My 308 Norma story


AH fanatic
Dec 5, 2013
Reaction score
Geelong, Victoria, Australia
Hunting reports
Hey guys,

First, a bit of a backstory!

Lately, I've been having some friends and family members come hunting with me - which is great, but unfortunately the smallest centrefire that I owned was a Winchester M70 Synthetic Matte in .338 Win Mag.
Now this was a very fine rifle and served me well taking both Fallow and Sambar deer - and l have a real soft spot for Winchester M70's, but it was a pretty light rifle.
And even though it was Magnaported and l was using 180gn projectiles instead of the 225gn, people who shot it all commented on it's heavy recoil.

So l started searching for a rifle that would still be effective on big Sambar deer - even at longer ranges, but be more pleasant to shoot than the .338...
Now due to some health issues and medical bills my gun budget was ZERO! So if l was to buy a rifle l had to sell a rifle... so that meant my much loved Winchester .338 was sold to fund another rifle.

So while all this was happening l was looking in the classifieds on a local hunting/ shooting forum and a rifle stood out. It was a M17 Enfield rifle that had been customised and re-barreled in 308 Norma Mag. A quick message to the owner and he assured me all works well. It feeds, extracts and ejects perfectly and the barrel and boltface are all in good condition. It also came with Leupold rings and bases, 48 pieces of Norma brass and loading dies - and it was being sold at a ridiculously low price... so l bought it based on photo's and description.

A few weeks later and the rifle was in my hands and the rifle was exactly as described. It worked perfectly and as an added bonus the rifle was glass-bedded and the barrel was free floated. The trigger wasn't bad and apart from some issues with the mounts (which the owner told me about) there was no surprises... except one.
The barrel was only 23.75" long. Now this wasn't a deal breaker anything, but I was curious on what velocities I would get out of it.

I had already made up my mind that l wanted to use 180gn projectiles and all my reloading manuals list this weight bullet as doing around 3000fps from the Norma, but with a 26" barrel.
I had already decided that l wanted at least 2900fps so l loaded up 6 rounds with H4831 powder and some 180gn Woodleigh PP projectiles that l had a handful of to see how close l could get.
l loaded 2 with 71gn, 2 with 72gn and the last 2 with 73gn - which is the book max.
The velocities l achieved were:
71gn - 2800fps
72gn - 2880fps
73gn - 2917fps
I made it! None of these loads showed excessive pressure but l stopped at 73gn as l had achieved my desired velocity. Surprisingly, the 73gn load wasn't compressed either, but l do use a drop-tube for all my reloading.
So I had a velocity decrease of 103fps from 26" to 22.5" barrel length - or 30fps per inch.

The problem l had now was what projectile to use. The Woodleigh's performed really well but they are just so hard to get at the moment...
I thought of using Hornady interlocks, Sierra Gamekings and a few others but then remembered that the bullet manufacturer Atomic 29 make a monometal 175gn hollowpoint in .308.
Atomic 29 are an Australian made bullet manufacturer that make monometal hollowpoints in a variety of calibers. They have an outstanding reputation for both accuracy and field performance and they are what l use in my custom 425 Express.
So I've just purchased a box and as soon as they arrive l'll work up a load and chronongraph them. Am aiming for 2900 - 2950 fps... stay tuned!

As a comparison, the load l was using in my .338WM was the 180gn Woodleigh at a MV of 3060fps.
My Norma is shooting the 180gn Woodleigh at a MV of 2917fps, so a bit slower.
But the BC of the Woodleigh in the Norma is better so the actual trajectory between the 2 rounds is within .5" out to 350m. So nearly identical.
BUT the recoil of the 308 Norma is around 27ft/lbs while the .338WM was a touch over 40ft/lbs. This is a noticeable difference and after firing the Norma with full power loads l can attest that recoil is softer.

I forgot to mention that when l got the rifle it came with some reloads that the previous owner had loaded. He had already told me they they were mild starting loads with the 165gn projectile. I chronographed some and they recorded a speed of 2800fps. So .30-06 power level. And when fired were very easy on the shoulder. So my plan is to use these loads on family and friends to introduce them to the rifle and then work up to the full power loads.

So there's my 308 Norma story so far. The 308 Norma is one of those rounds that l've always been interested in from reading about it in old shooting magazines (The 8mm Remington Magnum is another...) and I'm now happy l finally own one.
Buying a used rifle is always potentially problematic - especially when you haven't actually laid eyes on it, but l'm happy to say this wasn't the case here. I couldn't be happier and fitted with my 3-9 Leupold it's all ready for action!

I'll keep you all posted on how it all goes and stay peeled for a hunt report... my 308 Norma journey has just begun!




