa for lunch and to drop off our quarry. After an hour or so we are of again for the next 2 hours we see almost nothing. Then we find a group of gemsbok. Cresting the hill I get Deon stopped yardage is 230 he calls for the 5th from the right we have a slight right to left wind and he is facing left. I aim for just behind the shoulder and Bang -- he drops almost in his tracks but is stumbling I smacked him right in the shoulder breaking both shoulders and he couldn't move. We drove up and I put one between the eyes to finish him off.


The rest of the day we don't see anything so we pick up the other 2 and call it a day. On the way back we see a dozen or so more gemsbok but decide to leave them for another day.

What a great day it is hard to impossible to explain the beauty and peace here in Namibia. Kalahari hunting safaris are doing a great job, Mabel's cooking is out of this world and the complete staff go out of their way to take care of us they get an A+ from me.
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Great job BD. I've enjoyed reading and loved all the pictures!

Keep it coming! :)
Day 11

Brrrrrrr that is all I can say. This morning it is around 30 deg F. I bundled up in a t shirt, long sleeve shirt, sweat shirt, my coat, stocking cap and gloves and it was barely enuff. The weather here has surprised me I should have brought some warmer cloths.

We head out to the main hunting grounds but are looking out for my steenbok. we see a few but all females and babies. The wind is brisk and bites to the bone, don't think I will ever get warm today. Up the road we find a herd of gemsbok but they are having nothing to do with us. The heard numbers 150 + and they take off running and never stop for over 6-8 miles. We keep looking see a few springbok Tom takes a shot at one that is quartering to him, shoots and misses left and off they go. After an hour or so we find more gemsbok. after following them over several dunes they finally give us a shot.

Tom has one perfect broadside at 250 yards. He takes the shot, it is a hit but not a good one. For some reason it hits 12-15 inches left and hits it in the neck. Now we are off to the races. It breaks out of the herd to a group of 5. We chase it for 20 minutes and tom has a quick second shot that also hits the neck, now we can see it bleeding. Off we go again, I keep spotting the trailing ones 2-3 dunes ahead.

We are now around 5 miles into the chase they finally stop at 200 yards for about 3 seconds tom and I both take shots I have no idea if we hit or not they were very rushed and didn't look like they had any effect on him. We take off on the chase and get stuck going up a dune, this was the nail in the coffin. We never see them again, we find tracks and some saliva but search for 3 hours and find nothing. Tom is very down and I know how he feels after my lost springbok.

we are following the south fence to see if we can get some tracks and stumble on a heard of gemsbok. It is now my turn. it takes 2 dunes but we get them stopped 300 yards out deon says take the far left one, I am already and waste no time, I line up and squeeze the trigger no waiting for the perfect alignment just squeezing it off. He does a flip and a roll and is down in his tracks. We pull up and somehow he had one foot behind his head. The shot was perfect heart shot -- right where I aimed. I was excited, I had finally got it right and it brought our spirits up a bit after the disappointment of the day. by now it is 3 or so in the afternoon, we get on another group and follow them around, they stop a few times but it is very hard to pick one out that isn't blocked by another.


We pull to the top of the dune and see some springbok but the gemsbok have already cleared the next dune. Deon shuts the truck off and we try to get a shot on the springbok to no avail again. Now the truck won't start, I mess with it and figure out the starter has taken a crap. it has been acting up and cranking slow for a few days. we push start it and head back it is 4 or so.

On the way back we see a few steenbok again but all shorties or females with young. So for all our work and braving the cold we have one gemsbok to show for it. supposed to be warmer tomorrow, I sure hope so.
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Day 12

Today started out a bit warmer than yesterday with no wind. We were in search of my steenbok, saw 30 or so on the way up to the main hunting grounds but no shooters. It took us a while to find some game today. We got on some springbok and Tom took a shot and missed -- he is really pissed and confused about his dang gun since the bad shot on the gemsbok. He cleaned it the night before and I told him it was probably a clean bore flier.

We continued on and were between 4 herds of gemsbok and finally get a small group to stop. Tom drops one at 250 yards. we load up and take off but now the brakes started getting spongy on the truck so we headed to the lapa to get brake fluid and Tom wanted to sight his gun in. Now his gun is shooting fine - 1 inch right at 100 height dead on. Brake fluid in and off we go.

