MOZAMBIQUE: Niassa Reserve With KWALATA SAFARIS October 2023

“How did the shot feel?” Danie asked “Good” I replied, “did you see the hit?” looked good, he said. We still waited a solid ten minutes in the blind before calling Godfried and Nhlapa to bring the truck in. When they arrived, we all proceeded down to the tree with flashlights as well as spotlights. Fully expecting to find a dead leopard at the base of the tree, I was cautious but enthusiastic. As we arrived at the drainage where the tree was, much to my disappointment, there was no leopard. Spotlighting the immediate area nothing was to be seen. We then noticed some blood as well as tissue on the ground immediately below where the cat had been hit. Starting to track, and alert for a potential leopard attack, we followed the blood; Danie and myself with rifles at the ready. After about 150 feet Godfried’s spotlight fell on the leopard laying on its side in some grass, deceased.

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Nice cat! Congrats and good job
Congratulations Mark! That must have been really exciting. We are sorry we weren't there to see the cat, hear the story, and raise a glass. We will cross paths again.
Awesome. Congrats on your leopard.
Congrats on a great hunt!

Did you see elephants in decent numbers?
@Safari1 Elephants are there, not nearly in the numbers that other places in Africa hold though. Saw several small herds, more really family groups of 5-6. Also saw several solo males. This one is a young male who likes to pass through camp from time to time. Picture was taken just outside of my tent.

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Congrats on a great cat!
Congrats, great hunt !
Crafty chui in the salt! Think of how many may have hunted that cat, and come up dry. Maybe the pressure from the lion feeding caused him to feed when he otherwise may not have. Great story @Caveman! Do you plan mounting both your leopards together?
@ACM I'm really not sure, both were proper cats, one definately will be full body, and I'll get the skull for both. I'm still trying to decide on what to do with both though.
Awesome adventure and congrats on all your trophies, but especially that big smart leopard. Just fabulous last minute success!
Wow what a great hunt on the leopard! It was great to share camp with you! Hopefully our paths will cross again.
That Sir is one fine report. Well done!
Caveman, what a hunt report. Thank you very much and it was a Honoir to hunt with you and having a blast! Now we must start planning your next trip!
Great cat and a great report Nothing like outsmarting a big old leopard!

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T/C wrote on Dewald's profile.
Hi Dewald,
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Please PM me (T/C) if you still have one.
Thank you very much in advance!!!
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