AH enthusiast
I lived in England for a couple years - 87-89. I remember that it was not easy to own firearms back then. There was a little antique book store I used to stop in looking for Africana whenever we drove through the little village of Hungerford.... I can only imagine the restrictions to own firearms today, 30 years later. Enjoy your new toy while you can, I say. And good on you!
Ah, Hungerford... One of the most well known UK firearm incidents in recent history happened there. I believe the result of that was semi auto and pump shotguns being restricted to 3 shot unless on a more restrictive firearm certificate and centrefire semi auto rifles being banned completely. It's not too far from me actually, quite a pleasant part of the world.
We seem to thrive on knee jerk bans here in the UK. Handguns were also banned in 1997 when a chap decided to shoot a load of kids. Not that the ban made much difference to the crime figures. There are still kids shooting and stabbing each other in our big cities. All these bans do is brush over a social issue that nobody seems to be willing to face up to. There are 1001 ways to kill someone if you want to, so taking one of the tools away will never help. The sooner we face that fact the sooner the issue can be addressed. Kids shouldn't want to hurt each other, that's the sad fact of it all. Currently we're blaming knives, but it's kind of hard to remove kitchen knives from general use isn't it...