My Covid vaccination experience

Why would they drop the requirements if everything I've heard is true and you can still contract and spread covid even if you've been vaccinated? Maybe I'm not understanding something?
Because in reality you can't. They will gradually be forced to acknowledge it.
My spouse and I had our first injections on Sunday. Williamson County has set up a very efficient drive thru operation. We are both 68 and were notified Friday to use a link to schedule. We picked the same window on Sunday, and drove through with no delay at all. I was driving so mine was in the left and Nancy's in the right. The longest wait was sitting parked in the release area for fifteen minutes to see if any reaction occurred. I found it comforting that the county had a single bored medic and no ambulance at the holding area. Our second shots are scheduled for the 31st in the same facility. This was the Pfizer Vaccine and neither of us had any reaction of any sort to the first shot.

I remain convinced the vaccination card will become the get out of jail free card for international travel in the coming months.

I totally agree with you on the travel requirement. Time will tell if we are right.

We get our second Pfizer shot today.
I don't know anybody that died directly from C19 or from complications from C19. Not one. I know several people that got C19 and all survived after a few days of flu like symptoms. I suspect I might have had it last February but that's just a guess. Same with my wife. FWIW, me, my wife and most of my friends are over 60. Even the ones that aren't are mostly 50+. None of us wear masks unless we absolutely have to (government buildings), we all meet regularly to share meals/coffee and we're all going about our lives as if nothing is going on.

I've read the statistics about C19 and concluded it's mostly nonsense. C19 is real and if you're over 70 with several other health issues you're probably a statistic waiting to happen. However, all the other health issues you have are what ultimately kills you. C19 is just a contributing factor. Very few people of any demographic die solely because of C19.

I won't be getting the vaccination for three reasons:

1. I don't think it's necessary. I'm in good health and under 70. That puts my survival rate somewhere around +99%.

2. Never fly the A model of anything. I think I'll sit this one out until more info is available about the efficacy and safety of these rushed to market vaccines.

3. Getting the vaccine changes nothing because I'll still have to comply with nonsensical government mandates. Masks, social distancing, occupancy rates, artificial quarantines, etc aren't going away. The socialists have won.

Get the vaccine if you want. I'll pass.
As long as you don't fly internationally, your position is fine. Most on this site do and many are planning to do so in the next 24 months. I am pretty certain that a vaccination card will be a requirement for boarding an aircraft for international travel and country entry most places in the near future.
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Because in reality you can't. They will gradually be forced to acknowledge it.

Agreed, they eventually will have to acknowledge the new data coming out. Israel in particular is rewriting the book.
My doc and other docs. Y'all need to study up before getting this shot. I just had a friend of a friend die in San Antonio from the shot. Diagnosed by autopsy! A healthy middle aged guy.

I'll wager you a good bottle of scotch that it will be. ;)
Agreed, they eventually will have to acknowledge the new data coming out. Israel in particular is rewriting the book.
Even Faucci acknowledged a few days ago that vaccinated adults can "gather" without protection. Duh.
Yes, I have heard this is more likely with the second but it’s good to hear directly from you about it.

Have you had the shingles vaccine? I had the first shot two weeks ago and had a fever for two days.
Scott, for shingles, the second shot will get your attention...A couple of days.
I don't know anybody that died directly from C19 or from complications from C19. Not one. I know several people that got C19 and all survived after a few days of flu like symptoms. I suspect I might have had it last February but that's just a guess. Same with my wife. FWIW, me, my wife and most of my friends are over 60. Even the ones that aren't are mostly 50+. None of us wear masks unless we absolutely have to (government buildings), we all meet regularly to share meals/coffee and we're all going about our lives as if nothing is going on.

I've read the statistics about C19 and concluded it's mostly nonsense. C19 is real and if you're over 70 with several other health issues you're probably a statistic waiting to happen. However, all the other health issues you have are what ultimately kills you. C19 is just a contributing factor. Very few people of any demographic die solely because of C19.

I won't be getting the vaccination for three reasons:

1. I don't think it's necessary. I'm in good health and under 70. That puts my survival rate somewhere around +99%.

2. Never fly the A model of anything. I think I'll sit this one out until more info is available about the efficacy and safety of these rushed to market vaccines.

