I sort of blew my fun budget at the range Saturday! 20 rounds of .416 Rigby, 30 rounds of .338 Win Mag, 50 rounds of 10mm and 100 rounds of 9mm. May have to get my wife to get a job so I can afford to replace all of that ammo. But it sure was fun!

Bravery?....or Insanity?.....

Really?....you actually let such a thought enter your mind. Hope you weren't thinking out loud within a woman's long range sensory hearing range when that thought when (hopefully) rocketing though your brain.
Please keep us informed; we (at least us guys here on the forum) would like a report:
1. on how to successfully asked the wife to get a job so we can afford more ammo (and other such manly items).
2. how your wife accepted (or not) the idea of getting a job to help pay for our ammo (and other such manly gun, hunting, etc. related items).
3. I'm sure if you were to post the ER visit, the hospital you are in, when you expect to be release, the extent of your "sudden" illness(es), "accidental " injuries, etc. we would thread you get well quickly wishes, etc..
3) hopefully the wife will post when, where, what you were wearing, etc. when you were last seen should you become a " missing person".
4. Please ask your wife (widow) to post photos of your no longer needed outdoor gear, hunting gear, fishing gear (if any), firearms and assorted shooting and reloading gear, truck, etc. should you "succumb" to your "accidental" injuries and/or injuries.

Maybe, hopefully your bride won't be so hard on you and praying you can help others with the needed information as to how to ask the wife to help financially support the hubby's "endeavors".