.300 Wby - .300 Win Mag - 308 Norma Mag
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Great story! I too really like this round. I am a wee bit healous of the action yours is built on. Nice.
I have a 308 Norma Mag on a '03A3 action and it shoots great!! I think too many people discount the older war actions for some reason. They are great actions, CRF, well built, and can be had for a fraction of the price of "current" factory actions. My spiral slam hunt this year in South Africa was all done on an Enfield P14 chambered in 375HH, zero issues!
First rifle I ever built was a 308 norma on a 1917 enfield with a Hart #5 10 twist. Was a solid 1/2 MOA rifle with 168 seirras and 4831sc. I have two currently and the one needs a new barrel. Its a very versatile round. I've been tossing around 300 prc as well, but I have a bunch of 308NM brass sitting around along with the dies.
I have both Norma magnums, 308 and 358. They are both Husqvarna commercial Mauser actions the 358 is factory but the 308 started life as a 30-06. Both are awesome calibers, the 308 is responsible for most of my whitetail deer while the 358 has been my moose and black bear choice.
I was lucky enough to get factory ammo with 180gr Oryx bullets for the 308 and they shoot excellent out of my rifle. Two awesome calibers that never took off in North America.
It's great to see all the replies on here... it seems the 308 Norma still gets some love!

Last week l got a packet of 175gn Atomic 29 projectiles to try in the 308 Norma.
The Atomic 29 is an all-copper monometal hollowpoint designed and made in Australia.
I really like these projectiles and they are what l use in my 425 Express.
They have an outstanding reputation for both accuracy and performance in the field and I was eager to give them a whirl in the Norma.

I was originally going to use the the 155gn projectile but Cameron (the owner of Atomic 29) suggested the 175gn for the .30 magnums, so that's what l went with.

With the 180gn Woodleigh l got a velocity of 2917fps with 73gn of 2213SC with no pressure signs.
l decided to up the powder charge to 73.5gn with the marginally lighter 175gn projectile and l was hoping to get around 2950fps.
Also, thanks to a mate of mine l now had a Lee Factory Crimp Die for the Norma (which he made - thanks Farmboy) and I reckon putting a nice tight crimp on them might bump up velocity a bit too.
It was an exciting drive to the range to see what the brutally honest chronograph was going to tell me...

Well the 175gn ended up being a fraction slower than the 180gn. In my 22.75" barrel they were averaging spot on 2900fps - which l was still happy with, but a little surprised they were slower.
It just goes to show how valuable a chronongraph really is when working up loads...

After l finished sighting the rifle in l went home and punched my data into a ballistic program and got the following:

Caliber: .308 Norma Magnum
Ammunition: 175gn Atomic 29
(175gn Atomic 29 – 73.5gn AR2213SC – Norma Case - CCI mag primer)
Muzzle Velocity: 2900 fps
Ballistic Coefficient: 0.450
Muzzle Energy: 3269 ft/lbs
Recoil Energy: 26.99 ft/lbs
Firearm: Enfield M17 22.75” barrel

50mtrs = 1.75 - 3015ft/lbs
100mtrs = 3.5 - 2779ft/lbs
150mtrs = 4.0 - 2557ft/lbs
200mtrs = 2.75 - 2350ft/lbs
250mtrs = 0.0 - 2156ft/lbs
300mtrs = - 5.0 - 1975ft/lbs
350mtrs = - 12.0 - 1806ft/lbs
400mtrs = - 21.0 - 1648ft/lbs

So I've now got my 308 Norma all set up and sighted in.
With the shorter barrel it may not be the fastest .30 Mag out there (more of a souped up .30/06) but it's got a nice useable trajectory out to 350m and it should be plenty for any deer.

All that's left now is to use it in the field... so keep your eyes peeled for a hunt report real soon!


Hey guys,

First, a bit of a backstory!

Lately, I've been having some friends and family members come hunting with me - which is great, but unfortunately the smallest centrefire that I owned was a Winchester M70 Synthetic Matte in .338 Win Mag.
Now this was a very fine rifle and served me well taking both Fallow and Sambar deer - and l have a real soft spot for Winchester M70's, but it was a pretty light rifle.
And even though it was Magnaported and l was using 180gn projectiles instead of the 225gn, people who shot it all commented on it's heavy recoil.

So l started searching for a rifle that would still be effective on big Sambar deer - even at longer ranges, but be more pleasant to shoot than the .338...
Now due to some health issues and medical bills my gun budget was ZERO! So if l was to buy a rifle l had to sell a rifle... so that meant my much loved Winchester .338 was sold to fund another rifle.

So while all this was happening l was looking in the classifieds on a local hunting/ shooting forum and a rifle stood out. It was a M17 Enfield rifle that had been customised and re-barreled in 308 Norma Mag. A quick message to the owner and he assured me all works well. It feeds, extracts and ejects perfectly and the barrel and boltface are all in good condition. It also came with Leupold rings and bases, 48 pieces of Norma brass and loading dies - and it was being sold at a ridiculously low price... so l bought it based on photo's and description.

