Marco Polo argali and Mid-Asia ibex hunting in Kyrgyzstan

Hunting area Naryn!!!

November 10th-12th 2011

Marco Polo hunting pack. with all inkl. - 16000USD
Add trophy Ibex: 2000USD

ONLY one hunting licence free for MP for this price!!!

Best hunting!
The terms in February 2012:

01.02- 15.02.2012
or 15.02.2012 - 01.03.2012

Additional trophy:

Marco Polo argali: 11000US$
Siberian ibex: 2500US$
Siberian Roe Deer: 700US$
Wolf: 700US$
Ular: 300US$
Keklik: 50US$
Price does not include:
Airfare from your city to Bishkek and back;
Bishkek hotel accommodation;
Meals and alcoholic beverages in Bishkek;
Personal items;
Sightseeing program;
The cost of any extra hunting days;
The cost of additional trophies;
Trophy shipment;

Brückenkopf 8
85051 Ingolstadt

Tel. in Germany

Tel. in Kyrgyzstan

Ibexhunter I have just sent you an email for info on hunting Siberian Roe Deer looking forward to hearing from you.
Thanks Bob!

We can offer in Kyrg. the hunt with the dogs, but the trophy in Kyrg not to big as in Kazakstan or in Russia.
I send the more information via email.

Igor, instead of your offers please post here how you dont take your mobile, dont reply on e.mails and dont send out harvested trophies! I hope you will read this post and many others too. You are nothing more than a fraud for me. I hope you will answer to police about your practices soon.

Good hunting!
Please be kind and explain.
I have been waiting for this to happen..

As the old saying goes, "If it's too good to be true, it usually is.."

Damn, I am GLAD I didnt buy into this one!! Thank you Renaud and Arjun!!
Igor, instead of your offers please post here how you dont take your mobile, dont reply on e.mails and dont send out harvested trophies! I hope you will read this post and many others too. You are nothing more than a fraud for me. I hope you will answer to police about your practices soon.

Good hunting!

SlovakianHunter, I have sent a PM and email to Igor today requesting him to reply to your post.
Thank you Jerome!
Уважаемый словакиа хантер,
пожалуста не пишите всякой ерунды и не угрожайте мне различными полицаями.
Для того, чтобы выслать Ваш трофей нужно разрешение СИТЕС и ветеринарная аккредитация в Еврокомиссии.
Сейчас этим вопросом занимаются и Ваши документы находятся в Минестерстве в Москве. Александр переслал документы в Москву.
По всем воросам обращайтесь пожалуйста к Роберту. Так как я с Вами на повышенных тонах ощаться не буду.

С Уважением
just in case none of you can read the last reply from Igor.
I thought I would translate. ( Oh not me, Google. Got to love the internet tools man.)

Dear Hunter Slovaks,
please do not write rubbish and do not threaten me by various policemen.
To send your trophy to the CITES permit and veterinary accreditation by the European Commission.
Now the issue involved and your documents are in Minesterstve in Moscow. Alexander sent the documents to Moscow.
For all Johann Sachs, please contact with Robert. Since I'm with you on a raised voice oschatsya will not.

