NAMIBIA: Has Anyone Hunted With Felix Marnewecke In Namibia?

Stan you were worried about your hunting report, This Is Great, love the added youtube clips.
Stan your English is great! No need to get fancy here...

Stan everything so far has been absolutely engrossing.
Excellent job.
Thanks and please keep it coming.
Stan everything so far has been absolutely engrossing.
Excellent job.
Thanks and please keep it coming.

i am in total agreement . turned to page 3 in anticipation of more , but will partake of some :daydreaming: till your next installment :)
Wednesday August 22- Fourth day

First thing we did was to check on two water pans early this morning but there were only young bull's tracks. Then we drove around looking for fresh spoor, on the way we spotted some kudus and warthogs. By 9.20 am we found two large old bulls's spoors and went after them. These tracks were met by other group of young bulls for around fifteen minutes before separation. We caught up with one bull around 10.40 am and made a stalked up to him about fifteen meters. As we were glassing to check his tusks, he caught our movement and turned his head toward us. As he started to turn, all of us had to kneel down on the ground. He was staring at us and checking the wind for about three minutes. Felix then signaled us to slowly move out. He was a old bull with sixty pounders tusk on both side. We could not locate the other bull with a bigger spore. Felix sent up Xhau onto a tall tree to be able to locate the bull but he was not able to locate him. The wind was getting worse as it was about noon. We had to wait until these bulls move or the wind to change.




Up in a Tree

At 14.00 pm the bull started to move but we still could not see the bigger bull. We sent trackers to trace back their track. It turn out that the other old bull had separated with the bull we were with and had instead joined the group of young bulls. We followed his track for ten minutes, but he also separated from the young bulls. He walked in circle twice to check his own track, a very smart move by old bull we have here. Around 15.40 pm we spotted his huge head and shoulder on top of a hill quite a distant away, slowly feeding and moving. We circled around to get down wind but once we were on top of the hill the wind swirled around and this big old bull winded us and ran off. We caught up with him on top of another hill one kilometer away. It was very thick and dense here, full of thorn bushes and dried leaves. The bull had already slow down and started to feed again. We slowly followed him for about half an hour, we could hear him but could not clearly have a good look at him as it was very dense and thick. At 16.30 pm the wind changed. He winded us and ran away again. Felix decided to call the day off as we do not want to spook him any further. On the way back to camp we saw two young kudu bulls very close to camp.



Thursday August 23- 5th day

There were only young bulls, cows and calves spoors in two pans near our camp. We drove around for an hour and a half more but did not find any large old bull spoor. Felix decided to drive to some new pans south of our camp about two hours away. We found two young bulls near one pan and several bull spoors in another pan. Robert suggested we should come to this pan again in the afternoon to see if any elephant would come for water.



On the way to the pan after lunch break we saw an old bull with no right tusk, his left tusk weights about 35-40 lbs. We saw some kudus and warthogs. We arrived at the pan at 16.30 pm and immediately saw a young bull. Then we spotted another two young bulls two hundred meters away. Felix sent trackers up to a tree. Within half an hour after they spotted a bull working its way toward the pan but after the wind changed and they all moved away.







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Friday August 24- 6th day

We found an big old bull spoor along with three young bull's spores at a big pan in the south to our camp. We went after them at around 7.20 am. By 8.30 am we lost their tracks. Trackers went after them and came back in forty minutes, said they had spotted a bull standing under a shade in some distant away. We decided to govern close to inspect. The old bull was standing by himself, unfortunately he was no more than sixty five lbs. There were also three young bulls were standing together about fifty meters away.

We came back to our cruiser in order to go search for more spoor. As we were driving around, we spotted two young bulls closed by the road but neither bull was to our interest. We found two more spoors at two different pans, one was a big bull spoor and the other spoor was a very huge spoor traveling with another bull. In my hunting life, I have never seen a spoor this big before. It was 11.30 am then but Felix thought it was too late to go after them as the temperature was very hot then.