A few weeks later and the rifle was in my hands and the rifle was exactly as described. It worked perfectly and as an added bonus the rifle was glass-bedded and the barrel was free floated. The trigger wasn't bad and apart from some issues with the mounts (which the owner told me about) there was no surprises... except one.
The barrel was only 23.75" long. Now this wasn't a deal breaker anything, but I was curious on what velocities I would get out of it.

I had already made up my mind that l wanted to use 180gn projectiles and all my reloading manuals list this weight bullet as doing around 3000fps from the Norma, but with a 26" barrel.
I had already decided that l wanted at least 2900fps so l loaded up 6 rounds with H4831 powder and some 180gn Woodleigh PP projectiles that l had a handful of to see how close l could get.
l loaded 2 with 71gn, 2 with 72gn and the last 2 with 73gn - which is the book max.
The velocities l achieved were:
71gn - 2800fps
72gn - 2880fps
73gn - 2917fps
I made it! None of these loads showed excessive pressure but l stopped at 73gn as l had achieved my desired velocity. Surprisingly, the 73gn load wasn't compressed either, but l do use a drop-tube for all my reloading.
So I had a velocity decrease of 103fps from 26" to 22.5" barrel length - or 30fps per inch.

The problem l had now was what projectile to use. The Woodleigh's performed really well but they are just so hard to get at the moment...
I thought of using Hornady interlocks, Sierra Gamekings and a few others but then remembered that the bullet manufacturer Atomic 29 make a monometal 175gn hollowpoint in .308.
Atomic 29 are an Australian made bullet manufacturer that make monometal hollowpoints in a variety of calibers. They have an outstanding reputation for both accuracy and field performance and they are what l use in my custom 425 Express.
So I've just purchased a box and as soon as they arrive l'll work up a load and chronongraph them. Am aiming for 2900 - 2950 fps... stay tuned!

As a comparison, the load l was using in my .338WM was the 180gn Woodleigh at a MV of 3060fps.
My Norma is shooting the 180gn Woodleigh at a MV of 2917fps, so a bit slower.
But the BC of the Woodleigh in the Norma is better so the actual trajectory between the 2 rounds is within .5" out to 350m. So nearly identical.
BUT the recoil of the 308 Norma is around 27ft/lbs while the .338WM was a touch over 40ft/lbs. This is a noticeable difference and after firing the Norma with full power loads l can attest that recoil is softer.

I forgot to mention that when l got the rifle it came with some reloads that the previous owner had loaded. He had already told me they they were mild starting loads with the 165gn projectile. I chronographed some and they recorded a speed of 2800fps. So .30-06 power level. And when fired were very easy on the shoulder. So my plan is to use these loads on family and friends to introduce them to the rifle and then work up to the full power loads.

So there's my 308 Norma story so far. The 308 Norma is one of those rounds that l've always been interested in from reading about it in old shooting magazines (The 8mm Remington Magnum is another...) and I'm now happy l finally own one.
Buying a used rifle is always potentially problematic - especially when you haven't actually laid eyes on it, but l'm happy to say this wasn't the case here. I couldn't be happier and fitted with my 3-9 Leupold it's all ready for action!

I'll keep you all posted on how it all goes and stay peeled for a hunt report... my 308 Norma journey has just begun!


