NAMIBIA: My First Plains Game Hunt With Eintracht Jagd Safaris

Very nice Oryx and warthog indeed sir. Keep the report coming'
After a nice lunch served by Tony , a very nice man who has been with Pieter for approx 8 years, we headed out once again. We seen some very nice steenbuck and duikers, and warthogs seemed to be all over.

Pieter had Catittie the driver head towards a.big kopje. Apologies if I spelled Catittie wrong, I had a hard time saying it as I would start to laugh. Apparently it means small one in Africaans. Pieter then states we will go to the top for a look, maybe spot a kudu bull. We had seen many cows but no good bulls.

I tried to walk a lot to get ready for the hunt, but walking wasn't enough for some of those hills, wow. I stopped to take some pics, and my breath, as they continued up. I eventually
made it to the top and wow what a view!
The abiliity of Pieter and Catittie to spot game is amazing. They can pick out animals so fast. Looking out off that hill they spotted a lone Hartbeest, and said it looked good, I was able to spot it finally with my binocs way off in the distance. Pieter said it looked good and we must go after it.

Climbing down was tough as the rocks were loose and somewhat slippery. The thorns once again were tearing at my clothes, and my overalls were.doimg a.good job protecting me but they were too noisy, my shirt was quiet but my arms were a bit bloody. Unforgiving is an understatement for those dang thorns.

After what seemed an hour we.finally spotted the Hartbeest, we were able to get within a hundred yards or so, sticks were.set up and I had a lot of time to get set up good for the shot. The hartbeest was facing towards us , but not spooky. The shot felt great when I took it and the Hartbeest dropped instantly. Pieter looked pleased as was I when we walked up to it. A beautiful animal for sure.

The next day we headed out once again to hopefully spot a kudu bull. Many cows came within sight, and some small bulls. Oryx and hartbeest seemed to be everywhere. Baboons in the distance would disappear as soon as we seen them. Jackals would dart into view, and Pieter does not like jackals one bit.

Oryx seemed to be everywhere, and Pieter decided we would do a stalk on a herd of them we had seen. Off into the thorns we went again, I could see the ground start to open up ahead so we moved very slow. He set up the sticks and I got ready. There was a very old cow he wanted taken. I found the one he wanted in my scope, but too many were walking in front or behind it for a good shot. I waited patiently and finally she was clear and I squeezed, down it went.

We walked up and noticed she had ivory tips on the horns, which I guess is rare as both pieter and Catittie were commenting. I was pleased I made another shot where.the animal just dropped .

The police procedure to check firearms into the country was simple, with very competent and polite people working there. I have never flown anywhere with a rifle , and was so glad for their friendly service. They were not interested in playing pass the rifle like the airport security in ethiopia,It was like they had never seen a rifle before so all had to touch it before i could put it back in the case.

After the rifle paper was done Pieter was waiting outside the door. It was a very nice drive to his farm, east of the airport, approx an hour drive or so.

Once at the farm I was shown my room, a very nice set up. I met a few people there that work for Pieter, had a beverage and then it was off to the range to check my rifle.

My rifle is a simple CZ 550, in 375 H&H, topped with a Schmidt and Bender Zenith 3-12 , german 4 reticle. I like the set up very much and have used it on a lot of game in Alberta with great success. I have been loading 260 grain accubonds with rl15 powder. The rifle was a bit high at 100, as I thought it would be as it has never seen the temperatures I was shooting it in now. I dialed the scope down a bit, shot hit perfect so we were good to go.

One thing I learned quick there is when it is time to hunt there is no messing around. Pieter is a serios PH, and the trophies he has on display in his lodge show this. So up onto the Land Cruiser and off on a tour we went. We did not go far and a herd of Black wildebeest were running by. We seen many Oryx and Hartbeest as well. How they spot them so fast and can tell their trophy quality is beyond me. I think we drove 20 km or so, then Pieter said it is time to walk.

