Moving to Tanzania


New member
Feb 28, 2020
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Monrovia, Liberia
United States (all over)
Good Morning all,

I am new to the site and hunting in AF, but not new to hunting. I am currently living in Liberia, but will be moving to Tanzania in August. I am wondering about resident hunting opportunities in TZ. I have seen some things about resident permits and zones, but does anyone have any on the ground information? The outfitter costs (unfortunately) are a little out of my price range (government employee) but i would love to do some hunting while there. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to AH SMSULLI. That is exciting news about moving to Tanzania. I certainly can’t help you with resident opportunities but maybe someone here can. Good luck
Welcome aboard SMSulli. Hopefully someone on AH will be able to answer your question. What have you hunted in the past? What do you intend to hunt in the future? Which Government do you work for?
Welcome to the forum! Hope somebody will answer your question!

Could you tell us some basic information about hunting in Liberia, and possible options for foreign tourists?
Thanks for the welcome. I typically bowhunt/rifle/shotgun for whitetail, turkey, and waterfowl in the United States. I grew up hunting wild pigs in California. I work for the US State Department, so i move around quite a bit. I hope to mainly hunt plains game, but truly any opportunity to hunt in Africa would be amazing. Honestly, from being in the military and now with my current job, i haven't had the chance to hunt much the past few years, but i want to change that in Tanzania (or elsewhere in southern AF if TZ doesn't work out.)

Hunting in Liberia is extremely limited. There are some duiker species that live in the deeper jungle, but the logistics of hunting here are beyond tough. You cannot import firearms, so one must be borrowed by someone that is allowed to own them (rare). Travel in country is also difficult, with very few quality roads, but if you are used to traveling in West Africa, it is nothing new. If anyone is really interested in Liberia, since it is a unique destination, i could reach out to some people here.

Again, thanks for helping me out, as i am new to the hunting in Africa game.
Resident Hunting in Tanzania was closed about two years ago, but was reopened last year.
Hunting is open for some selected open areas from July to December for residents. You will need to have your work permit in Place before you can obtain a hunting license. Last year we could hunt for Buffalo, Grants, Tommy, and I don't recall what else but there is generally one or two other game animals on the list for Residents, plus game birds. The fees for resident hunting are very low compared to what a non resident would pay.
We are waiting to see what will be open during the new season and hopefully some additional areas as last year was a trial for the reopening of resident hunting in TZ.
Wish you luck and if you need more info please PM ME .
Welcome aboard!

There are a few TZ outfitters here that may be able to help you out possibly...
Welcome to AH and good luck in your new residence.
Thank you all. I am really looking to both connect with any outfitters as well as residents to try to get some good advice and gain local knowledge. I’ve been lurking some, and have seen some outfitters referenced. If anyone has recent personal experience and a point of contact (other than google) I would appreciate that as well.

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Goat416 welcome to the forum ,youve got some great pics and Im sure trophy's
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Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.