My work here is done.....

Nice job!

Unfortunately I think I know the Tink that Lola is asking about. If so, no wonder Lola has a bad taste in her/his mouth from "trophy hunting". That guy is an old, uneducated internet blow hard that has been banned on several forums for his behavior !!!
Nice job!

Unfortunately I think I know the Tink that Lola is asking about. If so, no wonder Lola has a bad taste in her/his mouth from "trophy hunting". That guy is an old, uneducated internet blow hard that has been banned on several forums for his behavior !!!

That's interesting. Not familiar with Tink. Maybe she was trying to set me up.
Excellent reply. There is a great deal of information out there where communities are being fed by hunters. That’s something that has happened since the beginning of time. But these days better equipped hunters are paying for the privilege and doing it under conservation regulations and still sharing with the community. I theory money from legal hunting is contributing to conservation and anti poaching regulation.
Also I believe leather is a by product that is utilised either by community or Processed for resale.
Who doesn’t like a good set of shoes?
Hi, I compliment you on how you worked with Lola, I believe she commented on face book page concerning our company, not sure it may have been another angry woman? Anyone that does not realize that we are in a real battle with these people are mistaken. I hope that when hunters publish a photo of a "kill" that they try to do so in a tasteful manner, if so it will go a long ways in preserving our culture and way of life.
Well done.
Very well said Marius. Well thought out and articulate and not once did you "talk down" to her! Good job buddy!
Talking down to a woman is bad, I guess...............FWB
As this example shows, only by describing what is done - and as a management tool - will the antis (like this one) see the error of their views and use some common sense. Well done KMG!!
As this example shows, only by describing what is done - and as a management tool - will the antis (like this one) see the error of their views and use some common sense. Well done KMG!!

Thank you very much @Timbo. Not going to lie, but keeping calm while addressing them is a challenge. The ignorance and lack of common sense is astounding.
I'm sure she was referring to Tink Nathan, he was a well known bowhunter and writer who had a line of hunting scents and hunting supplies and hunted africa quite a bit.
Thank you very much @Timbo. Not going to lie, but keeping calm while addressing them is a challenge. The ignorance and lack of common sense is astounding.
I know what you mean!! I'm always targeted by the ignorant, as I'm not afraid to tell people my sport when they ask. Invariably after listening to their initial emotional, anti-hunting/cruelty rant. I then explain how our sport increases wild specie populations, provides rural communities with meat/employment etc, and that once local people/poachers realise they have a renewable resource - that brings in enormous revenue - they become wildlife managers who are then encouraged to protect their local populations.

Marrying this with the ecological necessities of maintaing a biomass equilibrium in these (now) portions of isolated habitats, shows just how these ignorant SJWs that their baseless, prejudicial, rants are actually big steaming piles of fresh BS!!

But it takes patience - if not to convert - but to make the emotionally misguided a little more rational in their thinking!

Keep up the good fight, brother!! (y)
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I know what you mean!! I'm always targeted by the ignorant, as I'm not afraid to tell people my sport when they ask. Invariably after listening to their initial emotional, anti-hunting/cruelty rant. I then explain how our sport increases wild specie populations, provides rural communities with meat/employment etc, and that once local people/poachers realise they have a renewable resource - that brings in enormous revenue - they become wildlife managers who are then encouraged to protect their local populations.

Marrying this with the ecological necessities of maintaing a biomass equilibrium in these (now) portions of isolated habitats, shows just how these ignorant SJWs that their baseless, prejudicial, rants are actually big steaming piles of fresh BS!!

But it takes patience - if not to convert - but to make the emotionally misguided a little more rational in their thinking!

Keep up the good fight, brother!! (y)

Cheers Timbo! Appreciate the words, mate.

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