This is probably the most mississippi thing you'll hear all day but we have a pretty serious beaver problem here. They are remarkably tough and I often see coyotes/bobcats/foxes while I'm waiting on them. I always thought a combo or drilling would be awesome with a night scope assuming you don't let the optic bite you.
You also have Bergstutzen, 1xsmall rifle,1 x larger. Blaser make them also, say .22 Hornet and 7x57R or other. Or 5,6x50 R , 8x57Jrs or somethint different
But a ordinary drilling with a insertion barrel you can put in i you need it would be a option also.
Some use drilling in 7x57R for Beaver,fox, roe deer and so here, Plus its Moose legal also.
Earlier Nightscope meant large bell size scope, x50,x56 . One with illuminated reticle would be a good option also.
I heard about a Foxshooter with a Blaser combogun he wanted the Zeiss then new model 6-24x72 on his combo. Gunstore here at first refused to sell him it ,said it would be for big, but he got it,and have taken countless fox and other game.
Blasers you can regulaze yourself,so it save good bi of time and ammo options.