I have wanted a double for quite some time. I have seen some really gorgeous ones but every one of them just had one flaw: They did not belong to me. I wanted a double that would be both effective on all DG and not too difficult to shoot. Briefly thought about a .375 in both the flanged and the .375 HH however, everyone I talked to was confident that I could handle a 450/400 NE being that I have a 404 Jeffrey. So, I zeroed in on looking for a 450/400. Seriously thought about a Heym, but they usually only have about 25% engraving and while there are some very nice ones, for me personally, I just found others more attractive. I considered looking for an old English double but all of those were in the 3.25” version and ultimately, I decided I wanted the 3”.
I went to visit JJ and drop my Jeffery off with him for a spa day and have a recoil reducer installed in the stock and the LOP reduced. He had a very nice Gibbs in 450/400 that was made in 1930 and I
really liked it. It fit me pretty well also. But it was a 3.25”. By the way, he has dies for it if anyone is interested

After visiting with JJ, I went to see George at Champlin to look around because he had some doubles that I was interested in, including two new Chapuis, both in 3”. JJ told me if I ended up purchasing one from George to drop it back off to him and he would get it all fitted for me. George went through all the reasons to have a double vs a bolt gun. He also told me some really awesome stories of his travels which was great! After a few hours of playing with guns, visiting, and swapping stories, I ended up leaving with my brand new Chapuis 450/400 3” NE Elan. It has 95% floral engraving with a cape buffalo engraving as well. There were two of them, but I quite fancied one over the other because I liked the wood on one of them a lot more than the other. I was also quite pleased with the regulation target that came with it. The regulation target I was most pleased with went with the one that I liked the most. Some of the added benefits of this rifle are that it has the fold over front night sight, and removable blocks in case I ever wanted to add a scope. It has a lifetime warranty with any service work done by JJ Perodeau. Winner-Winner!! After paperwork, check writing, and lots of hugs, I was back on the road to JJ’s. The new Chapuis had photos taken before I left it for its stay at the spa where it will get the full spa treatment by JJ. Once I get her home, I will have to see what her name shall be. So…here she is!
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@ActionBob @Wheels @Bullthrower338 @Royal27 @Shootist43