FYI, Buyer beware. I booked a hunt through Igor and hunted with his contact in Kyrgyzstan for Ibex this past September, 2012. On that hunt we were arrested by the police because the outfitter did not properly fill out all the necessary paperwork or had the proper Governmental Person along on the hunt to make sure the outfitter hunted correctly. With the arrest they also confiscated our trophies of the Horns and the capes of the Ibex. The outfitter assured us that he would get back the trophies and ship them at his expense in 2 weeks and that we would not have to pay him the balance of the hunt until we received the trophies. On my return I notified Igor of this as he was the booking agent/ part owner of this operation. Igor then changed the date to December. Well guys December is here and now Igor and his outfitter want us to pay them in full for our hunt before they will ship us the promised trophies. I believe they just want to suck us out of our money and not ship us the hunted trophies we took. I believe the skins are bad or damaged at this point and they will be shipping us either rotten skins or someone else's animals not our own. First off Kyrgyzstan is a corrupt country and everyone should not be trusted, secondly Igor made all of these promises that he runs this outfitter and he calls the shots with him. Instead of making the situation right , he as added to the shamelessness of asking for our payments before we have our possessions in hand ( Bribery !!!) Now to add to all of this I was promised and set with our Booking Agent Igor, that we would combine our Ibex hunt with a Roe Deer hunt, well guess what again. The outfitter made every excuse in the book to not take us on the Roe Deer hunt , The Deer hunt that was booked with Igor. Igor uses this web site as free advertising for his bookings and uses the cancellation hunt as a means of attracting clients. We bit on this and got screwed. I can tell you that his pricing he states in the cancellation is exactly the same deal you can get from the outfitter anytime, it is no savings, they are trying to get you to fill an open spot.. If you want more info PM me back here on this forum. There were three of us on this hunt and I will get the other as well to post theirs on here too.
Steve - USA Hunter
FYI, Buyer beware. I booked a hunt through Igor and hunted with his contact in Kyrgyzstan for Ibex this past September, 2012. On that hunt we were arrested by the police because the outfitter did not properly fill out all the necessary paperwork or had the proper Governmental Person along on the hunt to make sure the outfitter hunted correctly. With the arrest they also confiscated our trophies of the Horns and the capes of the Ibex. The outfitter assured us that he would get back the trophies and ship them at his expense in 2 weeks and that we would not have to pay him the balance of the hunt until we received the trophies. On my return I notified Igor of this as he was the booking agent/ part owner of this operation. Igor then changed the date to December. Well guys December is here and now Igor and his outfitter want us to pay them in full for our hunt before they will ship us the promised trophies. I believe they just want to suck us out of our money and not ship us the hunted trophies we took. I believe the skins are bad or damaged at this point and they will be shipping us either rotten skins or someone else's animals not our own. First off Kyrgyzstan is a corrupt country and everyone should not be trusted, secondly Igor made all of these promises that he runs this outfitter and he calls the shots with him. Instead of making the situation right , he as added to the shamelessness of asking for our payments before we have our possessions in hand ( Bribery !!!) Now to add to all of this I was promised and set with our Booking Agent Igor, that we would combine our Ibex hunt with a Roe Deer hunt, well guess what again. The outfitter made every excuse in the book to not take us on the Roe Deer hunt , The Deer hunt that was booked with Igor. Igor uses this web site as free advertising for his bookings and uses the cancellation hunt as a means of attracting clients. We bit on this and got screwed. I can tell you that his pricing he states in the cancellation is exactly the same deal you can get from the outfitter anytime, it is no savings, they are trying to get you to fill an open spot.. If you want more info PM me back here on this forum. There were three of us on this hunt and I will get the other as well to post theirs on here too.
Steve - USA Hunter

Steve, you have sent only 2000USD for you hunt.
If you want to receive yours trophy, please send the many.
Without payment for trophy fee - 1500USD we will not sent you trophy to USA.

