NAMIBIA: Leopard Hunt At Westfalen


The gemsbok were in horrible condition as well as the warthogs and dying daily. So all grazers (grass eaters) were in bad condition. The browsers (leaf eaters) like eland, dik dik, etc were in fairly good shape. Yes my eland was in very good condition considering. We ate the tenderloins and they were fabulous!
That sucks Phillip .
I really want to go back in the near future .
But unless they get a heap of rain and things change .!!!
I just dont know .
Having been there I really feel for the people enduring the drought .
I hate seeing animals suffer .
Saying that Phillip your Eland looks in real good condition ?
Is that right ?
I thought they had some good rain a while ago but obviously not .
What condition were the other animals you shot in Phillip ??
Cheers Dory .
Got this picture about 3 weeks ago from my PH. This was the result of one good rain they had at one watering hole.

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As Phillip said there are lots of cats in that area. Here's a picture of a cat my PH had on bait for 4 months!

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Phillip sorry about the cat but it is the experiences and the hardships that make each trip rewarding and memorable. You most definitely have an experience that can start around the camp fire with " No Shit there I was just minding my own business when this crazy vulture committed suicide" Thank you for sharing.
Sorry about the leopard Phillip, however you got other very good trophies and an incredible experience with a vulture !

Thanks for sharing.
Got this picture about 3 weeks ago from my PH. This was the result of one good rain they had at one watering hole.

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Shit thats awesome Johhny .
I know how quick the land can change after a good rain .
Hope they have plenty more .
PS those guys dont own lawnmowers either !:V Bangin:
Got this picture about 3 weeks ago from my PH. This was the result of one good rain they had at one watering hole.

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Yes the rains are trying to come. The he southern part of Namibia had a great year. Rain in Namibia is precious just like it is here in West Texas so I am very in tune with their feelings.
I wanted to commend John, owner of Westfalen, on the shipping of my trophies. He and I had a discussion a few days before my departure. I told him in my estimation dip and pack shipping is one of the true failings of the safari industry. Now I am sure there are some who have only had wonderful experiences but I have not been so fortunate. My 2015 safari, like my first many many years ago, took over a year to arrive with just dip and pack. So John and I had a discussion where I vented my frustrations and he kindly explained the challenges of dealing with taxidermists and shippers. I simply asked him to "get it done" and he did. Just a month from returning from Namibia my trophies where cleared by Coppersmith! Now you other guys in the safari industry have a standard to keep up with. John van der Westhuizen can "get it done"! No more BS about how long it takes to dip and pack!
Thanks John,
That's good news. Just to touch again on the drought it's amazing if you drive one hour South the difference is astonishing
I wanted to commend John, owner of Westfalen, on the shipping of my trophies. He and I had a discussion a few days before my departure. I told him in my estimation dip and pack shipping is one of the true failings of the safari industry. Now I am sure there are some who have only had wonderful experiences but I have not been so fortunate. My 2015 safari, like my first many many years ago, took over a year to arrive with just dip and pack. So John and I had a discussion where I vented my frustrations and he kindly explained the challenges of dealing with taxidermists and shippers. I simply asked him to "get it done" and he did. Just a month from returning from Namibia my trophies where cleared by Coppersmith! Now you other guys in the safari industry have a standard to keep up with. John van der Westhuizen can "get it done"! No more BS about how long it takes to dip and pack!
Thanks John,

There you go. Goods news.

I have to agree with you on the trophy shipping/ dip and pack/ taxidermy side of the "safari" is the FAILING side of the whole experience.

Although Namibia has always been good to me on that front.
That's good news. Just to touch again on the drought it's amazing if you drive one hour South the difference is astonishing
Yes I noticed that as well. Hoping the rains go a bit North and West soon!
On another note I chose to use Lori with @Travel Express for this hunt. I decided to have three hunting travel agencies make the itinerary and then choose what was best for me. I got three totally different routes and vastly different prices. After thinking it over, for this particular hunt, I chose Travel Express because of price and total travel time. Only booking two months out was another factor. I flew American then South African Airways : SJT-DFW-IAD-JNB-WDH for $1500! Yes as most of you know this is the 17-18 hour flight that lands in Ghana on the way then Dakar on the way home. It's terrible as far as flight duration and SAA is not my favorite but all in all it was ok. I'm weird and don't eat airline food so I can't comment on that but overall it was ok. I had a bulkhead seat on the way over but not on the way back and that bulkhead seat was nice due to great legroom. The entertainment system lacked quality and selection but I wasn't impressed with Delta's last time either.
Lori was nice to work with and gave me confidence in the trip from the beginning. Everything was emailed to me which was different than getting a travel packet in the mail but hey that's the way it's done in the modern era. I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a good trip with @Travel Express
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Thanks Philip for sharing your adventure and for the nice words, it was a pleasure doing business with you. Being an avid hunter myself and having been to southern Africa many times I hope it helps to relate to clients and their needs. You did get some memorable trophies and nice photos even thought the Leopard wasn't in the cards. They desperately need rain over there. That may be a new dip/pack/ship record! (y)
It's incredible the skins were dry enough to ship....I was told it takes at least 3 months.
It's incredible the skins were dry enough to ship....I was told it takes at least 3 months.
Johnny we discussed that and they said 30 days is what they needed for the eland to dry. Again I personally believe, especially after this experience, that the dip and pack taxidermists are full of it! They are slow as Christmas and full of excuses and from now on I won't believe anything they say. In fact I think as clients paying the bill for these high dollar safaris we should begin demanding a set timeframe on dip and pack shipping. Why not? Everything is negotiable.
Just my thoughts.
Merry Christmas,
Great point Phillip. My last trip to Namibia where I too shot 6 animals they told me I shouldn't take the chance USFW would reject the shipment if not properly dried.
........... that the dip and pack taxidermists are full of it! ..........


The process when it goes wrong :

Outfitter :A Me You::E Shrug::A Shit: Dip& Pack :A Me You: :E Shrug: :A Shit: Shipper/Transport Co :E Shrug: :A Me You: :A Shit: Airline:E Shrug: :A Me You: :A Shit: Broker

Hunter:E Huh::A Phone::A Praying::E Tap Foot: :A Bang Head::E Red Hot::E Crying::A Surrender::D Passed Out:
The trophies you got all look great. Congratulations!(y)

Sorry you had to substitute a vulture for the leopard.:D

Thanks for posting the report and photos.
Johnny we discussed that and they said 30 days is what they needed for the eland to dry. Again I personally believe, especially after this experience, that the dip and pack taxidermists are full of it! They are slow as Christmas and full of excuses and from now on I won't believe anything they say. In fact I think as clients paying the bill for these high dollar safaris we should begin demanding a set timeframe on dip and pack shipping. Why not? Everything is negotiable.
Just my thoughts.
Merry Christmas,

Philip, I hunted with Westfalen in July/August. Only plains game but had an incredible hunt. I decided to do the Taxidermy in Namibia because 1) I personally saw the work they do 2) Cost - Comparing to three local taxidermist the cost was considerably lower. Over 25% including increased shipping cost. But along your lines, I negotiated that the final bill with be an additional 20% off if they are not ready to ship in 6 months. I totally agree everything is negotiable. BTW 6 months is 3/16/17 so I will keep everyone updated.

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