We had lunch at water hole and saw one bull. After Felix's beauty sleep, we drove around looking for games but only see kudu cows and some blue wildebeests but they ran away once see us.




Saturday August 25- 7th day.

We saw two bulls about a hundred meters away from a road at 7.25 am. One of bull looked very interested. They had heard our truck and started to walked away. As we were getting ready to follow them for a better look, the wind shifted. A road side elephant turn out to be a hard chase as we had to run and brisk walked for almost thirty minutes in thick bushes. I have been monitoring Felix's pace for a few day already. For Felix normal walks of four paces, all trackers have to walks five paces while I still can manage to make four paces. Now we were running and brisk walked after running elephants, I have to run most of the time to keep up with Felix brisk walked. I was really in for a good one, shorted breath. We probably had covered at least five kms in an hour in thickets and thorn bushes. Countless thorns in my fingers and hands and my arms and legs were cuts everywhere. We caught up with them at 8.40 in a low opening thicket. We moved in slowly and quietly by crawling more than three hundred meters as they can see us very far from their eye level. There were totally three bulls. The biggest body bull was a sixty pounder, one was a fifty pounder and the lead bull could be a seventy pounder. His right tusk is about two and a half feet and almost blunt, but the left was tapering off from rubbing. Felix have been so worried about me not able to take two trophy bulls from this safari as he would not be able to sell the left over permit as the season will end in a few months. Actually, I come here for a hundred pounder, not a seventy pounder. However, this morning hunt has been a great hunt. We have ran, brisk walked and crawled more than eight Kms in a short time which I enormously enjoy every second of it. A number on a tape nor a figure on a scale does not matter anymore but it is the ride and a great time that count. I decided to take the bull. When we were with in about fifty meters away from them, the biggest bull had caught our movement and walked closer to check us out, we all had to sit down on the ground. He was staring at us for about five minutes before he walked away. The wind was in our favor this morning, we only made a move, getting closer to them just when they moved to cover our noise.






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We had to crawl another twenty minutes to the closest bush which was about eighteen meters away from them. They did not notice our presence as they were chilling in the shade of an Acacia tree, feeding and resting. The seventy pounder bull was the closest bull to us, standing broadside. So there I was, I made a side brain shot, although the shot was a little bit high but the bull went down. The bull struggled as he was trying to get up; the bullet had partially damage his brain or nerve. I made two more shots to finish him off. He was an old bull but not as old as we wanted. We took some photos, shook hands and enjoined the moment. Florian told me that he would come back tomorrow to recover his meat for the villagers.










Sunday August 26- 8th day

We spotted three separated bulls in three pans, all in fifty pounds class. We also saw some young warthogs and kudu cows this morning but we did not see any big old bull spoor at all.




We saw a 56" kudu in the afternoon in 200 meters away from the road but we had no chance to take him as he took off right away when our cruiser stopped.

Monday August 27- 9th day

We drove northwest for two hours to go to a new waterhole. Per Robert, no one has ever hunted at this waterhole before. We found a big old bull track on the dirt road two and a half kms off the main road. Trackers said it was a yesterday late afternoon's track. Terrain was simi-hard sand and grassy. We started to follow the track at 7.10 am. After 5.8 kms, the bull crossed the main road we had just past. We had driven too fast to actually notice the track on the way. Florian went back to get the cruiser while we continue tracking it. We went 3.5 kms further and found his brownish dried up dung and hard urine sand. Felix told me that the bull passed here yesterday afternoon and he must have already be very far away from this point. Plus he was traveling strait in one direction. It would definitely take us very far and who knows how many days to catch up with this bull. Robert insisted that this is a very good old bull judging from his track but we as we could not catch up, we decided to check at the new water hole.




So, we came back to the main road to wait for Florian. It took us another hour to get to the waterhole, as the dirt road was covered with small trees and branches. It must have been quite sometimes since someone has used this road. We witnessed a lot of cows and calves activities along the dirt road. We saw several old bulls's spoors from last night. Felix was back up in high spirits; this place is very promising for my hundred pounder. We made sure to return here tomorrow's morning.

