It will be interesting to hear how this nut case got his guns/ammo into NZ.
I am flying to Christchurch about a month from now to do a red stag and tahr hunt. In order to bring my rifle into NZ, I had to submit an online. Serial number of rifle, make, model, caliber, etc. Lots of personal info, plus gun permit info from home country. For US citizens, since we don't typically have gun permits, a current hunting license or gun club membership will do. I submitted all this about a month ago. A police officer emailed and asked me some addittional questions about gun safety while hunting. The key response they were looking for, that I did not list in my reply, was the gun will remained in a locked and secure place when not in use. So going through all this, I now have "conditional approval" to bring my bolt action rifle into NZ.
Upon arrival
Your visitor's licence and import permit will not be issued until you arrive in New Zealand (NZ). The NZ Police officer at your arrival airport must be satisfied that you meet the criteria of a “fit and proper person” before you are issued with the visitor licence.
If you have a connecting domestic flight, please allow sufficient time for your licence and permit to be processed.
Upon arrival, please proceed to the appropriate airport counter to present your firearms licence (or originals of equivalent documentation), and be prepared to answer questions about firearm safe practice (from the New Zealand Arms Code - NZ Police website ).
The fee for a NZ Visitors Licence is $25.00NZD – Cash only.
While in New Zealand
We have noted your firearm storage arrangements with Anthony Peter Chamberlain (R0207302) at 36c Princes Street Waikari, New Zealand 7420.
Please note that before acquiring or purchasing firearms in addition to those which you are importing, or disposing of the ones you have imported, you must obtain approval from a NZ Police District Arms Officer ( )
If you do not provide an ID photo, the licence must be accompanied by your passport at all times while in New Zealand.
Upon Departure
When you exit New Zealand you will be required to account for all of the firearms you have imported, and report any which you have acquired while in New Zealand (and are taking them with you). Any permit to import firearms which accompanies your NZ licence will be subject to the condition that the firearms are to be re-exported when you leave New Zealand.
You must surrender your temporary licence and any permits to the airport police upon your departure.
You must take your firearm/s to the airport police station for checking out. Police will escort you to the airline check in.
Kind regards,
Arms Act Service Delivery Group