Lone Star Bluegrass
AH fanatic
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- Feb 22, 2022
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Sounds like a great opportunity to get some fellow sportsmen to the polls in a couple of weeks.
It wont take a year to do the actual work, but it will be a year of closure is what I am told. Or more....We've had our local LE range and my local members only range closed down for a FEW months when they mined and recycled the lead from the berms. They have machines that do it now and it's not a big deal. Hopefully, it won't take a year for your range?
Wonder what the recycling company(s) make on the lead and much more so on all the copper they find in the berms? It must be pretty profitable?It wont take a year to do the actual work, but it will be a year of closure is what I am told. Or more....
You just need to head down to the range and file a mining claim on it.Wonder what the recycling company(s) make on the lead and much more so on all the copper they find in the berms? It must be pretty profitable?
I was wondering where you were from, but I see it’s New Zealand. I generally agree with you but I’ve never seen any attempt at lead clean up at the two ranges I use in Pennsylvania, USA. I don’t know of any ranges that are managed as you describe.
Isnt lead management/recycling pretty common on US shooting ranges?
One can disagree as much as one wants on lead, noise and safety. But beeing a bit proactive is the smart way here..
My only other practical option now is a place another half hour to 45 minutes north of where I was shooting, adding at least an hour of drive time to my range days. Mind you I shoot weekly year round, so its kind of a big deal.
In this case, the range is Owned and Operated by the County and that makes it GOVT. No private party here to blame, just GOVT.But it is much easier to mismanage and then blame the government...
Same thing with the Kenmore range near Seattle. Its been there since the earth cooled and folks buying up homes and building new housing developments nearby have been whining for years about the noise and making the usual "bullets in my barbeque" claims like they always do.I‘m a member of a hunting club that has a nice homesite with a 200 yard rifle range and a small trap field. Even the weekend before rifle deer season, it’s practically empty. It’s a great place for wringing out new loads. At the public ranges, you have to stop every 15 minutes for a cease fire…during which the range safety officer screams nonstop at the idiots who cant follow the rules and leave their firearms racked! Missouri passed a law a few years ago that grandfathered shooting ranges already built. People who build their houses next to an established range have no right to sue for noise. This is a good thing because 20 years ago our range was in the country. Now it’s getting surrounded by suburbs.
@sestoppelmanFound out today that EPA is going to shut down the country run range I have been shooting at for 30 years for lead cleanup. Its been an ongoing threat for a while. They recently closed off most of the rifle ranges 15 benches, down to a half dozen, the trap range and outdoor pistol range and were planning to reopen the indoor pistol range, not sure how that is going.
But starting next Tuesday, the 100-300 yard rifle range will close for an indeterminate amount of time, they say a year, I suspect longer or permanent. Its EPA after all, which is Bident and our gun hating Gov Inslee is likely on board and happy to help shut down shooting any way he can.
My only other practical option now is a place another half hour to 45 minutes north of where I was shooting, adding at least an hour of drive time to my range days. Mind you I shoot weekly year round, so its kind of a big deal.
And no the woods etc is no longer practical around here for various reasons. Too far, dealing with Forest Service, road closures, winter coming on, snow, dealing with the "casual plinking" crowd which sadly is almost unsafe anymore. No. The country run range I have been using is/was by far the best option.
To say I am pissed off today would be a gross understatement.
Management is an important part of shooting ranges for a variety of reasons, that being said as our country is rife with career politicians (paid liars) the government should never be trusted.But it is much easier to mismanage and then blame the government...
This range opened in 1971 and has never been cleaned for lead. It wont take a year to do the actual work I dont think, but between all the fact finding and afterwards decisions and what not BS, it will be at least a year and maybe more, or permanently.Our ranges in NoVa harvest lead regularly. It doesn’t take long and the club always makes money.