We went south in the afternoon searching for new spoor but only see young bull spoor and kudu cows.

Tuesday August 28- 10th day

It was 3.27 am that I woke up, a heard of elephant has been making loud noise at a waterhole a couple of km away from our camp for the whole night.

We drove out to the northwest water hole, before turning to a dirt road leading to the waterhole, we saw a lot of fresh cows and calves tracks. Our hopes and expectations was very high from yesterday spoors. Unfortunately, once we arrived there, only signs of one young bull, cows and calves were to be found. We drove around the area but did not managed to find any old bull track at all.



We then went looking for spoor in the south and found several old bull spoors including a huge old bull spoor at the big dried up pan. For some reason, we have only managed to be in the wrong places at the wrong time for the last two days. We did not witness any bull at all since yesterday. On top of that, we have not seen a single cow or calf since our first day in this concession.

Wednesday August 29- 11th day

Robert reckoned that we should head to the northwest waterhole again. As we were about to we turn off the gravel main road to the waterhole, we spotted a lot of cows and calves spoors on the road. Felix mentioned that there should be a water source nearby that we must not known of. We saw a coupe of young bulls, cows and calves spoors on the dirt road leading to the water hole but luck was not on our side, we did not see any big old bulls's spoor at the water hole. Around 7.50 am, Felix decided to rush to the southern part of the concession. He was driving like mad, racing against time or some sort. We soon arrived in the south area and found the big old bull spoor at the big dried pan. It was already around half past ten in the morning but the weather was nice with occasional cool breeze. The old bull was walking alone on hard dried soil covered with grass. It was a difficult tracking him and we lost his tracks quite few times. His track was later joined by a group of bulls. It was then even more difficult to track him now as there were several spoors and tracks in the area. We managed to catch up with them in thick bushes to see them sleeping under shade of trees. There was a bull standing alone and fives more standing fifty meters away. The old bull we were tracking was among these bulls, he was a very old bull with big round head and fading body color. His both tusks were about sixty pounds each. All other bulls were in fifty to sixty pounds classes. We went in as close as thirty meters from them for a better look. One bull has a broken left use. He was sleeping very soundly by resting his right tusk on a branch of a tree. But nothing to our interest, we headed back at the cruiser at 13.30 pm, had lunch and rest.







In the afternoon we saw two blue wildebeests six hundred meters away in the big wide-open area. Felix and I made a stalk to two three hundred meters, but they were both still young bulls. Then we spotted another one lying on the ground. We decided to head in with our cruiser to take a good look and found that she was an old cow with collar on her neck., she had died of old age.



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Stan great story. Please continue. The pictures are great at telling the story as well. Lot's of memories and itching to return again
Thursday August 30- 12th day

We decided to again go to the same northwest waterhole but there were no sign of old bull spoor. So we raced back to the furthest pan from camp in the east. Along the dirt road that we took, we found a couple of old bull spoors from last night. Once we had arrived, we saw a group old bulls's spoors at the pan and we started to follow them from 9.40 am. It was very tough tracking them as there were other elephants sings everywhere and the terrain was dried sand covered with grass. We lost the tracks a couple of times. But the worst was the fact that we had wind in our back most of the time. I did not think this would be a successful hunt as the wind was not in our favor. Felix and trackers on the other hands were always in high spirits and they were right. By 1.20 pm with 11.9 kms from where we started, the old tracker spotted one of the elephant at the edge of the clearing on top of the hill. We were very closed to him but the wind was still pretty bad. We had to ran out quickly downwind. The bull was a very old with big body, but he was a sixty pounder. We circled around and found another five more bulls. All of them were in fifty to sixty pounds class ranges.






We walked 4.8 kms on our way back to the cruiser as we bumped into another three more bulls. One of them was old with rather big head and body. He was a sixty pounder and he surely not spook by us at all, even we were less than twenty meters from him. The other twos were young bulls. We arrived at the cruiser at 16.10 pm and had our late lunch. We then drove around in order to find more spoor. In total, we walked 10.2 kms yesterday and we walked 18.6 kms today.

