NAMIBIA: Leopard Hunt With Leopard Legend Safaris


AH elite
Jun 3, 2013
Reaction score
Beaverlodge Alberta
Hunting reports
Member of
SCI, Dallas Safari Club, NFA ,CSSA NRA, CCFR
South Africa, Namibia, Canada (BC, Alberta Nunavet) Texas, New Mexico
May 1-3 Left Grande Prairie Ab at 3:45 PM, flew Calgary, London, Johannesburg then Windhoek. Picked up and then drove to the farm on the Huab River, about 4 1/2 hours.

May 4th- Sight in my rifle [Sako 85 in 370 Sako/ 9.3 x 66 depending where you live]. then we spend the rest of the day checking baits. no new Leopard sign

May 5th-Checked baits there was a big Tom on one of the baits. We set up a blind that in its self was very interesting. We then went and shot a Zebra to replenish the baits. went back to camp for lucnh and a snooze.We where in the blind at 4:00 PM until 7:00 AM no Leopard

May 6th- I was so tired that I slept while L'wyk and his crew went out and checked baits and replenished them. That will teach him about poking me in the ribs and telling me I'm snoring. Again we whre in the blind at 4:00 PM till 6:30 no leopard.

May 7th- Checked baits no new hits so we rested up and decided not to go into the blind. That evening we decide to see if I could get a Dik Dik. We where successful I used L'wyks 22 Mag one shot through the heart.

May 8th Checked bait we had a hit on another spot, set up a blind. Once again a ineteresting set up. We spent from 4:00 PM til 6:30 AM in the blind, no Leopard

May 9th- Checked baits and again stayed in the blind, still no Leopard. I started calling this Leopard the one hit wonder, he never did come back.

May 10th- Happy Birthday to my son, he just turned 21 today, and this is the first birthday of his I missed. Happy Mothers day to my wife. Also Happy Birthday to L'wyks wife Julene. Checked baits nothing new. went after a Hartmans Zebra to replenish baits, found some but couldn't get a shot. Back to camp and celebrated the birthdays.

May 11th- Decide instead of a Hartmans Zebra we would use a Rare Black Namibian Bait Zebra AKA Donkey for bait. Set baits and checked baits no Leopard. Went out in the afternoon to try for a Black Faced Impala. We managed to get a very nice one.



May 12th-Checked baits nothing. went out in the evening to try for Klipspringer, spotted a pair on a Kopje. L"wyk didn't want me to use my rifle with soft points, So I used his 338 Win Mag with Barnes TSX bullets. 175 yards and up hill with a strange rifle and 1 shot put it in the bag.

May 13th- Checked baits no Leopard. Whike checking baits drove by a waterhole, there was a Kudu walking away. L'wyk said that the Kudu was sick and to shoot it which I did. Turns out that the Kudo had Rabies. There had been a Lion killing Horses on a fram that belonged to the mother of L'wyks PH, as we weren't having any luck with Leopards, we went up amd spend the night in a blind for Lion. No loin.

May 14th- Came back and checked baits nothing. We decide to spend the evening in a blind by a waterhole calling Jackels. We had lots of Jackels respond but where having problems with the call. Got the call going and L'wyk starts whispering in my right ear. between the call and the fact that my hearing in that ear is not good. I didn't make out he was sayin Cheetah use the big gun. I stand up with the small Mag and put 1 shot in the heart. We couldn't find it in the dark, mainly because we where looking in the wrong spot. Came out the next morning and found it 60 yards from where I shot it.