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.300 Wby - .300 Win Mag - 308 Norma Mag
Russ you scored well.
The 308 Norma according to Nick Harvey is a beautifully balanced 300 that will do anything the 300WM will do. It has a longer neck than the Winchester so bullets don't intrude into the powder space as much. As wediscussed leave it as cock on closing.
Sambar ain't armour plated so you don't need that fire breathing bitch slapping useless 338WM. Hell a 270 loaded with 130gr ACPs @3,140fps dropped my last big stag no worries at all.
Why is it you Mexicans like big guns for Sambar like the 375H&H and 458WM. Us smart people north of the border must be better shots cause we get by with the little 270, 30-06 and even God forbid the little 7mm-08. If'n it was legal I would use my 25 loaded with 100gn TTSX or Cameron's 110 Atomic 29s. If'n I wanted overkill I would load 120gr A Frames and be content to hunt sambar with it.
If you told me you were looking for a nice 30 cal I would have put you onto Nick Harvey's nice M17 in 30 Newton complete with dies and cases for 600 bucks. That way you would have a really classic cartridge.
I have a 308 Norma Mag on a '03A3 action and it shoots great!! I think too many people discount the older war actions for some reason. They are great actions, CRF, well built, and can be had for a fraction of the price of "current" factory actions. My spiral slam hunt this year in South Africa was all done on an Enfield P14 chambered in 375HH, zero issues!
All you need now is an M17 in 300 H&H in the style made by H&H and you will have the quintessential African battery, then a nice 470 double and your set for life to hunt the world over.
Thankfully dreams are cheap.
The .308 Norma Mag was the first magnum rifle I ever bought. Like yours, it is built on a 1917 Enfield action.
@jpr9954 and @Badboymelvin when I was looking to build my 25 on a P14/M17 I had the offer to by a P14 converted to 308 Norma for 300 bucks. The stock was some thumb hole abomination that looked like it had been made by a team of untrained termites.
In hind sight I should have got it as well as the one I bought as it only set me back 150 dollars but the rebuild with new stock, timney trigger, Llijla match grade barrel etc bout the all up cost to 1,100 dollars.
Great write up. I have 2) 30-338 Win Mag rifles. Not a nickels worth of difference from 308 Norma. It’s what the 300 Win Mag should have been. One shoots anything well you load in it, the other is quite fond of the 212gr Hornady ELDX.
Russ you scored well.
The 308 Norma according to Nick Harvey is a beautifully balanced 300 that will do anything the 300WM will do. It has a longer neck than the Winchester so bullets don't intrude into the powder space as much. As wediscussed leave it as cock on closing.
Sambar ain't armour plated so you don't need that fire breathing bitch slapping useless 338WM. Hell a 270 loaded with 130gr ACPs @3,140fps dropped my last big stag no worries at all.
Why is it you Mexicans like big guns for Sambar like the 375H&H and 458WM. Us smart people north of the border must be better shots cause we get by with the little 270, 30-06 and even God forbid the little 7mm-08. If'n it was legal I would use my 25 loaded with 100gn TTSX or Cameron's 110 Atomic 29s. If'n I wanted overkill I would load 120gr A Frames and be content to hunt sambar with it.
If you told me you were looking for a nice 30 cal I would have put you onto Nick Harvey's nice M17 in 30 Newton complete with dies and cases for 600 bucks. That way you would have a really classic cartridge.

Well, l can't speak for other people but the reason I use rifles like the .338WM, 425 Express and .458 Win Mag is because the recoil doesn't bother me and l know for a FACT that the bigger rifles put them down more effectively... especially the .458.

I have killed more Sambar with the .458 than any other cartridge and it just puts them on their bum plain and simple.
lt's my favourite Sambar cartridge.
Typical Sambar hunting isn't a long-range affair but it can be hard work.

I have no problem with anyone who hunts with a .270 or .30-06... or anything for that matter as long as it's legal.
I've taken a couple of Sambar with a 270WSM and it was effective - even at long range.
But l have a saying...
"on a good day anything will work - but on a bad day you need every advantage you can get"
And I've experienced personally seeing someone have a bad day with a .270Win and it was tough...

My friend and I were hunting Sambar and on the way up he couldn't believe l'd bought an 'elephant gun' to hunt deer.
Well, as luck would have it we come across a herd of Sambar on the run. We both aimed at the running deer and fired. And we both hit too far back...

I was using my .458 with Winchester factory ammo with the 500gn projectile at a chronographed 2020fps. As l said, l hit my Sambar - which was a big stag too far back, but after the bullet impacted the big deer it pulled the deer up which allowed me to fire a second shot into it's shoulder anchoring it.
I'm not proud that l hit it poorly but l'm just being honest about what happened - and when hunting sometimes stuff happens that we don't plan on.
My friend hit his smaller Sambar with a .270 Win firing 150gn Remington factory ammo. He also hit too far back and his deer ran, and ran, and ran. We spent ages looking for it and it ended up being a fiasco. We eventually did recover it.

I'm not saying this to put down the .270 - it was a bad shot, not the cartridge.
l personally like the .270 but it does show that when having a bad day and you fluff a shot - which we can all do, having a bigger more powerful rifle can make a difference.
Tracking a wounded deer over really thick, dense terrain is tough and not fun and this is the type of terrain that the Victorian Sambar love. This is why l think a lot of Victorian Sambar hunters use bigger rifles... because it does make a difference.
That's why I favour the .458. The recoil doesn't bother me and on more than one occasion when l've fluffed a shot on running deer it still pulls them up so l can put in a better, well placed shot.
I'm sure my 425 Express will do the same...

So that's why l personally use bigger rifles when hunting Sambar.

As to the .30 Newton Nick is selling, it sounds similar to my 308 Norma.
My Norma also came with cases and dies and a Japanese 4-12 scope (which l swapped out) - but mine was cheaper!
Plus the .30 Newton doesn't really excite me - where l've always wanted a 308 Norma.
Personally, the 308 Norma and the .300 Weatherby are my 2 favourite .30 Magnums and l consider them both to be classics.
Oh, and l love the .338WM too and that's a classic as well in my book! (y)

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Nice rifle, great write up.
Eagerly awaiting the hunt report and results.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.