Hunting concessions
The following trophy hunting concessions on State Land were auctioned in 2009, for the period 2009 to 2011:
Mahango, Bwabwata National Park
Eastern Kavango Region
Western Kavango Region and Mangetti National Park
Waterberg Plateau Park
Daan Viljoen and Von Bach
One Black Rhino Waterberg Plateau Park
One Black Rhino Namib Naukluft Park
Black Rhino Namib Naukluft Park
The Ministry also issues hunting quotas to registered conservancies in Namibia for trophy hunting, own use and shoot and sell.
Regulate Hunting
In conjunction with the Directorate of Scientific Services, the Directorate of Parks and Wildlife Management regulates hunting. Hunting in Namibia represents a valuable economic asset and the experience of hunting has considerable international marketing potential. Hunting should be managed and operated in a spirit of responsibility, cooperation and accountability amongst all parties.
Hunting clients to Namibia do not need a hunting license. However, the Profesional Hunter (PH) guiding the client will be in possession of a registration certificate from MET and also has to be registered with the Namibian Tourism Board (NTB). Trophy permits are issued by MET for a nominal fee. These permits are required in order to hunt and export a particular species, and are applied for by the PH on behalf of the client.