May 15th- After finding the Cheetah we checked bait, nothing on the baits. BBBUT close to a bait that had a couple of females on it. We found the tracks of a big Tom, there had been a big cat on the bait just before I got there. L'wyk thought it maybe the same cat. So instead of going to Windhoek hat afternoon we decided to sit on the bait that afternoon. The Tom never came in but we did see 2 females. Here are some more pictures


May 16th- Leave at 6:30 AM and make my way home

Conclusion- Even thou I didn't get a Leopard i had a very wonderful time. I got some respectable animal, met some very nice people, ate well. I'd like to thank L'wyk and his wife for been very good hosts. The one upside of not getting a Leopard is I have to go back. and it will be with Leopard Legends. I hope you enjoy the post and I'm sorry if my writing isn't perfect, I'm a Millwright not a writer, LOL Peter
Thanks for writing that up and sharing it with us, looks like you had a great time. The Cheetah is not something I had given thought to hunting until now. I was also a millwright a long time ago, before walking through an Armed Forces recruiting center door :).
Great write up.

Wrong kind of spots but I can see you were not too disappointed.

You got some very nice trophies. Congrats.
Thanks for the write up. Good pics. Congrats on the trophies. Bruce
Congrats for a great hunt Peter, you did not get a Leopard but made the best of it and harvested some other very nice trophies. That´s hunting !
Thanks for the report, I remember you saying on a recent post you was leaving for leopard. Sorry the big toms eluded you. While I was reading your report I didnt want to sneak a peak at the bottom to see if you was successful, I wanted to take the journey of your report...I actually spoke aloud and so AWWW no leopard. Next time!(y)
Congratulations on your hunt. You got some nice trophies.

All the best on getting the leopard next time.

Thanks for sharing the report.(y)
Great write up.

Wrong kind of spots but I can see you were not too disappointed.

You got some very nice trophies. Congrats.

Not to disappointed looking forward to next time
un succsessfull leopard hunt,spooks.
I don't think so , you and your P.H, came away with a plenty good adventure ....
you sound like you were pretty relaxed with the whole deal ...
really like the dik dik and klipspringer , that black faced impala , will make a striking mount !!!
thanks for sharing your adventure , with us all
What can I say.......trophies for a life time......!!!!
un succsessfull leopard hunt,spooks.
I don't think so , you and your P.H, came away with a plenty good adventure ....
you sound like you were pretty relaxed with the whole deal ...
really like the dik dik and klipspringer , that black faced impala , will make a striking mount !!!
thanks for sharing your adventure , with us all

Bluey I think attitude will make or break a hunt. If you go over with the attitude that you have to shoot a Leopard, instead of the attitude to make the best of it. You are depriving your self out of a good expierience. Ive been in camps in North America where hunters did nothing but complain, even thou they got nice animals. I don't want to ever be one of those guys.
Bluey I think attitude will make or break a hunt. If you go over with the attitude that you have to shoot a Leopard, instead of the attitude to make the best of it. You are depriving your self out of a good expierience. Ive been in camps in North America where hunters did nothing but complain, even thou they got nice animals. I don't want to ever be one of those guys.

First off, congratulations on a great hunt!

Secondly, you nailed it. It SHOULD be all about the experience. And for you it obviously was.
Great hunt and I'm sure experiences to last a life time. Congratulations on some fantastic trophies.
Not to disappointed looking forward to next time

Exactly. Some folks are lucky and get him the first go round, others have to practice a bit more.
I'll formally welcome you to join me in the crowd that needs a bit more practice.
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Thanks Wayne
Thanks for sharing your hunt! Love that cheetah!!!
You harvested some great animals, congrats!
An interesting and informative read- well done!

Some very fine trophies will be gracing your house once back from the taxidermist.

Here I am spending literally thousands of Australian dollars on fine large caliber firearms, when all I needed was a dirty old small Magnum!

That Cheetah is certainly something to bragg about. Not something the do- gooder's or the PH guilde should be hearing about though. Namibia does have strict laws concerning minimum caliber and energy for Dangerous Game as well as hunting at night time.....

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John A Flaws wrote on Horbs's profile.
500 schuler magazine.jpg
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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
ghay wrote on professor's profile.
Would you consider selling just the Barnes 235's and 250g TTSX's?
Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.