No it does not have the clover rear tang but is still a transition rifle due to the smooth rear bridge if I’m correct? This was taken from the Winchester collector site and it seems this is a type III transition receiver? Maybe I’m confused and have it all wrong?
“Hi mrcvs-
I’ll respond to your question based on what’s “usually correct” for period (understand that I would not quibble much over “exceptions” to this):
Type I Actions (clover leaf tang, roll marked bridge, clip slot): On both standard and H&H length actions, the factory D&T holes were two 6-48 on the top of the receiver ring, two on the left side rear to accommodate a receiver sight. No other holes… Bridge NOT drilled on top.
Type II Actions (clover leaf tang, smooth bridge, clip slot only on 30-06 target receivers): Here things get complicated… 1) Standard cartridge (except 30-06 target models). Receiver top D&T, left side D&T for receiver sight, bridge top D&T. 2) H&H Magnum length action. Receiver top D&T, left side D&T for receiver sight, bridge top NOT D&T. 3) Target model in 30-06 only (includes National Match, Target and Bull Gun, but ONLY in 30-06). Receiver top D&T, left side D&T for receiver sight, bridge top NOT D&T. The target receivers intended for 30-06 were the only type II-III M70 receivers that retained a clip loading slot after the pre-war period.
Type III Actions (oval tang, smooth bridge, clip slot only on 30-06 target receivers): A little less complicated, but not much… 1) Standard cartridge (except 30-06 target models). Receiver top D&T, left side D&T for receiver sight, bridge top D&T. 2) H&H Magnum length action. Receiver top D&T, left side D&T for receiver sight, bridge top D&T after about S/N 120,000 but NOT D&T before. 3) Target model in 30-06 (includes National Match, Target and Bull Gun, but only in 30-06). Bridge top D&T after about S/N 120,000 but NOT D&T before.
This last issue, i.e. when did the factory start to D&T the bridge of H&H and 30-06 target actions (the receivers that needed different hole spacing on the bridge) is best answered by saying there was A LOT of overlap. I’ve seen type III M70s in those two categories with S/Ns into the low 170,000 range that were NOT D&T, but many more in the 120,000 – 170,000 range that have factory (looking) D&T holes on the bridge.
Aren’t you sorry you asked????
My rifle is in the 167,xxx range so it could have been D&T or not? Being in such a mint condition I wish I knew? But at this point I think I’m leaning to restocking it with a beautiful piece of wood and leaving it without a scope?