Best Regards

Steve. Naryn 2012


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Hi guys, I will complete and finish our story with bear from Kamchatka. After Igors explanation that our documents are at the ministry in Moscow we tried to contact the ministry. They told us that they dont know a thing about our bear. So we contacted the president of hunting union, our good friend, and asked him to help us. He contacted people in Russia and they were looking for our bear. Few months nothing happened. Then we got a call that they found our bear and guess what. The fur was already processed by taxidermist and it was in a private collection of some guy in Kamachatka. So they got the trophy and did all the paperwork correct. We got the fur that was done but it was in terrible condition. It was rotten on few places and thanks god that our taxidermist was so skillful that he repaired it. What we will do now is a comparation of DNA wheter this bear is really ours. When we have been to Kamachatka we took the penis bone and now we have the hair. So I am very very curious how this gonna end. And Mr.Igor, you fraud, dont post your ridiculous offers here because you just cheat our hunting comunity. End of the story
Hi guys, I will complete and finish our story with bear from Kamchatka. After Igors explanation that our documents are at the ministry in Moscow we tried to contact the ministry. They told us that they dont know a thing about our bear. So we contacted the president of hunting union, our good friend, and asked him to help us. He contacted people in Russia and they were looking for our bear. Few months nothing happened. Then we got a call that they found our bear and guess what. The fur was already processed by taxidermist and it was in a private collection of some guy in Kamachatka. So they got the trophy and did all the paperwork correct. We got the fur that was done but it was in terrible condition. It was rotten on few places and thanks god that our taxidermist was so skillful that he repaired it. What we will do now is a comparation of DNA wheter this bear is really ours. When we have been to Kamachatka we took the penis bone and now we have the hair. So I am very very curious how this gonna end. And Mr.Igor, you fraud, dont post your ridiculous offers here because you just cheat our hunting comunity. End of the story

Absolute crasy story.
Your Bear was bei Trophy Russ Consalt ( Moscow) befor we make the CITES for you Bear.
Trophy Rus Consult :: Hunting Trophies Transportation Worldwide
Contact: Pavel Usachev:+74959724602

It's all lies! How can you get the trophy without me?
I can post hier copy of CITES from SlovHunter too.
I have a copy too.
Please read e-mails correspondence from Pavel an me.
He sayd that the Bears ( not only from Slovakia hunertrs) in Moscow:

Игорь, добрый день
Да шкуры получили, сейчас переписываемся с получателем из Словакии.

Best regards,
Pavel Usachev
Export Manager

Trophy import / export
Moscow, Russia
Fax +7 495 664 27 69

26 марта 2012 г. 16:51 пользователь Igor Kantsev <> написал:

Pavel , Privet!

Est kakie novosti.
Ja tolko priletel.
Poluchilos schkuru poluchit?

S uvascheniem

Am 06.03.2012 8:20, schrieb Pavel Usachev:
> Игорь, добрый день
> Подскажите пожалуйста там два трофея медведя (шкуры и черепа)? Будут самолетом отправлять? Если да, то пожалуйста в Домодедово, на компанию ООО "ТРОФИ РУС КОНСАЛТ", головинское шоссе 5, офис ПРО
> Best regards,
> Pavel Usachev
> Export Manager
> Trophy import / export
> Moscow, Russia
> Fax +7 495 664 27 69
> Trophy Rus Consult :: Hunting Trophies Transportation Worldwide
> 5 марта 2012 г. 21:11 пользователь Igor Kantsev <> написал:
> Pash, privet!
> Na kakoj Adres otpravit trophei?
> S Uvascheniem
> Igor
> Am 30.01.2012 10:14, schrieb Pavel Usachev:
>> Игорь, добрый день
>> Не совсем понял про какие лицензии речь?
>> Best regards,
>> Pavel Usachev
>> Export Manager
>> Trophy import / export
>> Moscow, Russia
>> Fax +7 495 664 27 69
>> Трофи ÑƒÑ ÐšÐ¾Ð½Ñалт :: ÐœÐµÐ¶Ð´ÑƒÐ½Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð°Ñ Ñ‚Ñ€Ð°Ð½Ñпортировка охотничьих трофеев
>> 30 января 2012 г. 12:00 пользователь Igor Kantsev <> написал:
>> Pavel, Dobrij Den!
>> Vi mogete otpravit lizensii dlaj otpravki medvedjej v Moskvu)
>> Здравствуйте, Игорь!
>> Мой почтовый адрес: 684032. Камчатский край, Елизовский район, с. Николаевка, ул. Советская, 53. кв. 29.
>> Вахрину А.А.
>> С уважением,
>> Александр
>> S Uvascheniem
>> Igor
Its CITES Permits for SlovHunter.
If he asserts, what all were done by its unknown friend,
whence I can have his CITES documents?
Where I them took?