I stayed behind him , trying to be as quiet as I could, spending more time looking where I stepped than looking where we were going. He was glassing in one spot for some time, so I did the same there were Oryx and Hartbeest within 300 meters or so. We went closer using the bushes and trees as cover and one oryx really got his attention, the sticks went up after another 100 meters or so and he told me to take the shot when I was comfortable, I was bloody nervous to say the least.
The Oryx was quartering away, and grazing on some bushes, I finally felt steady enough and squeezed, and down the Oryx went. Pieter said very good shot, I was elated and relieved. My first African animal down, and a nice shot .

He estimated the Bull to be around 40 inches, which he said is very nice. Pieters father was with us, and he concurred it was a great trophy. View attachment 222323
I'm enjoying your account. And congratulations on a very nice Oryx!
You have taken some very nice trophies! I am really looking forward to more of your account. Nice to have a fellow Canuck ( I'm US and Canuck, living in Armstrong BC) enjoying the African experience. Seems there are quite a few on this site.
We were not finding the kudu bull Pieter wanted , so he decided to stalk another oryx for meat. He spotted a bull that was either too old or would not be a trophy. I settled in on the sticks once again, and found the Oryx he to take. I was just.starting to squeeze and they bolted. I managed to keep the one in the scope he wanted, they slowed down a bit then bolted again, I thought I had a good shot, and once again down an oryx went. Pieter said very good shot and we walked the 250 yards to where it lay.


Another day was drawing to a close in Namibia, and another beauty of a sunset.
Very good report, sir!
How's the flight getting back to Canada? Everything went smooth with the connected flight? As far as I know, there is a direct flight from Toronto to Addis Ababa, but not for the way back.
Enjoying the report! Congrats on the trophies!
I never saw ivory tips on an oryx before. Nice cull red and one heck of a trophy red Hartebeest. They are high on my list as last trip with Pieter in Namibia I did not really try that hard for one as eland ,oryx and mtn zebra were higher on the list.

You took some great pictures and your story takes me back to last year and the many stalks I had. Looking forward to the rest of you story my friend.
Very good report, sir!
How's the flight getting back to Canada? Everything went smooth with the connected flight? As far as I know, there is a direct flight from Toronto to Addis Ababa, but not for the way back.

I flew back to Addis Ababa. The next flight it would turn out to have to stop in Dublin for fuel and a flight crew change, and no one could leave the plane. That would add a.bit of time to the flight home. I was so looking forward to sitting on a plane for 14 or 15 hours.

My baggage had all been marked quick change for the flight so hopefully it would.make it on the plane with no issues as it had been Inspected by Namibian police and Ethiopian airlines. We were just starting to board when they called my name. Very nice of them to not seated first.

So off we go again, this time on foot down stairs through security checks, outside them them into the dark tunnel to where I had been on the flight there. The Ethiopian flight attendant was great and very reassuring. Once again papers were.needed, that they took and kept. I can't help but wonder if I had a Pizza menu with a Canadian flag on it if it would have been enough. The unlocked and they didn't play pass around the rifle this time. They seemed happy so I locked it up and went back to the plane .

I wasn't as nervous this time hunt was complete and I kind of knew what to expect. The people were polite they just don't seem to have a good procedure in place for firearms transport. I only wish I took a picture of it. One plus was it was at night and they had enough lights on to see the serial number of the rifle and I didn't have to use my cell phone flashlight.
The accommodation and meals there were very nice. I had absolutely no problem with any of the food, even the beer there was very good .I have had some not so nice issues while traveling in the Caribbean and Mexico in the past, and the trees with their thorns would not make a nice place to lean against while.dealing with them.

I ate at Pieters, his brother Francios, Pieters parents in Swakopmund, and a few restaurants while on the road. Every meal was very good and you could not ask for nicer people. I met his younger brother as well as his cousin Jannie and his wife who do bow hunting hunts on their farm .
The hunt for the elusive Kudu was still ongoing. We were still seeing cows and small bulls but not what Pieter wanted to see. His brother Francios had contacted him about a very nice bull he had seen on the previous day so we were off to see if we could locate it.

