I was alerted to this thread by a friend. Apparently video I shot of Terry Cundiff at a Hunting and Fishing Expo is being used. I currently list on my website as well.
I will say this about Terry...
I have known Terry for several years. While I have not hunted with him either in Kentucky or in Africa, I do knowquite a few people who have and they got what they paid for. I do not know what happened in this particular case. I do know that his business in Kentucky is on the up and up and provides what he says it does.
I contacted Terry, about the trip, and as he explained it, this particular trip if it is the one he is thinking of was a donation to the local Safari Club of Louisville Kentucky. Having dealt with several of the members in this club which I belonged to at one point, I know that some of them, NOT ALL, can be a challenge to work with, and will when they can push donators of trips to the limit of what should be expected. Do not get me wrong, a donated trip should be treated just like a paid trip.. after all the person IS PAYING for the trip, though the money goes to the Charity.
Terry claims that this particular individual was not interested in hunting as we know it but wanted animals basically penned up and ready to shoot. Notice he talks about long stalks?

Stalks are part and parcel of hunting. Why would you complain about that.
As to the PH who says that he worked for Terry? I do not know and did not discuss it with Terry.
The phone numbers on the site work. The individual can contact Terry and his partner. I had no trouble in getting him and discussing this matter. Of the hundreds of people who have hunted this is the only posted complaint and this one has not been followed up by any other hunters. At Terry's request I am deleting his listing, he has decided not to book any more trips in Africa at this time.