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Yes we got it from Trophy rus consult. No it is not crazy story its a real story. Our bear would stay in Kamchatka if our friends wouldnt help to us. People from Profihunt are not unknown. Thanks god that they were looking for the bear in that time as CITES are issued only for 6 months. Say whatever you want, we lived this story from start untill the end. We never saw you personally and your friend from Slovakia that helped to you is same as you are. Place where we hunted in Kamachatka was thirsty for moose what was no.1 in our wishlist. Maybe a year ago someone saw a moose there. In 10 days of hard walkin 7-10 kilometers a day we have seen only two bears and no moose! This bear we got under typical conditions, they walk with you and you dont shoot anyhing then you have a chance to pay a lot of money for helicopter which look for your game. We found this poor bear in one hour of flying! So bear was shot when helicopter drop us at the bear on distance 40 meters. This is your great hunting and I am sorry for american hunters that hunted with you. Everyone should learn something about you before they go with you, I am very sad that we had no source when we bought a hunt.
Yes we got it from Trophy rus consult. No it is not crazy story its a real story. Our bear would stay in Kamchatka if our friends wouldnt help to us. People from Profihunt are not unknown. Thanks god that they were looking for the bear in that time as CITES are issued only for 6 months. Say whatever you want, we lived this story from start untill the end. We never saw you personally and your friend from Slovakia that helped to you is same as you are. Place where we hunted in Kamachatka was thirsty for moose what was no.1 in our wishlist. Maybe a year ago someone saw a moose there. In 10 days of hard walkin 7-10 kilometers a day we have seen only two bears and no moose! This bear we got under typical conditions, they walk with you and you dont shoot anyhing then you have a chance to pay a lot of money for helicopter which look for your game. We found this poor bear in one hour of flying! So bear was shot when helicopter drop us at the bear on distance 40 meters. This is your great hunting and I am sorry for american hunters that hunted with you. Everyone should learn something about you before they go with you, I am very sad that we had no source when we bought a hunt.

Certainly, the facts we have make the CITES paperwork - therefore you agree that we did to you documents and transfer, instead of your friends as you confirmed.
If I didn't have these documents I couldn't prove that you deceive.

During this period when you hunted - you had no right to shoot a bear.
A brown bear trophy import to Europe from Russia has been forbidden.
Therefore it was quickly impossible to make documents.
we had as soon as a possibility to make documents - them have sente also a trophy to you .
Therefore it is not necessary to say lies here at a forum about friends which to you have helped.
The hunter which shot an elk - has taken away the trophy, and you couldn't take - it was impossible to import a trophy of the Bear into the European Union from Russia this time.
Give tell as how you have landed from the helicopter in 40 meters from a bear

There are many hunters have a good hunt in the hunting area by Alexander.

Rick Leitheiser. Tel: 605-988-0714.




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Certainly, the facts we have make the CITES paperwork - therefore you agree that we did to you documents and transfer, instead of your friends.

During this period when you hunted - you had no right to shoot a bear.
A brown bear trophy import to Europe from Russia has been forbidden.
Therefore it was quickly impossible to make documents.
we had as soon as a possibility to make documents - them have sente also a trophy to you .
Therefore it is not necessary to say lies here at a forum about friends which to you have helped.
The hunter which shot an elk - has taken away the trophy, and you couldn't take - it was impossible to import a trophy of the Bear into the European Union from Russia this time.
Give tell as how you have landed from the helicopter in 40 meters from a bear

I never said that you didnt make the CITES papers, but without help of our friends you wouldnt do anything and thats all. It took 2 years and it would another two. I will not tell you anything, you know what your people do on hunts, bear was shot on 40 meters after helicopter forced this bear on our direction, you know how to cheat people and how to steal their money. Fuck you I have nothing else to speak with you. And I am really surprised that admin dont ban people like this.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?