Khomas Highlands DAY 3- Monday 3-22 afternoon
After lunch the went horseback riding with Victoria (Vicky) and Phillips mother. They stayed inside the preserve area around the lodge and were able to ride close the giraffes, sable, impala, lechwe, and sable. They had a blast!!
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Issak, Shorty and I headed out again looking
for Gemsbok. Issak driving, with Shorty and I in the back…..
We drove, glassed, stalked, stalked some more,. We would spot a group of gemsbok. Issak and I would take off and find only females and young males….
This program repeated itself throughout the afternoon….
I had almost given up for the day and was starting to wonder what was for dinner….
By now we were at the far depths of Khomas Highlands in an area that I have dubbed “Midfle Earth, Namibia”.
A little after 5:00 on we come around a corner and there stands a lone gembok standing about 100 meters off the road up on a little ridge. Issak stops, and shorty gets excited and says”Shoot”!!
Then the circus starts….He is trying to hand me my gun out of the rack, and I am trying to chamber a round and climb off the bakkie all at the same time… Issak is saying shoot!
The Gemsbok turns and is quartering away going up the hill.
I take aim, offhand without a rest, place the cross hairs on the shoulder and squeeze..
The Blesbok hits the ground….watching through the scope, I think I see him do a complete roll.
As I chamber another round, the dirt and rocks are flying he jumps up, and moves about 25 meters to the top of the ridge I take aim again offhand and miss. And he is gone….
I tell Issak I feel good about the first shot but not the second. Iaaak says he thinks it’s front leg is broken, but not sure… we walk up on the ridge just beyond where the gemsbok was standing for the second shot.
Issak finds one small drop of blood….
Shorty returned to the car to get Lucky the dog…(Rhodesian Ridgeback)
I am thinking to myself that this one drop of blood is gonna make for a long and expensive evening…
Lucky smells the blood spot, makes about three big circles around the area, and is off through brush at Mach 2. With the three of us trying to keep up….
He goes over the ridge about 150 meters and we can hear the shit hitting the fan!
Just as we come over a small rock out cropping I can see the gems box is down, but not yet dead. Issak recalls Lucky I put put a final shot in n the gemsbok neck ending the excitement.
It turns out that my first shot was perfect. It entered about 3 inches behind the left shoulder and was loged up in the front top of the right shoulder.
There was no exit wound, which explained the lack of blood……
And I had first Gemsbok! A great male with heavy horns.
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In the pic you can see the entrance hole behind the left shoulder and the entrance in the final neck shot. Neither bullet exited.
Issak and Shorty worked the bakkie up close we could load him up.
By now it’s getting dark.I had Issak stop the bakkie on the way home so I could take a pic of the sunset.
The moral of this story is that you never know what is behind the next corner when you are free range hunting in Africa….
We took the gemsbok and dropped him off at Phillips new lodge where they doing all the butchering and have the walk in cooler.. Issak measured the horns at 34” and I can’t get my hand around the bases.
The drive from the the new lodge to the Housis River Lodge was about 30 min. When we arrived everyone was waiting for for us and held off dinner until we arrived …. Everyone had a successful day!
Lots of good stories and drinks all around.
Dinner was an amazing gemsbok snitzel
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The food, wine and drinks didn’t stop until well after 10 pm