We lived in Pilot Hill for several years. I recall your friend killing that mountain lion while turkey hunting. I also recall the poor female jogger who was killed near Cool, California about 5 miles from us, about 20 years before we moved there. I called in a mountain lion while predator hunting (bobcat & coyote) using a distressed fawn call. I stood up so he would see me and he just froze then just ghosted away. I believe it was a tom because of the thick neck and big head.
A neighbor a few days later had 5 goats killed by a mountain lion (probably the same one I called in while predator hunting) in an outdoor pen. One goat was carried away and fed on. I suspect, similar to a leopard, all those panicking goats in close proximity caused it to go into a killing frenzy. A state animal control officer with a pack of lion hounds tracked it 5 miles away to a Cronan Ranch, where it was treed and killed it. It was a 140 lb male. I wonder if this was the same guy who tracked down the lion in this story?
Yes, the ignorant voters in California voted to ban mountain lion hunting through a ballot measure instead of allowing trained biologists to make recommendations on how best to manage the mountain lion population. It will never be overturned at least by a public vote due to the language in that proposition requiring either a 2/3 or 4/5 majority to overturn, a simple majority isn’t sufficient, thus it will never be changed by vote. What the animal rights activist and save the mountain lion organizations truly despise though is in that same proposition, a person SHALL have the right to kill a mountain lion in defense of their life, other human life and to protect their livestock and animals.
A deprivation permit will then be subsequently issued after the fact. I believe about 150-200 lions are killed annually with deprivation permits issued,mostly to protect livestock. Of course it’s unknown how many are killed and not reported. The animal rights groups hate this because they can’t change the law either! This language is on the same ballot and proposition. These activists say, you need to lock your goats up in a barn and lock your sheep in a barn, it’s your fault that lion was killed!
I too jogged quite a bit in Pilot Hill and nearby Cronan Ranch, sometimes I felt like I was being watched!
Anyhow, just one of many reasons we left the state, too many crazy laws.
Brendon J.
Attached is a crappy pic I took of him while inside my blind with my cell phone.