Friday August 31- 13th day

This was the fifth day we have gone to the far northwest waterhole without success. On the way back to the main road, we stopped by and asked the villagers. He mentioned about another pan, which was not far from the place we were and there it should not have dried up just yet. He was very willing to show us the place. We drove for fifteen minutes until there was no further road access. We then had to walk about 5.4 Kms. The waterhole was very remote and surrounded by thick bushes. The place was very promising for big bulls indeed and there were signs of old elephant everywhere to e seen. However, water has dried up at least three weeks ago.

We drove back to check a pan nearer to our campsite. There were signs of young bulls from last night. We had lunch there and continue to hunt without having any breaks; even though it was very hot day. We then drove far east to another waterhole that was recently fixed two to three weeks ago by the conservancy. As soon as we entered the area, we spotted two bulls right away. We made a stalk but wind was swirling most of the time which made our stalked very difficult, as we had to stop and wait a few time. When it subsided, we continued our stalk. Both bulls were sleeping in a very thick thorn bushes. We had to move very slow and try to be as quite as possible. The first bull has a broken right tusk while his left was short and should have weighted about fifty pounds. The second bull was blinded by a thick bush, we could hear him but could not locate him. As it was very thick, we had to back off and wait forty minute for them to make a move. We followed them into thick bushes once they started to move. Then we saw the second bull quite a distant; he was a sixty pounder with a very big body. Both bulls were pretty old bulls.





On the way back we saw two warthogs crossing the road. Close to our camp, we then saw several kudu cows.


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Stan this is some fantastic reading with Great Pictures and Video clips make me feel guilty I didn't buy an signed copy for my Library keep up the good read.

Congratulations, Stan! Great photos and good reading.

Lovski zdravo
Hunting hello
Janez L
Really great hunting report, found myself pacing with you Stan after elephants in Namibia!
Saturday September 1-14th day

Just after five minutes away from our camp, we saw a dark shadow of elephant cow crossing the road in front of us, the sight were not too clear as it was still dark. Felix told me that may be perhaps the luck had turned into our side, as that was the first cow we have seen in the trip. After a while, we found a big old bull spoor at a big pan in the south. From his track, we came into a conclusion that he lives in the area. We tracked after him for about fifty minutes to see him standing in a thick thorn bush . We circled around trying to get the wind in our best favor, but he heard our noise when we approached closer. We waited till he could calmed down and started to feed again before we could go in closer. He was a very old bull but both tusks were in fifty five pounds class.



Checking for Local News

We drover around and checking various roads and pans in order to search for fresh tracks. We then spotted two bulls within three hundred meters rang from the road. We decided to walk in to get a closer look at them. A smallest bull there has around forty five-fifty pounds tusks. While a bigger bull has a very big body with a broken in half left tusk, his right tusk is about three and a half feet long but taper and pointed. He was definitely a sixty pounder.



After lunch, we found an old bull's spoor that we had tracked two days ago. In the late afternoon we headed to the northwest waterhole to see a young bull there. He was not frightened by us at all. But we had no luck, as we still could not find any old bull track. There were few cows wandering around the area for water.

Felix had been given rides to the locals since the first day; this is very usual in Africa. On the way back this afternoon, we picked up a bushman from Tsumkwe and he told us that there are two pans near his house that elephants are still drinking.








Sunday September 2-15th day

We decided to go to the waterholes that the bushman has mentioned but only managed to find a couple of young bulls spoors. We drove around in the south area looking at new pans. We found tracks of a group of bulls but could not figure whether the tracks are by young bulls or old bulls. We decided to follow these tracks for one Km until we were certain that young bulls had left them.





By 11.30 am, we managed to find spoors of another group of bulls at the big but dried pan, but there were two water springs here. They were old bull spoors. We tracked them for 5.4 Kms to find that the bulls separated into their own ways. The trackers did their job by looking for them for 1.20 hours, they came back and told us that we have lost their tracks due to the large number of cows and calves in the area. We also saw eight to nine young Kudu bulls in the way back to our cruiser.