3. Getting the vaccine changes nothing because I'll still have to comply with nonsensical government mandates. Masks, social distancing, occupancy rates, artificial quarantines, etc aren't going away. The socialists have won.

Get the vaccine if you want. I'll pass.

I have lost a neighbour and friend to COVID. Both my kids had it and lost a good deal of productivity on my farm due to the virus.
For those who deny the seriousness or refuse the vaccine: all strength to you, Darwinism at work.
Seems to be a western phenomena, probably due to political pressures. Most of us living here in Africa take viruses and vaccines very seriously.
Just got stuck this morning at State Farm Stadium in Glendale AZ. They have the process down pat, we were completed before our scheduled time as we arrived early, just in case.
Not a big vaccine guy, only what’s necessary, however I strongly believe that to travel this will be mandatory.
9 countries in Central Europe have eliminated the requirements for quarantine if you can provide proof of vaccination. I’m sure this is only the start.
Another great thing is I am Canadian and there was no questions about that! God bless the USA!
Some of you are saying you can’t find a COVID shot.
We were sitting and hoping our medical place would send us an email to come in and make an appointment for a shot.

we found this place and if it is working it has allmost every state listed under it. I had three places in 30 miles from our place most in small towns that had opening you could get an appointment on the Internet.

Try this snd see if it works!!

Nice find. I’m sure this will help plenty on this website.
All I did to find a location was to go to my county health department website and entered my information to register for the vaccine. A couple of weeks later they sent me a text with a link to a appointment scheduler to obtain my appointment. If you can't receive text messages you could sign up with a email address or you could even call the health department to set up your appointment.
We are rural which seems to make a big difference. Our local hospital hands out vouchers on a first come first served basis, no criteria. Even our 32 year old son is vaccinated. We must be over 50% in our area. Totally different story in the cities.
We are rural which seems to make a big difference. Our local hospital hands out vouchers on a first come first served basis, no criteria. Even our 32 year old son is vaccinated. We must be over 50% in our area. Totally different story in the cities.

Same. Rural Alaska is now open to vaccinating 16y/o and up.
I got my first Covid vaccination on Jan. 15. (I'm 71) Moderna vaccine administered by Dallas Parkland hospital at a drive through location. No issues and I was in and out in about 30 minutes. My second vaccination was on Wednesday Feb. 10. Much longer lines at the drive through location and the wait was about an hour and a half.
Some soreness in my shoulder where she injected the Moderna. I went home, took some Tylenol on the recommendation of a couple of medical professionals. Got up Thursday and went to the office for a couple of hours but by noon I was starting to ache all over. Went home and felt really lousy and had a slight fever. Took Tylenol every 5 hours or so and by 9pm Thursday night I started to feel better. Today I'm back to 100%.
Just a word to the wise, the second injection of vaccine is much more likely to have some side effects, but everyone's experience is a little different and the side effects seem to pass within 24 to 48 hours.
Glad to hear you are better. Here was my experience:
why, that is insane. Especially for a young woman.

I guess because we are a long ways from advanced medical care, can’t drive there, and there are only something like 40 ICU beds in the entire state? A person doesn’t have to take the shot.
Since we almost certainly aren't going to get to travel internationally without one, I am looking forward to finally getting mine. I suspect a last minute two shot inoculation with three to four weeks between doses might be difficult to arrange. After three decades professionally banging around much of the third world, I have a three page inoculation record including things like Bubonic plague and rabies (the dogs and I feel as one). Can't be much worse than yellow fever or pneumonia vaccines. I am unfamiliar with the "Pentagon" study. Bring on the next one.
yeah I'm in the same boat, my vacc record reads like yours, including BCG immunity treatment. I don't want another vaccine but I'll take it if it means the difference between flying or not. As far as I'm concerned, I'll treat the covid-19 vacc no different from any other winter season flu vacc I've had over the last 20 or so years.
Well we had the second Pfizer shot yesterday. Tired and sore shoulder but no other symptoms at this point.
I got the Johnson & Johnson shot today. Done and dusted. 30 min in and out. Our little community health center did 180+ shots yesterday (according to the radio) and they were really rocking today with a steady stream of folks while I was there.
Got my 2nd moderma shot yesterday. Arm a little sore nothing else. Texas is lowering age for vaccine to 50 on Monday. Now the wife can get her Covid shot too.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?