Had her out to the range today.
Offhand shooting only. Experimenting with LOP, cheek pad, and weighting to balance.
Put a total of 27 rounds through the 450 (and a couple dozen through the small bores...30-40 Krag and 32 Special).
Of the 27 rounds of 450 Dakota, 18 were in 6 x three-shot "incoming Buffalo" drills.
I load three, start at port arms with the safety on. Bring the rifle up and fire within 2 seconds, then fire two as fast as I can...literally as if the target is coming to stomp me.
Of course, I know the target isn't going to stomp me, but when in the "right" frame of mind, I can really make myself think something is about to happen!
This is a short-range affair...25 yards...to approximate the range I told John Sharp I hope to get within!
Shooting a big rifle fast was completely foreign to me just 18 months ago. More practice to come!
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