Following the thread, a thought repeatedly crossed my mind: the training of staff other than the PH in first aid and wound care. As this tragic story demonstrates, the PH can be the victim of an accident, and if he is the only one with first aid training, things could go bad very quickly (BTW, my hat is off to Anthony for directing his own care while severely wounded. What a brave man!).
I work as a GP in a semi-rural practice in Australia. When we have first aid courses, not only do out doctors and nurses need to qualify, but our entire reception staff as well. I recently attended a refresher where 8 receptionists were in as well, and can now say that I would confidently have my MI at reception! Basic training is not difficult, anyone can learn it, and it can save lives! The most important thing is to refresh the training regularly, even by setting up small scenarios in the evening ("You, xxx, have just been shot / broken your ankle / been run over by a buffalo. Everybody, action!"). Make it a regular feature, a bit of a game or competition, and when the unthinkable happens, people will start doing the right thing without thinking. Keep it simple, and remember that any aid is better than no aid.
An often unmentioned side effect of repeat training is that accidents are less likely to happen in the first place because the training has raised safety awareness (and because, by Murphy's law, it never rains when you have an umbrella!). Safe hunting, everyone!
Mr. Howland, my thoughts and prayers are with Anthony!