With only a few hours of daylight left my hopes were still high, if anyone could find it Pieter could. All of a sudden four kudu bulls were in view and my heart lept into my throat. Small bulls he says, what the heck is he talking about , the look huge I thought. He assured me they were too young even though the horns.looked nice so.we.kept searching. We scared up some more kudu cows, a small bull and found a nice bull taken by rabies. It is so sad rabies are.taking so many of those magnificent animals.

We were getting down to the end of.daylight when movement behind where we were caught my eye, I turned a bit and WOW. I am not one to judge a trophy but man this kudu looked big, I tapped Pieter who Immediately set up the sticks, you must shoot it now he said. Good grief I was nervous, the kudu was facing me now at approx 150 meters or.maybe 200 , it looked huge . I steadied the rifle squeezed the trigger. Boom, you missed Pieter said. And the Kudu was off like lightning, I didn't have time to be flustered , i reloaded as I have ever had and kept following it in my scope, I shot again and it went down. Reloaded and looked and it's.head was still up but not trying to get up. Pieter a bit closer and I fired a.finisher into it's neck from 100 meters or so. It went still and I was so relieved.

When we walked up it looked bigger than it did in my scope. My dream Kudu bull was at my feet!! Words can't describe how happy I was and for once I was quite speechless.

Excellent trophies!! Great job on posting lots of pics, including the accommodations.
Congrats on the kudu! Dream bull for sure!
Wow, what a kudu!!! I hunted in Namibia in 2014 and never got an opportunity at one. Congrats!!!
Next on the list was the Mountain Zebra, my wife really wants a zebra rug, so I really hoped we would be successful. So off to the Khomas Hockland Mountains. Apologies if I didn't spell it correctly.

Beautiful scenery and man what rugged country! We got our gear unloaded at the lodge there, once again very nice accommodations. We met Pieters friend Fricky (sp?) , It sounds like Fricky when he says it. They joked some call him freaky as they can't say Fricky.

We loaded some gear in the land cruiser and we're off after lunch. The trails there were crazy. I drive a f350 4x4 and there is no way I would take my truck on those trails, steep, twisty, Rocky . Just wicked. Steep hills , and places where I would not like to shoot anything except maybe a bird as it would be brutal to get out.

We heard then seen baboons giving us grief, oryx and some beauty kudus. I didn't spot any on my own as I was too busy holding on to any the land cruiser, the drive.didnt seem to phase Pieter or Fricky and they said the worst trails were ahead, great...

We seen zebras a couple times.way up on the hills, once.we had reached a spot on the trail Pieter said we will walk. We had not gone far and the sticks were set and a zebra was in my scope. Too many around it, and then the stallion was out of sight, so off we went up the trail to try and spot them again. After fifty meters or so again the sticks were out and I got on the side of one stick.kneeling. The shot.wasnt there as some bush was in the way and the zebras ran again.

Another few hundred meters Pieter spotted the stallion again, and sticks.were set. He said it's about 250 meters and take the shot.when ready. The Zebra was perfectly broadside for about the first time on the whole hunt. I felt really good, held on the Chevron and squeezed. I seen the zebra rear up a bit and the front leg go wonky,but he was off and out of sight. I felt.great about the shot, was sure it was a.great hit, Fricky seen it's leg go as well.

So down the ravine up.the other side to look for it, then down another ravine and up the other side, Fricky Pieter , cattittie,and the little dog were looking, I wandeted off a but from them, I had not seen any blood. They yelled from the next little ridge so I walked that way, they had found blood , but I could.not.understand how the heck the zebra.went that far. They walked a bit more and Fricky said he seen it running hard over the next hill with the other zebras.

I couldn't understand it, the shot looked and.felt.great, and the 375 had smashed every other animal . I seen a couple smiles and looked and there was the zebra just in front of Fricky. A big sigh of relief from me and I got to wife's Zebra she wanted so much.


Fricky sports the same hairstyle as me.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?