AH ambassador
We lost a great resource. Too bad.......
Just to get the record straight,India was divided into 2 parts on 15th August 1947,India and Pakistan,today's Bangladesh was East Pakistan till 1971,in 1971 with the help of Indian Armed Forces East Pakistan was Liberated and Bangladesh created.The Pakistani Administration had imposed Martial Law in East Pakistan {Bangladesh},their Army was committing all sort of atrocities there.Refugees were pouring into India by the 1000s,finally Mrs Indira Gandhi {Indian PM} acted.Indian Army under the leadership of Gen {later Field Marshal} Sam Manekshaw liberated Bangladesh,Lt General Niazi the Pakistani Military Governor surrendered to Indian Armed Forces with 90,000 Officers and Soldiers.he Major, Kawshik Rahman, and the other former Indian residents of Bangladesh, wrote stories about their time hunting in India. This infuriated many Indian anti hunters who would troll them on here. Allegedly the Indian government even tried to prosecute one of our friends, costing him a great deal of money in the courts to clear his name.
For that reason, they have stopped their participation on Africa Hunting.
The Major was born in India and joined the Bangladesh freedom fighters(?) During the independence war. In 1972 he moved to Bangladesh permanently. The other have a similar story, and the alleged crime took place in India before they moved to Bangladesh.Just to get the record straight,India was divided into 2 parts on 15th August 1947,India and Pakistan,today's Bangladesh was East Pakistan till 1971,in 1971 with the help of Indian Armed Forces East Pakistan was Liberated and Bangladesh created.The Pakistani Administration had imposed Martial Law in East Pakistan {Bangladesh},their Army was committing all sort of atrocities there.Refugees were pouring into India by the 1000s,finally Mrs Indira Gandhi {Indian PM} acted.Indian Army under the leadership of Gen {later Field Marshal} Sam Manekshaw liberated Bangladesh,Lt General Niazi the Pakistani Military Governor surrendered to Indian Armed Forces with 90,000 Officers and Soldiers.
India and Bangladesh are 2 different countries,Indian laws are not applicable there.
Before the Wildlife Protection Act 1972-74 was introduced Big game Hunting in India was a fact of life.Indian Embassy's all over had special desks to help Hunters world over to come to India to Hunt.Permits were issued by Governments.No one can be prosecuted for stuff that was Legit.
As far as Trolling is concerned,for me personally,the Internet is free,everybody has an Opinion,people rejoice on the news of a Professional Hunter being Killed by Crocs in Africa,other Mourn his demise,its just an Opinion.Best
I am glad you noticed this too. I was really doubting to post something about it.I enjoyed reading his articles, but there were some accusations of plagiarism citing the specific book. You can read the final few posts of these threads and decide yourself.
The Royal Bengal Tiger Which Got A Shikaree Hanged
I wish ! My poor simpleton of a friend stopped writing fresh articles on African Hunting Forums after that incident with the 2 bloody anti hunting " trolls " who insulted him on 1 of our threads 3 months ago ( even though the " trolls " were publicly exposed and humiliated ) . I am
Cultures & Calibres: An In Depth Analysis
Most excellent Major Khan! I think this is the best article yet but, whenever I read a new article from you I always think the same.;):LOL: If I may be bold enough to ask, where is your new restaurant located? Why thank you so much for your kind words , Joe . It is my utmost privilege that
The Major, Kawshik Rahman, and the other former Indian residents of Bangladesh, wrote stories about their time hunting in India. This infuriated many Indian anti hunters who would troll them on here. Allegedly the Indian government even tried to prosecute one of our friends, costing him a great deal of money in the courts to clear his name.
For that reason, they have stopped their participation on Africa Hunting.
Till 1947 it was all India,till the enforcement of the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 Big game Hunting was legit in India,Hunters World over from Jack O Conners to Robert Ruark to the Iranian Royalty,etc,etc hunted in India.Till late 1950s India was the Hunting Capital of the World,everyone wanted a Tiger Hide.For most of the Big Game Hunters,Africa was a part of the Safari.The final destination was India/Nepal and South East Asia.The Major was born in India and joined the Bangladesh freedom fighters(?) During the independence war. In 1972 he moved to Bangladesh permanently. The other have a similar story, and the alleged crime took place in India before they moved to Bangladesh
Really not a very good time to post ones Photos with details.Our Bangladesh based friend did accomplish a lot,but not a very time to put it all Online. Anonymity is the key these days.Our Bangladesh friends, can still read our posts here, even if not logged in.
To me, and I believe, to many others they have left remarkable trace of hunting in former India, and modern Bangladesh. They opened a new window for us!
I learned a lot from them.
I also know now, that legal hunting in Bangladesh today is still possible, even for a foreign hunter. This I did not know before.
The message they have passed on this internet platform, one of the biggest international hunting forums on world wide web, is just remarkable!
No scammer, troll or similar internet fraud can erase that. (trolls and asho#$%#es can kiss my as&#")
I wish they will become active on forum again, even if that means with new nicknames, and if necessary with lower profile. They are a group of magnificent gentlemen, and our friends in same great passion of hunting!
Agreed!.... Got my signed copy of Cal Pappas' book "Double Rifle Primer" in the mail just days before his passing.This website has lost some great members over the past two years..............FWB
Coming soon to a government near you!The Major, Kawshik Rahman, and the other former Indian residents of Bangladesh, wrote stories about their time hunting in India. This infuriated many Indian anti hunters who would troll them on here. Allegedly the Indian government even tried to prosecute one of our friends, costing him a great deal of money in the courts to clear his name.
For that reason, they have stopped their participation on Africa Hunting.
Don't worry.Agreed!.... Got my signed copy of Cal Pappas' book "Double Rifle Primer" in the mail just days before his passing.
Now I know why I haven't seen any Major Khan or Professor Mwala articles lately.... sad situation!