In the afternoon we drove to a new waterhole north of Tsumkwe. We found a couple of big old bull spoors left from last night. We will come back again tomorrow.




Trackers are up in the tree
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Jeeez. And I thought there where no Ele left to hunt in Africa according to some!! lol Looks like there are plenty where you where hunting!! Keep it coming. Nothing beats a bunch of pictures and a great read, other than Video's!! Oh and you are giving us that as well! Loving it! Thanks!


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Monday September 3-16th day

We decided to go and check two new pans near the local bushman's house and found a big old bull's spoor from yesterday afternoon. His spoor suggested large and deep cranks. We decided to go after him at 6.40 am. After 7.4 Kms, there was another big old bull track joining in and by 11.6 Kms another younger bull also joined in. At 9.30 am, we have covered the total of 12.7 Kms, the tracks started to turn left and right. Robert then heard elephant's rumble from a knoll to our left but the tracks we have been following went strait. Felix suggested the possibility of them going strait at first, but made a big U-turn back. So we decided to check these elephants in the knoll first. The elephants were resting in a very thick bushes and the ground was cover with dried leaves; this made our approach very noisy. It was almost impossible to get near them without them noticing, so Felix decided that he would head in alone to check them. Later he came back and told us there are four bulls together. One of them has both tusks more than four feet long but they are thinned and tapered as he was still a young bull. The rest of them are in fifty pounds class. After the discussion, we decided to resume tracking the tracks we have left off.

We went back tracking and caught up with this group of elephant in a thicket and full of dried leaves. We saw one young bull which had about fifty pounds tusks. As we tried to get closer to them, the wind swirled to all directions, so we quickly moved out and made a big circle around them but they had winded us and ran off. We had walked a bit more to get close to them without a glimpse of the two big bulls at all. In the end, we walked back to our cruiser, the total distant covered was now up to 26.8 Kms and the time was 16.30 pm.



After a quick lunch, we drove to the new water hole in the northeast. We then saw a big spoor of an old bull on the road quite near the water hole from yesterday. Once we have arrived, we spotted a young bull making his way to drink. On the way back to our camp, we also met Stefan of SMJ Safaris. Felix's staffs pulled out the first bull's tusks. The weight were 65.6 Lbs for right tusk and 60.7 for the left tusk







Tuesday September 4-17th day

We drove to a new pan north of Tsumkwe; Stefan suggested last night that we should make a trip here; as he has seen a lot of elephant activity in the last two three days. But as we had arrived, there was no sign of elephant here at all. On the way to another pan, we spotted an old bull two hundred meters away from the dirt road. He heard the vehicle and walked behind a bush. I could only see his big round head and big body. His shoulder is higher than his rear end. Felix got out of our cruiser to have a good look at him. The bull started to walk away, Felix quickly ran after him. Robert on the other hand had to get Felix's rifle and shortly run after Felix. They came back after fifteen minutes and told us that the bull had chipped off let the end of his tusk, but they did not see the right tusk. Robert was very impress size of the bull and his big track. We drove off to the water hole but only found young bulls and cows tracks.



Robert strongly suggested that we should follow the big old bull track to have a good look at him and we all agreed. Our chase started at 7.30 am, the old bull walked downwind for 5.2 Kms before turning. As the wind was on our back since the beginning, I really thought we would never caught up with him. Fortunately, we spotted him standing under a tree right by the edge of thick bush and clear area. We stalked up to him up to about fifty meters. He was standing with his eyes closed, head a bit left toward us. His tusks were dirty with mud and I was not impressed with them at all. I told Felix that he is not what I was looking for and the fact that it was too easy of a hunt; a fifty meters clear shot. Felix mentioned the fact that this bull's tusks are bigger than the bull I have shot before. As we were ready to move out, the wind swirled and he had caught our scent. He turned directly towards us and stared in our direction for about three to four minutes. He then walked fully broadside to our left showing his tusks clearly, and then I was impressed. His right tusk was about three feet sticking out from his lip and it was thick. Felix and I believed his right tusk would weight more than seventy pounds.