As we are searching for gemsbok and springbok I see a steenbok run across the road, we stop but deon didn't see it he saw some springbok in the distance. They run off and I ask him if he saw the steenbok he said no. I told him it had horns and they were about as long as it's ears. He turns the truck and we try to find it. Just over the dune he is walking around. Deon finally says he is around 4 inches and I could take him if I wanted him when he gave me a shot. I had him in my crosshairs for 2 or so minutes but he wouldn't give me a broadside shot -- shooting the 300 wm at such a small animal he wanted me to shoot back in the ribcage so I don't damage the cape -- he walks off and we follow. As we crest the next dune we are heading left and Elton the tracker spots it to the right. He stops broadside at 50 yards and I take the shot, he drops instantly and I am shaking like crazy, I can't believe I got one and had almost gave up then wham bam it happens in 5 minutes.


After pictures we are off for gemsbok, it is my shot for my last one. We get o a very large herd 150+ we finally get them stopped deon finds on on the far left but they take off again, we follow. The stop again Deon pics a couple out and says to take any one of the 3 that gives a shot. they are at 400 yards. One finally goes broadside and I wasted no time squeezing the trigger. I heard the smack and knew I hit it good, he went 20 yards and piled up. What a great ending to my gemsbok hunting. My longest shot on a trophy animal and a one shot no track kill, I think I am getting the hang of this.


Tom has one gemsbok and one springbok so we are off. We stumble across a small group of gemsbok follow them over a few dunes. deon sees a male with one horn tom finds it but they take off over the dune again. Deon tells tom when we get to them again take the one with one horn. They stop on a dune and there is the one horn 300 yards or so. Tom shoots and I see the blood spraying from the right side good shot. We race over and he is down 50 or so yards away. Gemsbok hunting is now done. One last springbok and we are done for the day we find a few but they get out to 560 yards. Tom tries but misses 2 times so we continue on heading back to the lapa to pick up the gemsbok we left there.

we finally get on some springbok follow them around and Tom gets a slightly quartering to shot and drops him. yea we are done for the day just a wildebeest each and an impala for me so that is the plan for tomorrow.

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Day 13

Today was a beautiful day slightly windy but temps were up in the 70's. We went out after some cull blue wildebeest and they were a mighty challenge. Must have followed them for over 5 miles before they presented a shot then they took off again. This continues for over an hour but I finally got a shot. not a good one -- miss judged the wind and hit 1 foot back in the guts. took another but missed. We followed and I got another rushed shot hit it again way back. Finally it stopped about 100 yards off deon said take the head shot just then it turned its head to me and I dropped it.


Now they are spooked and it takes another 1.5 hours and we were about to give up and they finally stop at 300 yards. Tom lines up the shot and just then 2 ostrich walk into his path, the duck their heads and bang Tom smacks it perfect it runs around for 20-40 seconds and drops.

We take them back to camp and now we are done with the hunt except for my Impala and we are going out for that after lunch. Kind of sad to see it end. Tomorrow we are off to Windhoek for a big supper and then saturday we are off to Nico's for 3 days of cull hunting for him.

After lunch we go back out to find an impala, after 40 minutes or so we find a shooter in some heavy brush. We follow them around for 10 or so minutes and I finally get a shot at 150 yards. It was a perfect shot to end my hunt, he dropped in his tracks. We take pictures as I reflect on the bitter sweet success. Glad I got the impala but sad to see the hunt end it has been so much fun.


The impala measures 21 inches and I am told that is pretty good, he was an old one. We get back and I start to pack up for the trip tomorrow. I couldn't have asked for a better trip. It has been more than I expected. All the people at Kalahari Hunting Safaris are so nice and helpful, you go in as clients and leave as friends. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend them. They go out of their way to accommodate you whether it be the game you want, food, drink everything.

Now I just have to figure out how I can come back again.
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Great Kudu trophy and a true Mtn Zebra hunt.

Thanks for the hunt report.
Congrats for a great hunt and very nice trophies !

Thanks for sharing.

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John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia