Desert Dog
AH enthusiast
Exactly!!!! I am seeing too many big-caliber ultra-light rifles and poorly designed stocks in the hunting industry today. Couple this with the fact that very few hunters actually utilize proper shooting technique, and you have a whole generation of recoil sensitive hunters.+1 on this.
I can’t stand them. Go down in caliber or add weight to the gun. This trend towards ultra light mountain rifles with muzzle breaks is ridiculous. If you can’t haul around 2 or 3 pounds of extra gun than get your tail in shape!!
Also, too many hunters are using unnecessary cartridges. Why use a 460 Weatherby mag???? Cartridges like that make no practical sense. Is the heavy recoil and muzzle blast worth it, especially since a 416 will easily kill the same animals with half the recoil. When people buy a 460 Weatherby mag, then complain that they can't handle the recoil without a brake, you have to question all of their logic from that point forward.
There is a reason everybody considers the pre-64 model 70s, vintage Sakos, custom Mausers, and CZ 550s to be such smooth shooters in big calibers; they were heavy and had well designed stocks.
I would rather lose 2 pounds out of my pack than 2 pounds off of my rifle. I hike for many miles with 10# rifles all the time and it is no big deal. Get a good 2-point sling and you will hardly notice the rifle. That extra weight really does make shooting more stable and controllable. Heck, adding a limbsaver recoil pad to a rifle is a game changer.
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