The old bull walked slowly from a burnt opening area toward a thick bush two hundred meters away. We circled around downwind to the other side of the thick bush the same time the old bull entered it. As luck would have it, we bumped in to a big heard of blue wildebeest, at least thirty of them and they jumped out of the bush, running away at full speed. The old bull was still not aware on our presence but he certainly knew that something was not right. He decided to walk to another thick bush for half a kilometer away passing through the burnt area. Felix started walking zigzag motion keeping us behind some small bushes or trees to avoid the bull from noticing. Felix eyes were fixed on the old bull; we only walked when the old bull walked. We stalked him right behind Felix and imitated exactly what felix had done. We had covered 8.9 Kms since had started. We followed him into the thicket but unfortunately one of the tracker was walking too fast and making a lot of noise, looking for the track without looking for the bull. The bull then heard our noise and began to run away. He was now fully aware of our presence, spooked and wearied. It was already 11.20 am, we rested for half an hour to let the old bull calm down for a bit.

For the next three and a half hour we had to catwalk in every thickets and thick bushes. It was very tense for us; we had to be fully alert for several hours. The old bull had made several circles to check on his track. He did not stop to rest at all. It was 16.7 Kms from starting point, we heard the noise of cranking branches. We stalked closer to have a good look and met several cows and calves. We stalked closer until we saw the old bull. He was standing broadside with his head to our right. There were also five to six cows and calves standing next to him. But he was standing out, as his height was much higher than all of them. However, we were not 100% sure whether the bull we saw was actually him, with two cows standing beside him, totally blocked our vision of his body and tusks. Felix and Robert were certain that the bull was the one we were looking for but we all wanted to make sure Once more. Cows and calves were everywhere to be seen, there must be at at least thirty to forty of them. This made our stalk to the old bull very difficult. The closest that we could get to the old bull was about forty meters. I could make a clear side brain shot but as we were still not certain it was him; the tusks of this mysterious bull was yet to be seen.



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Felix whispered into my ears, but I could not hear it clearly as I had earplugs on. I took one off and asked him what he was saying. He told with softly voice that the wind are turning and those cows to our far right will wind us and I must shoot. As soon as I could understand what Felix had been trying to communicate, the wind turned. Felix expected that our old bull would turn his head to look at us, so I could have a chance for a clear frontal brain shot. But instead he immediately made a left sharp u-turn and started to run away with the cows and calves. There were branches, bushes and trees everywhere, I had to run three to four steps to our left, and within a split second, I found a small open area but I could only make quartering away shot at the old bull. The shot would be targeted for high heart- lung shot. I had no chance to adjust my sight view for his heart, as time was limited. I has a choice of either shoot right now or we would never see the old bull again. After the shot, Felix asked me how I felt about shooting and I told him "it was good".

After I had fired the shot, elephants were running all over the place. We had to shout really loudly to let them know our presence, this was done in order to avoid them charging at us. We waited fifteen minutes before we look for his spoor but: this was very difficult as there were variety of cow's tracks all over the place, and they covered my old bull track. After ten minutes, trackers managed to find some blood and the old bull track. He had stopped running after he had been carried a couple hundred meters by the frightened cows. There was a good sign which indicated that his injury was fatal; he was swaying from left to right, here and there with no one direction. At 16.30 pm, we saw him standing in a semi open bush with the range of a hundred meters away with another younger bull. He could not walk any further; it was only a matter of time before he falls down. I finished him off. He was a very old bull as the hair of his tail were white, his head was very round and his feet had big cracks and were worn off. A roadside elephant had turned out to be a tough but great hunt. The total distant that we have traveled from for the hunt was 24.2 Kms. We walked 52 Kms in the past two days, covered about 115 Kms in the last five days. This was a marvelous elephant hunt indeed.

Entrance hole from spine-shot. Federal Premium Cape Shok .375 H&H 300 grains Trophy Bonded Sledgehammer solid failed to penetrate. The old bull's body dropped only a couple of inch instead of falling down the ground.

