I was just reading that CAR has come to a peace accord with a host of rebel groups. Not ready to run in yet though.
Not sure its ISIS either, just what was reported. Its all Jihad any way you look at it.
I had heard about the 2 Frenchmen being kidnapped but did not see anything regarding the US citizen or the Korean. So this might be a larger regional issue?
I feel like the French forces are applying extra pressure to stabilize the area. I recieved an email that the situation was improving with possible hunting in 2020 or 2021. I believe that is optimistic but it is was good to see some good news for a change.
The ones that were kidnapped probably have a different view of it.....Some American friends and co-workers of mine in Nigeria recently went on a safari in northern Benin and had no issues. In fact, they reported it was one of the best hunts they even went on.
That you were not kidnapped or shot does not indicate that you were completely safe. It just means you were lucky. We are not completely safe anywhere.I have just returned from Konkombri in Benin and it was completely safe for us despite the issue in the park, however, someone was killed around the corner from my office in London.