Same ammo failed to penetrate on Frontal Brain Shot





Well-Worn Feet of an Old Bull

An Old Bull Foot with Big Cracks

Xhau, Keshe (the old tracker), Robert, Felix and Me




Two weeks later Felix has weighted the tusks, with our great doubt, right tusk weights only 65.5 lbs and left tusk weights only 59.4 lbs. We could hardly believe them as these tusks weight less than the first bull because it was 37" versus 33" in length from the lip with 19" versus 18" in circumference.

Wednesday September 5-18th day

We had recovery job of the old bull's carcass to do today as Florian has gone to Capravi two days ago to take care of a German client and his family. We went off early to take more photographs of the old bull in the early morning sun. His meat was cut and prepared to be distribute to several villages. Some of the villages have not received any meat for the whole year. I could easily see their happiness once the were aware that some of the meat would be given to them.


















528,534,538,545,546,551,553,557,564,566,567,568,56 9,570,571,572,574,583

Thursday September 6-19th day

Today was the last day of this safari, but I still have a permit for own use elephant, Roan, Eland, Kudu, Gemsbok, Warthog, Hyena, Leopard, Springbuck, Red Hartebeest, Blue Wildebeest and Steinbok. So we decided to have a go at finding Roan. We drove around for a couple of hour to only find a lone blue wildebeest's spoor. We followed his track for an hour before realizing that he is way ahead of us. We searched more for track but found nothing.

After our lunch break, we drove to a pan and to discovered a group of blue wildebeest. We stalked up to them for an hour, but did not find any bull worth taking.




My Safari has came to an end. Nyae Nyae Conservancy is truly the best place to hunt for a great majestic old bull elephant. I must say I did have a good time with great experiences here, both the place and Camerlthorn Safaris have been splendid. Before I have booked the hunt, I was not sure about Felix as I had never known him nor had heard any information about him. On the other hand, I have just had a very bad experience from a PH in Botswana earlier in April, but Felix had turned out to be a great PH. He is honest and a hard working PH. He does not give you any sweet talks, give you BS, nor sell dreams. Since the first day of this trip, he has never said bad things about any one at all. Camelthorn Safari now has four concessions in Namibia. I am definitely come back to hunt with them next year.


Thank you for spending time reading my story. Thank you very much for your kind support and mostly for your patient.



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Stan Thanks for the Fantastic hunt my feet are killing me just reading it, I can't believe you didn't think this was worth wrighting about its the best Elephant hunt I've ever been on thanks again for taking us with you. I don't know how I'll ever be able to do it but now you have me wanting an Elephant maybe one day. Bob
Again, a great read. Thanks for sharing you journey with us. I loved it!
Stan I have always wanted to go see the Nyae Nyae, now you have sold it to me for sure.

For a guy who wrestled with a Buffalo before your hunt there is not much doubt about how tough your PH is.

Congratulations on such an incredible hunt.
I look forward to next years story!!
Thank you gentlemens, I am glad you all like the story. Again thank you for your kind support and patient.


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Hunting dates available 2025
1-18 March
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8-16 July
26 July - 7 August
23 August - 30 September
LIMPOPO NORTH SAFARIS wrote on RStien321's profile.
Dear RStien321

I noticed your thread this morning.

We would be thrilled to assit you as mentioned in my comment on your thread.

We as Limpopo North Safaris has numerous areas in limpopo that vary between 10 000 to 24 000 acres that we hunt that has all of the animals on your wish list furthermore we have great deal on cull buffalo cows and bulls.

Please let me know if you might be intrested.

John Kirk wrote on Macduff's profile.
Great transaction on some 375 HH ammo super fast shipping great communication
akriet wrote on Tom Leoni's profile.
Hello Tom: I saw your post about having 11 Iphisi's for sale. I have been thinking about one. I am also located in Virginia. Do you have photos of the availables to share? My email is [redacted]

Thanks and regards,

Natural Bridge, Virginia